Location-based adjustment factors

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  6. Location-based adjustment factors
Have questions about adjustment factors? We’re here to help

Local and regional entry schemes

If you qualify for adjustment factors, they're added to your selection rank and may improve your chances of receiving an offer for your preferred degree.

Macquarie offers two location-based schemes: the Macquarie Catchment Scheme and the Regional Catchment Scheme.  There are five additional adjustment factors to students who live in Macquarie's catchment region, and up to nine factors through our regional entry scheme.

Scheme requirements

Applicants must be either:

  • currently completing the Year 12 Higher School Certificate (HSC) or equivalent in the year before your intended year of admission to Macquarie
  • a non-school applicant (HSC or equivalent completed more than two years ago or over 21 years of age) and haven't previously completed any tertiary study.

Check your eligibility

Use the tool below to check if your postcode qualifies. You'll automatically receive adjustment factors for Macquarie courses listed as your preferences through UAC if you do.

Depending on the remoteness of your primary residential home, you'll receive either five, seven or nine adjustment factors that can be used toward any Macquarie University degree.

The Regional Entry Scheme is based on road distances to the perimeter of service centres from your primary residential postcode. It's calculated using data from the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA+).

The categories are:

  1. Inner regional Australia: five adjustment factors (ARIA score greater than 0.20 and less than or equal to 2.40 – restricted accessibility of goods, services and opportunities for social interaction).
  2. Outer regional: five adjustment factors (ARIA score greater than 2.40 and less than or equal to 5.92 – significantly restricted accessibility of goods, services and opportunities for social interaction).
  3. Remote: seven adjustment factors (ARIA score greater than 5.92 and less than or equal to 10.53 – very restricted accessibility of goods, services and opportunities for social interaction).
  4. Very remote: nine adjustment factors (ARIA score greater than 10.53 and less than or equal to 15 – very little accessibility of goods, services and opportunities for social interaction).

Note: if you qualify for both location-based schemes, you'll only receive adjustment factors once, from whichever scheme awards you the higher amount.

Courses not eligible for either scheme include:

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and its double degrees
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours)