TV, radio, print and online – our researchers share their expertise and profile their recent work across a range of media outlets. Here are some examples from the last month. Sign up to our daily media report to get regular updates directly to your inbox.

Professor Rob Harcourt, Biological Sciences
Science writer in residence, Daily Telegraph:
During a residency set up by the Australian Science Media Centre, Robhas authored and featured in News Corp media on a variety of subjects, including the ineffectiveness of pingers to make whales steer clear of fishing nets, data tracking seals in the Southern Ocean, deadly jellyfish now surviving in the warming waters of Sydney harbour, and tagging sharks in Sydney Harbour.
Dr Karin Sowada, Ancient History
Regular segment speaker, 702 ABC Drive:
You might recognise Karin’s regular “Self Improvement Wednesday” spot on 702 ABC Sydney Drive. This month, she spokeabout workers strikes in Ancient Egypt. Listen to the segment here: Self Improvement: History’s first recorded workers’ strike.
Dr Monica Awasthy and Dr Simon Griffith, Biological Sciences Regional research tour, regional media engagement:
Monica, Simon and team are currently touring regional NSW and QLD as part of their study into sparrows and climate adaptability. Coverage of their research has appeared in the Armidale Express Extra and the Toowoomba Chronicle .
Dr Sonia Allan, Macquarie Law School
Opinion pieces:
Sonia hascontributed opinion about the issues around commercial surrogacy and the case of baby Gammy, to a range of local and international outlets, including The Guardian and The Conversation. Her pieces have led to interviews with BBC World, CNN and more.