STAFF NEWS: A fortnightly newsletter, incorporating the University Diary To Macquarie University Home Page
Number 19/98    13 November 1998    
FastCounter by LinkExchange 


The Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) of the University of Melbourne is conducting a study over the next three months of the work roles and related attitudes of Australian academics. The project is funded by the Evaluations and Investigations Program (EIP) of DETYA.

The purpose of the study is to provide an analysis of the rapidly accelerated changes in academic work activities in Australian universities. The major focus is on the priorities of academics in their teaching, research and administrative activities, and the factors influencing changes to their work motives, satisfaction and productivity. Anecdotal evidence since CSHE conducted its last national survey in 1993 suggests an urgent need to examine the ways in which academics are adapting to changes in the workplace.

This project will provide an important data base for monitoring trends in the complex and changing work environment of Australian academics.

CSHE has sought Macquarie's support to survey a representative sample of Macquarie's academic staff. Interested members of staff should contact Professor John Loxton (x7442) about obtaining copies of the survey questionnaire.


A collection of Christmas music, songs, carols, and readings will be presented for your enjoyment and inspiration in the Robert Menzies College Chapel (136 Herring Road) on Saturday 12 December at 8.00pm.

The Macquarie University Singers Christmas Concert and Recitations will be conducted by Margot McLaughlin, and accompanied by Joy Lalchere. The College Chapel accommodates about 250 people, so there will be plenty of space for members of the University to join in the celebration of the Christmas season.

Tickets at $12 (concession $8, family $35) are available from the Union Spot. Enquiries: Telephone Roger Nurse on x8341 or 9894 6111.


The Sculpture Park's new Aboriginal sculpture by Darug artist Edna Mariong Watson will be unveiled on 18 November by Vice-Chancellor Di Yerbury. The sculpture can be found near the Mia Mia Childcare Centre, on the west bank of Mars Creek amongst gum trees. It features a serpentine arrangement of rocks winding down to the creek's edge.

Landscaping is still in progress around the sculpture to enhance its overall look, and it is anticipated that a natural weathering process will also enhance the effect and mood of the installation. For more information on the sculpture, please call Rebecca McAuliffe, Public Relations Unit, on x9447.


The next Staff News will be the last issue for 1998. Staff News is published fortnightly from February to November each year. The last deadline in 1998 for submission of Staff News copy and classified advertisements is Monday 23 November (by noon) for the issue to be published on 27 November  

The Editor



The Macquarie University Postgraduate Representative Association (MUPRA) has introduced a prose and poetry competition in 1998. The Winning entries will be published in the 1999 edition of Lighthouse. The subject of entries is left open, and entries can be either in the form of a poem (500 words maximum) or prose (1500 words maximum).

Prize money of $250 will go to the winner of the prose section and to the winner of the poetry section of the competition.

Entries must be the original work of the author, and entrants must be enrolled postgraduates at Macquarie University. Entries (preferably on disk or via e-mail) should be sent with the postgraduate's name, address, telephone number, student number, and e-mail address to MUPRA, E7A 108, Macquarie University, NSW, 2109, or e-mail:

No members of the MUPRA Committee are eligible to enter. Judging will be done by an independent panel. No disputes may be entered into with the judges or the Committee (the judges' decision will be final). The Committee reserves the right to withhold awarding a prize in the event no more than one entry is received or in the event of poor standard, depending on the judges' opinion. Closing Date for the Competition: 4 December 1998

Vivienne James
MUPRA Development Officer

    LATE 1998 / EARLY 1999

The NSW Government has gazetted Monday 28 December 1998 as the Boxing Day public holiday. This means that the following days are public holidays for the remainder of 1998:

    Christmas Day - Friday 25 December 1998
    Boxing Day - Monday 28 December 1998

Concessional Days

Following the gazettal of 28 December 1998 as the Boxing Day public holiday this year, the dates of the 1998 Concessional Days are:

    Tuesday 29 December 1998
    Wednesday 30 December 1998
    Thursday 31 December 1998

Public Holidays in Early 1999

    New Years Day - Friday 1 January 1999
    Australia Day - Tuesday 26 January 1999
    Good Friday - Friday 2 April 1999
    Easter Saturday - Saturday 3 April 1999
    Easter Monday - Monday 5 April 1999
    Anzac Day - Monday 26 April 1999

As public holidays are gazetted for later in 1999 this list will be adjusted.

Sharon Litchfield (x9768)
Manager, Industrial Relations Services


To commemorate its 30th anniversary, the University Union has published The Heart of the Campus: A History of The Macquarie University Union, 1968-1998. Written by Dennis Phillips, an historian at Macquarie from 1972 until 1998, the book traces the development of a "remarkable enterprise" which set out from its earliest days to become "one big Union", the common home for all the campus family.

From its modest beginnings in 1968, on an annual budget of $28,000 and with no building of its own, the Union has grown over its 30 years into a thriving $10 million service industry. The new book, with more than 150 photographs, reflects the diversity, vitality and exuberance of student life at Macquarie. In word and picture, it reveals the struggles and triumphs of an institution which overcame both external and internal challenges to become - the heart of the campus. To purchase your copy of The Heart of the Campus, on sale for just $18.95, please visit the Union Spot or Union Shop on Level 1 of the Union Building.


The Printery has announced a change to the date of readiness for sale of material for internal and distance education units, which will now be ready on 22 February 1999 if submitted by 11 January. The new arrangements are as follows:

Internal and Distance Education Units*
(for sale in the Co-op Bookshop)
Submit by Monday 11 January 1999
Ready for sale by Monday 22 February 1999.

Other dates for printing deadlines are as follows:

Distance Education Units
Submit by Friday 27 November 1998
Ready for first despatch of course material by the Centre for Open Education (COE) in early January 1999.

Internal Units
Submit by Monday 11 January 1999
Ready for commencement of classes Monday 2 March 1999.

Material submitted for Internal Units* and/or Internal and Distance Education Units* (for sale in the Co-op Bookshop), to the Printery by Friday 18 December 1998 will be entitled to a 7 1/2% discount.
The Printery will be pleased to provide quotations when requested. Requests should be accompanied by a sample copy and complete details of the work involved. For all enquiries please telephone the Printery on x7385 or x7395.

Bill Moody, Printery Manager


Mr Pu Wang, a PhD student in the Physics Department, was the recipient of the Australian Institute of Physics (NSW) Postgraduate Award 1998. He delivered an outstanding talk on growth characterisation and laser performance of novel self-doubling laser materials at the University of Newcastle.

Pu Wang's work, conducted under the supervision of Dr Judith Dawes and Professor Jim Piper, represents the first time a lasing material has been conceived of, grown and successfully operated, all in Australia.

The other talks at the Awards Day were also excellent.

Barry Sanders
Head, Department of Physics  


Many members of academic staff will be users of the UnCover database, made available through the Library's homepage. Due to the University restructuring process, it will be necessary to create many new Accounts and change passwords on some existing Accounts. This change will be affective from 1 January 1999.

If you have an UnCover profile, please contact your Academic Outreach Librarian in the Library after 1 December to obtain your new Account details. For further information, contact Kathryn Pearson on x7895.

Kathryn Pearson
Manager, Serials & Document Supply


A delicious new Christmas Menu will be launched at the Courtview Restaurant in the Union Building on Monday 16 November, and you can make plans for a festive lunch. (Bookings are essential on x7609.)

Michael, Lyn, Heather and Rosalie would like to wish all their customers a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year and to thank them all for their patronage this year.

Courtview, University Union


A new catering outlet called Café 142 has recently been opened on campus by the University Union. It is located at the eastern entrance of Building E7B, to better serve University staff and student requirements.

Café 142 will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will initially provide vending facilities for an assortment of refreshments including hot and cold drinks, coffee, confectionery, flavoured milk, daily fresh sandwiches and hot chips.

If you are working late or are on the campus during the weekend, it will now be simple to pop in to Café 142 for light refreshments.

Steve Thompson
Marketing and Member Services Manager


Items for a food hamper for the Salvation Army's Christmas Appeal will be collected in Personnel C4B once again this year. If you could spare a few tins, packets and perishables, it would be greatly appreciated. Let's get into the spirit of Christmas and help some needy people!

Pam Balzan, Personnel


Emeritus Professor Max Deutscher visited the Australian National University in October to present a seminar, Time and Temporality: Questions about time in "analytical" and "recent European" philosophy. His visit was at the invitation of postgraduate students in the Faculties, and the Research School of the Social Sciences. Discussions that continued over the two days concerning these differing approaches to philosophy proved stimulating for all.

Anyone interested in information on these issues may contact Max Deutscher by phone on 9810 2152 or e-mail:


At the beginning of each semester the Numeracy Centre runs a variety of courses aimed at preparing students for their tertiary studies. We also offer refresher courses in Mathematics and Statistics through the Centre for Open Education. Courses that may be of particular interest to staff members and their families are outlined below. For further information about these and other courses contact Carolyn Kennett on x8924.

Preparatory Course in Mathematics
Monday 15 to Friday 26 February, 10.00am - 1.00pm
Tuesday 16 to Thursday 27 February 6.00 - 9.00pm
and Saturday, 10.00am - 4.00pm

Cost: $250 (includes text)

This is an intensive course for students from various mathematical backgrounds who need to enrol in first year Mathematics courses. There are three different streams available.

