Applying for recognition of your prior learning

Learn more about the process for applying for RPL for both domestic and international students.





What do I need?


(based on formal studies)

Via the online RPL application form

Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Official transcript – must include University logo, name, course title, units, results, credit points, year of study and University seal.
  • Unit guides/outlines - must include University logo, year of completion, prerequisite requirements, unit convenor, unit summary and content, learning outcomes and assessment schedule.

International (based on formal studies)


Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Official transcript – must include University logo, name, course title, units, results, credit points, year of study and University seal.

    Enrolment Advice and Unofficial Transcripts will only be accepted for pre-admission applications and the outcomes and credit entries will be conditional on the receipt of the final official documentations.
  • Unit guides/outlines – must include University logo, year of completion, prerequisite requirements, unit convenor, unit summary and content, learning outcomes and assessment schedule.
  • For PACE units (ONLY): additional   completed PACE RPL form with supporting documentations will be required for each of the units that you are seeking credits for.

Domestic (based on non-formal and informal experience)

Via the online RPL application form

Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Your current CV.
  • Letter/s of reference written on official letterhead from current or past employers (including direct supervisors) verifying your knowledge, skills, duration of service and   experience.
  • Position description/s.
  • A completed informal/non-formal credit application form for each of the units that you wish to receive credit for.

International (based on non-formal and informal experiences)


Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Your current CV.
  • Letter/s of reference written on official letterhead from current or past employers (including direct supervisors), verifying your knowledge, skills, duration of service and   experience.
  • Position description/s.
  • A completed informal/non-formal credit application form for each of the units that you wish to receive credit for.

PACE units (based on formal studies)

Via the online RPL application form

Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Official academic transcript.
  • Official and detailed unit outline of your prior unit.
  • A completed PACE RPL form for each of the units that you are seeking as specified credit. You may need to submit additional documentation to support the information in your form.

PACE units (based on informal experience)

Via the online RPL application form

Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Your current CV.
  • Letter/s of reference written on official letterhead from current or past employers (including direct supervisors), verifying your knowledge, skills, duration of service and   experience.
  • Position description/s.
  • A completed PACE RPL form for each of the units that you are seeking as specified credit. You may need to submit additional documentation to support the information in your form.


As part of the standard application process for postgraduate students, you will be assessed for admission to the appropriate duration (or admission point) of your postgraduate course.

An admission point may provide entry to either a two-year, 18-month or one-year version of your course, as applicable.

A one-year master degree will not be eligible for further RPL. A minimum of 80 credit points at 8000 level must be completed at Macquarie University to be awarded the degree.

  • New Domestic students are assessed for RPL towards postgraduate courses at the point of application for admission  .
  • It is important that you include relevant documentation for your prior qualifications, work experience and other recognised prior learning with your application so RPL can be assessed.

Further RPL (post-admission)

Once admitted to your course, you may apply for further RPL via the online application form prior to commencement of your studies and before enrolling in the unit/s for which you are seeking credit. The following deadlines apply, depending on your starting session.




What do I need?

New domestic student

Opt in during the application process to have RPL assessed

Upon application to the University

  • Official transcript – must include University logo, name, course title, units, results, credit points, year of study and University seal.
  • Unit guides/outlines – must include University logo, year of completion, prerequisite requirements, unit convenor, unit summary and content, learning outcomes and assessment schedule.
  • Work experience documentation (current CV, letter/s of   reference written on official letterhead from current or past employers (including direct supervisors), verifying your knowledge, skills, duration of service and experience, and position description/s.

New international student

Opt in during the application process to have RPL assessed

Upon application to the University

  • Official transcript – must include University logo, name, course title, units, results, credit points, year of study and University seal. Enrolment Advice and Unofficial Transcripts will only be accepted for pre-admission applications and the outcomes and credit entries will be conditional on the receipt of the final official documentations.
  • Unit guides/outlines – must include University logo, year of completion, prerequisite requirements, unit convenor, unit summary and content, learning outcomes and assessment schedule.
  • Work experience documentation (current CV, letter/s of reference written on official letterhead from current or past employers (including direct supervisors), verifying your knowledge, skills, duration of service and experience, and position description/s.

Continuing domestic and international students (based on formal studies)

Via the online RPL application form

Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Official transcript – must include University logo, name, course title, units, results, credit points, year of study and University seal.
  • Unit guides/outlines – must include University logo, year of completion, prerequisite requirements, unit convenor, unit summary and content, learning outcomes and assessment schedule.

Continuing domestic and international students (based on non-formal and informal experience)

Via the online RPL application form

Prior to the commencement of your first session (see deadlines below)

  • Your current CV.
  • Letter/s of reference written on official letterhead from current or past employers (including direct supervisors), verifying your knowledge, skills, duration of service and experience.
  • Position description/s.
  • A completed informal/non-formal credit application form for each of the units that you wish to receive credit for.

Application deadlines

These deadlines are set to allow sufficient time for processing your RPL request before start of session and to give you enough time to modify your unit selections (if required) before the last day for enrolment.

Please note that we are unable to assess an application for specified credit for any units that you are currently enrolled into.

Starting SessionRPL deadlineSession start dateLast day to enrol
Session 2 2024Monday 8 July 2024
Monday 22 July 2024
Sunday 4 August 2024
Term based studyTwo weeks prior to the term date startRefer to the Calendar of dates

RPL requests are normally completed within seven to ten business days but can take up to 20 business days during peak periods. Complex RPL requests may take longer to process. Please seek academic advice should you be concerned about your RPL application and how it impacts your enrolment.

Rescinding credit

Requests to rescind credit must be academically justified and form part of an academic success intervention strategy.

To request to rescind credit, please submit an enquiry via AskMQ with the subject line: Rescind Credit

Requests must be received before the published RPL application deadlines if this will affect your enrolment for the upcoming Session.

Apply now

Now that you know how, when and what you need to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning, head onto Ask MQ to complete your application.

Here is a run-down of what you need to do to apply for RPL:

  1. Read the necessary information; review what documentation is required.
  2. Research
    • Understand your degree requirements by checking the Handbook
    • Check if your prior learning is similar to the required units within your degree
    • See if you are eligible for specified credit
    • Check the Articulations Register and Credit Transfer Register
  3. Gather your documentation.
  4. Submit via the RPL form
  5. Check.

Important notice

  • The information set out in this publication is an indication only and does not guarantee entry into a course of study.
  • Regardless of the nature or amount of RPL granted, any specific requirements of a course must be fulfilled.
  • The final decision on whether to offer admission and RPL into a course of study resides with the University and depends on factors such as the currency and relevancy of any prior learning and the supporting evidence provided. The maximum amount of RPL that can be granted for particular qualifications is determined in accordance with the Schedule of Equivalencies and the Schedule of Minimum Requirements at Macquarie.
  • The information contained in this publication is correct at the time of publication and the University reserves the right to make alterations to any information contained within this publication without notice.
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