Domestic entry requirements

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  3. Admissions and entry
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  5. Entry requirements
  6. Domestic entry requirements
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We assess a range of indicators for entry to Macquarie

This page outlines entry requirements for domestic undergraduate and postgraduate students applying to study at Macquarie.

You can apply as a domestic student if you are:

  • an Australian citizen, permanent resident or humanitarian visa holder
  • a New Zealand citizen.

To find out course-specific requirements, view the ‘entry requirements’ tab on a course’s page.

Undergraduate students

Students who’ve recently completed their Year 12 studies at an Australian high school will be assessed on their selection rank. Your selection rank is your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) plus any relevant adjustment factors.

Most course pages display a guaranteed entry score (the minimum required selection rank required for guaranteed entry to that course).

Understanding your selection rank

In addition to ATARs, we also recognise a range of other indicators for entry to Macquarie:

If your highest level of education is the Higher School Certificate (or equivalent), you’ll be assessed based on those results. Some of our courses require you to attend an interview.

We’ll look at your secondary and higher education study results or just your higher education study if you don’t have Year 12 results.

Past vocational education and training (VET) study

Macquarie recognises the following completed college and TAFE qualifications:

  • Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited awards (eg, Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Associate Degree)
  • TAFE Associate Diploma.

You may also be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), which allows you to reduce the duration of your course.

TAFE NSW articulation arrangements

Macquarie has articulation arrangements for some TAFE NSW qualifications in the following areas:

  • Accounting
  • Business and management
  • Environmental management
  • Information technology (games design)
  • Science

To gain admission into Macquarie University after completing your qualifications, you should apply directly to the Universities Admissions Centre.

If you’re a non-Year 12 applicant with informal learning and work experience but inadequate education qualifications, you can submit a portfolio for entry into our diploma or foundation programs.

If you have overseas qualifications and are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident, your application will be assessed based on that qualification. UAC provides information on evaluating overseas qualifications, or you can contact us if you're unsure.

Depending on where you obtained your qualification, you may also be required to sit an English language proficiency (ELP) test. UAC provides information about ELP requirements.

The Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) assesses your ability to think critically and analyses the material given, rather than testing your knowledge of specific academic subjects.

We accept the multiple-choice version of the test for entry to all our degrees except:

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and its double degrees
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Clinical Science.

Note: the test is only applicable for non-current school leavers and does not satisfy English language proficiency (ELP).

Postgraduate students

You're welcomed to apply for postgraduate study if you have a bachelor’s degree or recognised equivalent (approved work experience, professional certification or other recognised prior learning).

View the ‘entry requirements’ tab on a course’s page for course-specific information about prior qualifications and course duration.

Research program

Our higher degree by research program has unique entry requirements.

View PhD and research degree entry requirements.

Commonwealth reporting requirements

Macquarie University is committed to admission transparency. The table below shows you our 2023 admissions data for our undergraduate courses based on Commonwealth reporting requirements.

Primary basis of admission Number of students Percentage of all students
Past higher education (includes a bridging or enabling course)



Past vocational education and training (VET) study



Work and life experience (admitted based on previous achievement other than the above)

190 2.4%

Recent secondary education admitted solely based on ATAR (including adjustment factors)



Recent secondary education where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered (eg portfolio or interview)



Recent secondary education admitted based on other criteria only, and ATAR was not a factor (eg Academic Entry Program and Schools Recommendation Scheme)



International students



All students



Course ATAR and offer information

Reports showing the student profile for each of our programs (including ATAR, selection rank, other criteria and general offer information) is available on our 2024 student profile page.

Third-party information sources