Employability initiatives

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Explore your possibilities with a Macquarie education Multiply your employment prospects with a double degree

Helping you secure your future

At Macquarie, it’s our goal to prepare you for employment. Learn how we can help you plan your career, build your workplace skills and secure a job.

With a rapidly evolving job market, graduate employability remains our priority. We’re working closely with a range of industries and sectors to ensure you’re job-ready when you graduate.

Career planning

Whether you prefer to access our student services on-campus or online, Careers and Student Employment can help you determine what type of career is the best fit for you and develop your career management skills – all in preparation for starting your career.

View Careers and Student Employment.

Macquarie Student Employment (MQSE)

MQSE’s recruitment service is unique among universities. We match motivated students and graduates with local industry partners who need to fill casual, part-time and full-time roles.

View our MQSE’s recruitment service.

Degrees co-designed with industry

As a student, you'll learn from our renowned academics and a wide range of industry experts from your field who can provide up-to-the-minute expertise.

Our key partners

Our partners also include:

From a student's perspective

Our employability initiatives