Grandfathered student contribution bands

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  5. Grandfathered student contribution bands
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Changes in fees from 2021

Students completing any ongoing studies they commenced before 2021 may be eligible for grandfathered amounts.

New students in Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) are charged non-grandfathered student contribution amounts.

Grandfathered students (ie students who commenced their course of study before 2021) in a CSP, will not be disadvantaged by these legislative changes – this is called a grandfathering arrangement.

You are considered to be a grandfathered student if the following (a, b, c) applies to you:

(a) if you:

  • have commenced a course with Macquarie in a Commonwealth Supported Place before 1 January 2021 and are continuing in that course
  • have completed a course of study on or before 31 December 2020 and, on or after 1 January 2021, you commence an honours course that relates to the earlier course
  • in 2020 were undertaking an enabling course and, on or after 1 January 2021, you commenced another course of study leading to a higher education award
  • in 2020 were undertaking an undergraduate certificate/diploma course and, on or after 1 January 2021, you commence another course of study that relates to the undergraduate course and that is leading to a bachelor degree


(b) you were, at any time before 1 January 2021, a Commonwealth supported student in relation to a unit of study in the ongoing course, earlier course, enabling course or undergraduate course (as the case may be)


(c) you undertake a unit of study as part of the ongoing course, honours course, later course or higher qualification course (as the case may be) that has a census date that is on or after 1 January 2021.

Important note: Any changes you make to your ongoing course of study could impact your grandfathering status – please see the information under non-grandfathered students below.

General principles and assumptions applied of grandfathering

  • Study must be continuous between courses where grandfathering is related to an ‘ongoing course’.
  • Macquarie University College Diploma courses, undergraduate certificates and undergraduate diplomas are the only ‘enabling’ courses at Macquarie.
  • Students completing the undergraduate or graduate certificate courses will be charged the same student contribution amounts as all Commonwealth Supported Students. There will no longer be any special rates charged. If you commenced the undergraduate or graduate certificate courses in 2020 and are continuing your studies in these courses post 2021, you will be eligible for grandfathered rates.

From 1 January 2021, all students who are commencing a course of study in a CSP will pay the new student contribution amounts as shown below. You will also be considered a non-grandfathered student if you started your course before 2021 and make changes to that ongoing course. This includes:

  • if you change your course of study to a new course
  • if you change your course of study to a new course by moving from a double/combined degree to a single degree
  • you change your single to a double/combined degree
  • you change your residency status to become a Commonwealth Supported student.

These are indicative amounts only – your specific student contribution amounts can be viewed under the ‘My Finances’ menu in eStudent after you have enrolled in units.

Grandfathered students 2022

Band Subject  area Indicative student contribution per 10cp unit (0.125* annual) Indicative annual student contribution (based on 80cp annual)
Band 1 Teaching, Education, Clinical Psychology*, English, Maths, Statistics, Nursing, Languages and Agriculture $498 $3,985
Band 2 Humanities, Behavioural Science*, Social Studies, Built Environment, Allied Health, Creative Arts, Arts, IT, Other Health $858 $6,865
Band 3 Engineering, Environmental Studies, Science, Surveying, Pathology $1,002 $8,021
Band 4 Medical, Dental and Veterinary Science $1,425$11,401
Band 5Law, Management, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce$1,432$11,457

Non-grandfathered students 2022

Band Subject  area Indicative student contribution per 10cp unit (0.125* annual) Indicative annual student contribution (based on 80cp annual)
Band 1 Teaching, Education, Clinical Psychology*, English, Maths, Statistics, Nursing, Languages and Agriculture $498 $8,985
Band 2 Allied Health, Other Health, IT, Architecture, Creative Arts, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Science, Psychology Pathway*, Social Work Pathway* $1,002 $8,021
Band 3 Medical, Dental and Veterinary Science $1,425 $11,401
Band 4 Law and Economics, Management and Commerce, Administration, Social Studies/Political Science/Culture/Behavioural Science* and Communications $1,828 $14,630
Table notes

Both grandfathered and non-grandfathered

* You will be charged the student contribution amount applicable to the course you are admitted into.

The Government introduced changes from 2021 which affect the student contribution amounts for students in CSP places. One of the main changes is that students enrolled in Psychology units will be charged different fees depending on the course they enrol in.

Students admitted into one of the Clinical Psychology courses below and enrolled into Clinical Psychology units, will be charged a lower student contribution amount for their clinical psychology based units (usually Band 1).

Macquarie’s clinical psychology courses are:

  • Master of Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology
  • Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology)
  • Doctor of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Doctor of Psychology (Counselling Psychology)
  • Doctor of Philosophy Master of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy Master of Clinical Psychology

Grandfathered students

Continuing students enrolled in Psychology Pathway units (other than clinical psychology units), will be charged a student contribution amount which usually falls under Band 2.

Non-grandfathered students

Students enrolled in Psychology Pathway units (which are Psychology units completed under a Psychology Honours course only) will also be charged a lower student contribution amount (usually Band 2).

