Academic entry requirements for international students
To be eligible for a program of study at Macquarie University, international students need to meet both the minimum academic and English entry requirements.
Here, we will cover the types of academic qualifications and scores required for you to lodge an application for admission. Please refer to our English Requirements page for more information about the minimum language proficiency standards for our programs.
Foundation and Diploma Academic Entry Requirements
To be considered for admission to a Macquarie University College pathway program, international students require the completion of either:
- senior secondary studies equivalent to Australian Year 11 for admission to Standard Foundation
- senior secondary studies equivalent to an Australian Year 12 senior secondary qualification (HSC or equivalent) for admission to Intensive Program or Diploma programs
What marks or grades do I need?
The tables below provide the minimum scores required for overseas high school qualifications from over 60 countries, including many globally recognised qualifications such as the GCSE / O-Levels, GCE AS / A-Levels, and the International Baccalaureate (IB):
Further information on our pathway programs is available through Coursefinder.
Undergraduate Academic Entry Requirements
Academic Qualifications
To apply for an undergraduate program, international students will need to have completed one or more of the following academic qualifications:
- A recognised senior secondary school qualification or university entrance examination, such as the New South Wales Higher School Certificate (NSW HSC) or other equivalent Australian or overseas high school qualification
- A recognised university Foundation course
- A recognised 2 or 3-year Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree
- At least one year of a university degree from a recognised institution
How do I know if my qualification is 'recognised'?
Macquarie University recognises a wide variety of academic qualifications including:
- Senior secondary qualifications from Australia and recognised equivalent qualifications from overseas
- Foundation programs offered by most Australian universities, as well as some approved international programs
- Diplomas assessed as equivalent to the level of an Australian Diploma (AQF 5) or Advanced Diploma / Associate Degree (AQF 6) qualification
- Degree programs assessed as equivalent to the level of an Australian Bachelor (AQF 7), Honours Bachelor or Graduate Certificate / Diploma (AQF 8), or Master (AQF 9) degree
If your qualification does not fit into any of the above categories, or if you are unsure, please do not hesitate to submit an application and it will be assessed by our admissions team.
We also accept a broader selection of overseas qualifications for admission into our Foundation and Diploma level courses which can provide a pathway into your preferred undergraduate program - see Macquarie University College Foundation and Diploma entry requirements for details.
Recognised Secondary Qualifications
The following section outlines the types of high school qualifications, sorted by continent, that we consider in assessing the eligibility of international applicants for our undergraduate programs.
Please review the information below along with details about the minimum required scores for your course and our International Academic Entry Program where we may be able consider your eligibility based on your academic performance in Mathematics.
HF - Completion of a recognised high school qualification / pre-tertiary or foundation program
D - Completion of a recognised college or polytechnic diploma
B - Completion of the first year of a recognised university Bachelor degree
Country or Region | Accepted Qualification(s) | Other Qualification(s) |
Ghana | GCE A-Levels | HF, D, B |
Mauritius | GCE A Levels | HF, D, B |
Nigeria | GCE A Levels | HF, D, B |
South Africa | South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) | HF, D, B |
Tanzania | Tanzanian Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) | HF, D, B |
Uganda | Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (ACE) | HF, D, B |
Zambia | - | D, B |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) GCE A Levels | HF, D, B |
Asia Pacific
Please review the information below along with details about the minimum required scores for your course and our International Academic Entry Program where we may be able consider your eligibility based on your academic performance in Mathematics.
HF - Completion of a recognised high school qualification / university entrance exam / pre-tertiary or foundation program
D - Completion of a recognised college or polytechnic diploma
B - Completion of the first year of a recognised university Bachelor degree
Country or Region | Accepted Qualification(s) | Other Qualification(s) |
Brunei Darussalam | - | B |
China | Chinese National Higher Education Entrance Exam (Gao Kao) | D, B |
Fiji | Fijian Seventh Form Certificate (Year 13 Certificate) | HF, D, B |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong ALE or Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) | HF, D, B |
Indonesia | Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) | HF, D, B |
Japan | Japanese National Center Test (大å¦å…¥è©¦ã‚»ãƒ³ã‚¿ãƒ¼è©¦é¨“) with senior secondary certificate, or Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho / 高ç‰å¦æ ¡ ) with minimum GPA of 3.3 out of 5.0 | HF, D, B |
Korea, Republic of (South) | Korea Republic College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) and evidence of successful completion of secondary studies | HF, D, B |
Malaysia | Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM), or Matrikulasi, or United Examination Certificate (UEC) | HF, D, B |
Myanmar, The Republic of the Union of | Recognised foundation program, or 1 year of Bachelor degree study | HF, B |
Samoa | National University of Samoa University Preparatory Year (Foundation or Uni-Prep Year) | HF, D, B |
Singapore | Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level | HF, D, B |
Taiwan | Taiwanese General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT), or a diploma from Junior College | HF, D, B |
Thailand | Thailand Certificate of Secondary Education (Matayom 6) | HF, D, B |
Vietnam | Completion of a recognised high school qualification (selected schools only) | HF, B |
Please review the information below along with details about the minimum required scores for your course and our International Academic Entry Program where we may be able consider your eligibility based on your academic performance in Mathematics.
