Fees calculator

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Study
  3. Admissions and entry
  4. Fees and costs
  5. Fees calculator

Look up the cost of your unit or course

At Macquarie, we are committed to fee transparency and helping you determine the costs and fees payable for each unit of study.

Whether you are a current or future student, living in Australia or overseas, you can search your fees by unit or course below.

Your fee amount will depend on:

  • your calendar year of study
  • the number of units you wish to enrol in
  • your government funding arrangements.

NOTE: for International student research degrees, please see the Graduate Research Academy page.

How to calculate your fees

Before using the fee calculator tool below, ensure you know:

  1. Your student type

    You are:

    • a domestic student if you have Australian or New Zealand citizenship, Australian permanent residency status, or an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.
    • an international student if you intend to study in Australia on a student visa or other relevant temporary visa and are NOT a permanent Australian resident.
  2. Your fee type
    • All courses for all international students are full-fee paying. If you are an international student you will need to pay the full cost of your study up-front each session.
    • As a domestic student, you may be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place (CSP). This means that your course fees may be partially subsidised by the Australian Government. Check your eligibility.
  3. Your commencement year

    This is the year you started your current course.

    • Current students, log into eStudent to check your commencement year.
    • Prospective students, indicate the year you intend to start your course.
  4. Your course or unit

    Search for fee information by the name of the course or unit. Refer to the University Handbook to learn more about your course or unit.

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