Other students enrolled in Psychology units not under Clinical Psychology or Psychology Pathway, will be charged the higher student contribution amount for their psychology units (usually Band 4)



Fee rate rule applied 



Students in a CSP course (commenced before 2021) at undergraduate or postgraduate level returning to the same course after an official Leave of Absence request has been made


A CSP student admitted in a Bachelor degree in 2020 takes the relevant break from their studies and returns to study within the approved leave of absence period.


Students in a CSP course (commenced before 2021) at undergraduate or postgraduate level returning to the same course (or an alternate course if the old course is no longer offered) after a discontinuation of studies or exclusion from studies


A CSP student in a Bachelor degree takes a break from their studies (beyond their approved ‘leave of absence date’) or is excluded and returns to their studies.


Students studying in a CSP course (commenced before 2021) who are excluded from study and have their course discontinued, however are subsequently readmitted to that course following an appeal or review.


A CSP student studying a Master of XYZ (commenced before 2021) who is excluded from study and has their course discontinued but later approved to come back into the same version of the Master of XYZ.


Students who commenced before 2021 and change versions/faculty/major/study mode of their course


As long as it is the exact same ‘parent course’, student will pay continuing amounts.


MUIC CSP diploma students or undergraduate certificate/diploma students who studies as a CSP student in 2020 and who are articulating in 2021 or onwards into a bachelor course for the first time straight after completing the lower award in 2020


Commenced a CSP MUIC Diploma course in 2020 and had effective enrolment in 2020 and later articulated into a CSP Bachelors course in 2022.


Students studying under CSP places in a lower level postgraduate award progressing to a higher level postgraduate award (either as part of an approved nested award set or not)


A CSP student in a Graduate Diploma of ABC progresses upon completion to the Master of ABC.


Students who studied at TAFE under a CSP place articulating to a Bachelor (where a formal agreement is in place or not).


A CSP student with a completed a CSP TAFE diploma articulates to a Bachelor at Macquarie.


Domestic students commencing under domestic fee-paying rates and given and offer to the same course under CSP rates from 2021.

Non-grandfathered rate of the year of change to CSP

A DFEE student in a Master of XYZ successfully re-applies for their course as a CSP student.


Students changing citizenship from International to Permanent Resident or NZ citizens who newly meet CSP eligibility.

Non-grandfathered rate of the year of change to CSP

An international fee-paying student in the Bachelor of ABC changes their citizenship.


CSP eligible students who received an offer to study but deferred that offer from 2020 to 2021.


A student received a CSP offer to a course in 2020 and defers the offer to 2021.


CSP commencing student who have not received an offer before, initiating study from 2021.


A new student received a CSP offer to a course in 2021.


CSP student who has an incomplete course at another institution – wishing to study the same or a related course at Macquarie


A new student received a CSP offer to a course in 2021.


CSP student who has an incomplete course at another institution -wishing to study a different course at Macquarie


A new student received a CSP offer to a course in 2021.


CSP student who changes to a new course with a different title (course transfer)


A current CSP undergraduate student applies for an internal course transfer from Bachelor of ABC to Bachelor of XYZ.


CSP student who changes one component course in a double degree


A current CSP postgraduate student applies for a transfer from a double degree Master of ABC/Master of XYZ to a double degree Master of ABC/Master of DEF.


CSP student who removes one component course in a double degree


A current CSP undergraduate student applies for a transfer from a double degree Bachelor of ABC/Bachelor of XYZ to a single degree Bachelor of ABC.


CSP student who adds a new course to their single degree


A current CSP undergraduate student applies for a transfer from a single degree Bachelor of ABC to a double degree Bachelor of ABC/Bachelor of XYZ.


CSP students who commenced before 2021 and are in a named honours course and are accepted to undertake an honours year


A CSP student completes honours requirements under their continuing admitted course


CSP students who are not already in a named honours course and are accepted to undertake an honours year for related Bachelor studies that was completed by 31 December 2020.


A CSP student who completed their Bachelors course in 2020 and later transfers In 2022 to the related named honours degree.


CSP students who commenced before 2021 and are in a named honours course but are required to only complete the non honours component as they do not meet the Honours criteria


A CSP student admitted to an honours Bachelor course before 2021 but is required by the University to complete with the non honours qualification


Student offered Combined Bachelor Master course

Non-grandfathered rate for the Masters course (either DFEE or CSP based on the liability of the postgraduate course).

Grandfathered rate for the Bachelor course if the students was enrolled as a CSP prior to 2021 and remains enrolled in this course.

Student offered Bachelor of ABC and Masters of ABC in 2020. Student commences Bachelor course in a CSP in 2020 and once complete commences the Masters course as originally offered (in 2022). If the Masters is a DFEE course, student will be pay DFEE rates for Masters course, if it is a CSP Masters, student will pay the commencing CSP rate).


Cross Institution student doing a CSP course at home institution and seeking to enrol in a unit at Macquarie to be credited to that CSP course

Non-grandfathered rate for Macquarie unit/s

Enrolled in a CSP course eg Bachelor of ABC at University of ABC as a pre-2021 student and applied to enrol as a XINSTN student at Macquarie in a CSP undergraduate unit in 2021, will be charged the commencing CSP rate at Macquarie.

Find out more about grandfathered scenarios on the Studyassist website.