HF - Completion of a recognised high school qualification / pre-tertiary or foundation program.
D - Completion of a recognised college or polytechnic diploma.
B - Completion of the first year of a recognised university Bachelor degree
Country or Region | Accepted Qualification(s) | Other Qualification(s) |
Europe | European Baccalaureate (EB) | HF |
Austria | Austrian Maturity Certificate: Reifezeugnis, Reifeprüfungszeugnis, Matura or Maturazeugnis | HF, D, B |
Azerbaijan | - | HF, D, B |
Belgium | Belgian Certificate of Access to Higher Education: Diplôme d'aptitude à accéder à l'enseignement supérieur (DAES); Bekwaamheidsdiploma dat toegang verleert tot het hoger onderwijs (BDHO); Getuigschrift van hoger secundair onderwijs (GHSO); Certificat d'humanités | HF, D, B |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Diploma of Completion of Secondary Education: Zrelostno Svidetelstvo; Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie | HF, D, B |
Croatia | Croatian Matura: Svjedodzbo o Maturi | HF, D, B |
Czech Republic | Czech Republic Maturita: Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce; Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skuse | HF, D, B |
Denmark | Danish Upper Secondary School Examination Certificate (USSE): Studentereksamen (STX) or Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) | HF, D, B |
Finland | Finnish Matriculation Examination Certificate: Ylioppilastutkintotodistus; Studenteksamensbetyg | HF, D, B |
France* | French Baccalaureate: Baccalauréat Général; Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré; Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré; Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB) or International option of the French Baccalaureat | HF, D, B |
Germany | German Abitur / Fachhochschulreife: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife; Abiturientenzeugnis; Zeugnis der Reife; Reifezeugnis | HF, D, B |
Greece | Greek Certificate of Access (Vevaiosi Prosvasis); Greek Apolyterion (Apolyteriou Eniaiou Lykeiou or Leaving Certificate); Greek Panhellenic Examination and State University or General Entrance Examination | HF, D, B |
Hungary | Hungarian Matriculation Certificate: Gimnáziumi Érettsegi BizonyÃtvány; Érettsegi Vizsga; Matura; Szakközépiskolai Érettsegi-KépesÃtö BizonyÃtvány (Technical Secondary School Maturity Certificate) | HF, D, B |
Iceland | Studentsprof | HF, D, B |
Ireland | Irish Leaving Certificate (Ardteistimeireacht) or equivalent | HF, D, B |
Italy | Italian High School State Exam (Esame di Stato) | HF, D, B |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein Maturitätszeugnis | HF, D, B |
Luxembourg | Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires | HF, D, B |
Netherlands | Dutch Diploma of Pre-University Education: Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs | HF, D, B |
Norway | Norwegian Upper Secondary School Examination Certificate (USSE) or equivalent: Vitnemål fra den videregående skole, Vitnemål for videregående opplæring, or Examen Artium. | HF, D, B |
Poland | Polish Matriculation Certificate: Matura; Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego; Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Liceum Zawodowego; Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Technikum Zawodowego; Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Technikum; Egzamin Maturalny | HF, D, B |
Portugal | Portuguese Certificate of Secondary Education: Carta do Curso Complementar Liceus; Certifico de fim de Estudos Secundarios; Diploma de Decimo Segundo Ano de Escolaridad; Certidao do Decimo Segundo Ano; Diploma Tecnico Profissional | HF, D, B |
Romania | Romanian Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate: Diploma de Bacalaureat (Maturitate) | HF, D, B |
Russian Federation | Attestat o Srednem (polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education) | HF, D, B |
Scotland | Scottish National Courses | HF, D, B |
Slovakia | Czech Republic and Slovakian Maturita: Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce; Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skuse | HF, D, B |
Slovenia | Slovenian Matura or Secondary School Leaving Certificate: Maturitetno Spricevalo; Splošna matura | HF, D, B |
Spain | Titulo de Bachillerato with Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad | HF, D, B |
Sweden | Swedish Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan); Avgångsbetyg fran Gymansieskolan; Studentexamen; Gymnasie Kompetens | HF, D, B |
Switzerland | Swiss Federal Maturity Certificate: Maturitätszeugnis; Certificat de Maturité; Attestato di Maturità | HF, D, B |
United Kingdom | GCE Advanced Level Examinations, or Scottish Certificate of Education Higher Grade, or Scottish National Courses | HF, D, B |
*including awards obtained in the Départments d'Outremer viz French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, St Pierre and Miquelon; and awards obtained in the Territoires d'Outremer viz French Polynesia, New Calendonia)
Subcontinent and the Middle East
Please review the information below along with details about the minimum required scores for your course and our International Academic Entry Program where we may be able consider your eligibility based on your academic performance in Mathematics.
HF - Completion of a recognised high school qualification / pre-tertiary or foundation program.
D - Completion of a recognised college or polytechnic diploma.
B - Completion of the first year of a recognised university Bachelor degree
Country or Region | Accepted Qualification(s) | Other Qualification(s) |
Bangladesh | Completion of a Bangladeshi Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) with minimum GPA of 4.5 out of 5.0; or completion of the first year of a 4-year Bachelor degree at a recognised university; or a completed 2-3 year Bachelor degree | HF, B |
Bhutan | - | HF, D, B |
India | Indian Higher Secondary Certificate (HSSC); All India Senior School Certificate (AISSC); Indian School Certificate (ISC) | HF, D, B |
Israel | Israeli Matriculation Certificate (Teudat Bagrut) | HF, B |
Lebanon | Baccalauréat Libanais (Lebanese General Secondary Certificate or شهادة الثانوية العامة) | HF, D, B |
Nepal | Nepalese Higher Secondary Education Certificate (HSEC) | HF, B |
Oman | - | D, B |
Pakistan | Completion of the first year of a 4-year Bachelor degree at a recognised university; or completed 2-3 year Bachelor degree | B |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan GCE Advanced Level Examinations | HF, D, B |
The Americas
Please review the information below along with details about the minimum required scores for your course and our International Academic Entry Program where we may be able consider your eligibility based on your academic performance in Mathematics.
HF - Completion of a recognised high school qualification / pre-tertiary or foundation program.
D - Completion of a recognised college or polytechnic diploma.
B - Completion of the first year of a recognised university Bachelor degree
Country or Region | Accepted Qualification(s) | Other Qualification(s) |
Argentina | - | HF, D, B |
Brazil | - | HF, D, B |
Canada | Alberta High School Diploma, British Columbia Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma, Manitoba High School Graduation Diploma, New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma, Newfoundland Provincial High School Graduation Certificate, Nova Scotia High School Completion Certificate, Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Certificate, Quebec Diploma of Collegial Studies, Quebec Diploma of Supplementary Vocational Secondary Studies or Equivalent, Saskatchewan Complete Division IV or Grade XII Standing | HF, D, B |
Colombia | - | HF, D, B |
Mexico | - | HF, B |
United States of America | Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT) with evidence of successful completion of high school | HF, D, B |
What marks or grades do I need?
Direct entry to our undergraduate programs for international students is determined by an international selection rank or course cut-off score. Each degree has a specific international selection rank which is converted into the minimum score you need to achieve in your overseas qualification to be considered for entry.
The tables below provide international selection rank conversions for qualifications from over 40 countries, including many globally-recognised qualifications such as GCE A-Levels and the International Baccalaureate (IB):
Worried that you will not meet the minimum score for your program?
Not a problem - please have a look at our International Academic Entry Program where we may be able consider your eligibility based on your English results and academic performance in mathematics and other subjects.
Can't find your score or qualification?
If you cannot find the required score for your qualification, please do not hesitate to submit an application and our admissions team will assess your eligibility.
International Academic Entry Program
Should you not meet the minimum cut-off score for entry into your selected undergraduate course, you may still be able to qualify for admission under our International Academic Entry Program (IAEP). Under this entry program, we will consider your overall performance and your individual subject scores that match your strengths to one of our world-class courses.
Listed below are the minimum scores that you would need to achieve in the Higher School Certificate (HSC) Mathematics and other subjects to be considered for entry under this pathway. The HSC is the Year 12 senior high school qualification that is completed by students residing in New South Wales, Australia. Equivalent subjects from other recognised international senior high school qualifications or university entry examinations will also be considered.
Provided you already meet the English requirements for your selected course either via the HSC English subject listed below or via other accepted evidence of English proficiency, we will consider your overall score and your performance in relevant subjects as an alternative means of entry.
You do not need to apply for the IAEP. If you do not meet the course cut-off, our Admissions team will automatically assess your eligibility.
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E4 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E4 |
Bachelor of Ancient History
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Applied Finance
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E4 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E4 |
Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Information Technology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E4 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E4 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Applied Finance and Bachelor of Professional Accounting
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Archaeology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Arts
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Administration
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Primary)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And two of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And two of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E3 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B3 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B6 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E4 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Media and Communications
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Agriculture | B4 |
Biology | B4 |
Chemistry | B4 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B4 |
Physics | B4 |
Geography | B4 |
Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Biology | B4 |
Chemistry | B4 |
Physics | B4 |
Agriculture | B4 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B4 |
Bachelor of Business Administration
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Information Technology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Professional Accounting
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Psychology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Business Analytics
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Business Analytics and Bachelor of Applied Finance
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Business Analytics and Bachelor of Professional Accounting
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Chiropractic Science
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Biology | B5 |
Chemistry | B5 |
Physics | B5 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Clinical Science
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
One of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B6 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E3 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E3 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Biology | B6 |
Chemistry | B6 |
Physics | B6 |
Bachelor of Cognitive and Brain Sciences
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Commerce
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And two of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E3 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B6 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E4 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Psychology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Agriculture | B4 |
Biology | B4 |
Chemistry | B4 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B4 |
Physics | B4 |
Geography | B4 |
Bachelor of Cyber Security
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Economics
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Applied Finance
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Psychology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension than those mentioned above | E3 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E1 |
Bachelor of Environment
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Agriculture | B4 |
Biology | B4 |
Chemistry | B4 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B4 |
Geography | B4 |
Physics | B4 |
Bachelor of Game Design and Development
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Human Sciences
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Information Technology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of International Studies
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Laws
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B3 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B6 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E4 |
Bachelor of Linguistics and Language Sciences
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Marketing and Media
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E3 |
Bachelor of Media and Communications
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Media and Communications and Bachelor of Commerce
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Medical Sciences
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Biology | B5 |
Chemistry | B5 |
Physics | B5 |
Bachelor of Music
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Planning
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Professional Accounting
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Psychology
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B6 |
Mathematics Advanced | B6 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E3 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E3 |
Bachelor of Science
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Biology | B4 |
Chemistry | B4 |
Physics | B4 |
Agriculture | B4 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B4 |
Geography | B4 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B6 |
English Standard | B6 |
English Advanced | B6 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E4 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E4 |
And one of the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A Science subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension Science subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Agriculture | B5 |
Biology | B5 |
Chemistry | B5 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B5 |
Physics | B5 |
Geography | B5 |
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B4 |
English Standard | B4 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one from the following:
HSC Science Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Agriculture | B4 |
Biology | B4 |
Chemistry | B4 |
Earth & Environmental Science | B4 |
Physics | B4 |
Geography | B4 |
Bachelor of Security Studies
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Social Science
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B4 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B4 |
Mathematics Advanced | B4 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subject than those mentioned above | B4 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E2 |
English Extension 2 | E2 |
And one of the following:
HSC Mathematics Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Mathematics Standard 2 | B5 |
Mathematics Advanced | B5 |
Mathematics Extension 1 | E2 |
Mathematics Extension 2 | E2 |
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)
One of the following:
HSC English Subject | Minimum Band Score |
English EAL/D | B5 |
English Standard | B5 |
English Advanced | B5 |
English Extension 1 | E3 |
English Extension 2 | E3 |
And two of the following:
HSC Subject | Minimum Band Score |
Any other Category A subjects than those mentioned above | B5 |
Any other Extension subject than those mentioned above | E2 |
Postgraduate Academic Entry Requirements
Masters (by Coursework)
Entry requirements for Masters (by Coursework) programs at Macquarie University are set out in Coursefinder.
In general, entry requires a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution considered equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree (Level 7 on the Australian Qualifications Framework). Some courses may require previous study or work experience in a related area, a higher level qualification such as an Honours Bachelor (AQF Level 8), or other additional entry criteria that must be satisfied.
Requirements for entry
Courses may state a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) requirement, which is a reflection of your overall performance in your previous qualification.
The document below provides indicative equivalencies for Macquarie's WAM system against grading schemes used in 28 different countries - this includes the minimum Pass standard considered for entry to programs with no specified WAM:
Can't find your score or qualification?
If you cannot find the required score for your qualification or are unsure if you meet requirements, please do not hesitate to submit an application and our admissions team will assess your eligibility.
Masters (by Research)
To apply for a Masters (by Research) or PhD program, you should be able to demonstrate research experience in your previous studies. Please refer to the Higher Degree Research website for more information on eligibility requirements and how to apply.
Content owner: Admissions and scholarships Last updated: 07 Mar 2025 8:47am