The new Global Leadership Entry Program has been a resounding success, with more than 400 applications.

The new Global Leadership Entry Program has been a resounding success, with more than 400 applications.
There’s only one week left of our Winter Soup Kitchen – vote for your favourite broth to finish off the season.
TEDxMacquarieUnivesity is back to stimulate ideas and insights with the theme Breaking New Ground.
Find out how you can get involved and take part in the journey to graduation. Read more…
Join us in congratulating Professor Ian Paulsen, announced as an Australian Laureate Fellow
Students wishing to withdraw from Session 2 units have until midnight on Sunday 31 August to do so without academic or financial penalty.
Dr Nick Parr is answering the Holy Grail questions of life, the population and everything.
Professor Wendy Rogers is looking at the ethical challenges of health care.
The first Department of Ancient History lecture was celebrated during a recent Jubilee event.
As the Ice Bucket Challenge sweeps the world, two of our neuroscience professors got drenched for a cause close to their hearts.
Join us in congratulating Professor H Patrick McNeil on his appointment to the role of Executive Dean of Medicine in our new Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Professor Martina Möllering to take up the role of Acting Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts.