Adjustment factors
We recognise that students have different strengths, interests and personal circumstances.
We also recognise that ATARs don’t necessarily reflect a student’s achievements or potential – especially in light of disruptions caused by COVID. Through our range of Macquarie Entry programs and adjustment factor schemes we look at a variety of criteria, including academic results in relevant HSC subjects, engagement with the local community and previous work or study experience.
About adjustment factors
Students who have completed the HSC, interstate Year 12 examinations or the International Baccalaureate (IB) and included Macquarie in their preferences, may be eligible to receive adjustments – additional points that can be added to their ATAR or equivalent admissions rank. For many of our degrees, students can combine our adjustment factor schemes and receive up to 15 additional points.
Adjustments include:
- Achievement-based adjustments, including Academic Advantage, Big History Scheme and the Elite Athletes and Performers Scheme
- Location-based adjustments, including Catchment Adjustment Factors (students living in Macquarie’s catchment region may be eligible to receive five additional points) and the Regional Entry Scheme
- Equity-based adjustments through the Educational Access Scheme (for students who have experienced educational or social disadvantage, up to five additional points are available).
9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday