The path to university starts now

At Macquarie University we want to make the journey to university simple for you.

Here are the things to think about and steps to take from Year 10 through to Year 12.

Your journey to university

Year 10

You need to decide on the subjects you want to continue studying in Years 11 and 12. Understand what your strengths and interests are now, and what you might need for your goals in the future.

Now is a good time to start exploring university events, and become familiar with university terminology, selection ranks, application deadlines and course options.

View our university terms glossary
Year 11
1. Explore courses

Explore courses and areas of interest as well as looking at entry requirements, course structure and career outcomes.

2. Get excited about different entry options

There is more than one way to your dream degree. This is a great time to explore pathways and alternate entry options.

View pathways into Macquarie
Year 12
1. Finalise shortlist

Access university course information. Consider career outcomes, campus environment and course details. Find out more information about key dates and deadlines.

2. Apply for early entry

Apply for any Macquarie early entry schemes you're eligible for.

3. Preference courses

Decide on the order of your shortlist. UAC provides information about preferences and where to get help if you need it, including one-on-one communication options to answer specific questions.

Find a course
Results and pathways
1. Receive an offer

Congratulations and welcome to Macquarie. Accept your offer here

2. Discover your options

If you're not accepted into the degree you want, see how our pathway programs can get you there.

Supporting the transition to university