Stream A is for students who need an introduction to, or review of, algebra and function concepts. It is recommended for students who have not studied mathematics for some time and who intend to include mathematics units such as MATH130 or economics units at 100 level in their programs of study.

Stream B is for students who have completed 2-unit Mathematics in Society in recent years. It is recommended as a bridge to 2-unit related Mathematics for students who intend to include mathematics units such as MATH130 or economics at 100 level in their programs of study.

Stream C is for students who have not studied mathematics for some time and need to refresh their skills before commencing MATH135. It is also strongly recommended as a bridge to 3-unit Mathematics for students who are using either their 2-unit related Mathematics results or low 3-unit marks for entry into MATH135. The course is available in all three streams as either a day or evening course and is offered as a Continuing Education Course; the fee will be $250. Enrolment information: x7470.

Refresher Course in Statistics I
Monday 8 February to Wednesday 10 February, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Cost: $220 (includes text)

This is an intensive course for students who require a knowledge of basic statistics for their courses. Topics covered include measures of central tendency and spread, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, statistical tests for the mean, correlation and regression. The computer package, SPSS for Windows, will be used as a tool for this course. It is offered as a Continuing Education Course, and the fee will be $220. Enrolment: x7470.

Refresher Course in Statistics II
Monday 22 February and Tuesday 23 February, 9.00am - 5.00pm
Cost: $220 (includes text)

This intensive course is designed for those who require a sound understanding of statistics for the workplace, university course or research project. Topics covered in the course include t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), two-way ANOVA, non-parametric tests, chi-square-goodness of fit, correlation and linear regression. The computer package, SPSS for Windows, will be used as a teaching tool. It is offered as a Continuing Education Course, and the fee will be $220. Enrolment: (02) 9850 7470.


for October 1998

From Roger T Nurse, Senior Observer, School of Earth Sciences

MARSFIELD (Macquarie University No.1) On Campus, Square E5

Note: Mean values for temperature and rainfall are from this station for 25 years from 1971 to 1995.
Mean Maximum for Month.  23.38  0.9 above average
Mean Maximum for October (25yrs)  22.9
Highest Maximum (Warmest Day)  36.0 on 18 
Lowest Maximum (Coldest Day)  17.0 on 09 
Mean Minimum for Month  13.0  1.9 above average
Mean Minimum for October (25yrs)  11.1 
Lowest Minimum (Coldest Night)  06.2 on 08 
Highest Minimum (Warmest Night)  22.0 on 03 
RAINFALL (mm)(24hrs to 09:00)  
Total Rain for Month  38.6 on 08 days  Well below average
Wettest Day (24hrs to 09:00)  11.2 on 20
Average for October (25yrs)  83.6 on 11.1 days 
Total for 10 Months so far  1309.0 on 116 days  Well above average
Average for 10 Months (25yrs)  975.6 on 107.8 days
Annual Average Rainfall (25yrs)  1142.8 on 129.9 days
(Add 1hr for ESDST) 





01 October 05:33 17:57 12:24
11 October 05:19 18:05 12.46
21 October 05.07 18:13 13:06
31 October 04:56 18:22 13:26

The month was mostly dry, with slightly above average temperatures, but generally very cloudy. There was a slight thunderstorm in the evening of the 18th, the 19th was a wet and miserable day. Another thunderstorm late afternoon on 26th, and again early morning on 27th. There was fog early on 1st. There were four days with over 30 degrees at both stations.

MARSFIELD (Macquarie University No.2) On the Playing Fields

Note: Temperature and Rainfall means at this station are being compared with the 25 year mean from M.U. No.1
Mean Maximum for Month  23.0 0.1 above average 
Highest Maximum (Warmest Day)  35.0 on 18
Lowest Maximum (Coldest Day)  16.0 on 09 
Mean Minimum for Month  11.4  0.3 above average
Lowest Minimum (Coldest Night)  03.8 on 08 
Highest Minimum (Warmest Night)  22.2 on 18 
RAINFALL (mm)(24hrs to 09:00) 
Total Rain for Month  30.5 on 05 days  Rather dry
Wettest Day (24hrs to 09:00)  9.0 on 20 
Total Rain so far this year  1346.8 on 115 days 


Macquarie No. 2 was slightly cooler than No. 1, but otherwise very similar. The Automatic Weather Station recorded strong winds on 06, 13, 18, 20 and 27, reaching 12 metres/sec on 6th, and bright sunshine on 01, 02, 04, 13, 14 and 17, but mostly cloudy after that.

November got off to a good start with some dull rainy weather, and a spectacular thunderstorm on Saturday 7th November with some heavy rain. Please visit our Weather Web Site at:- and see how things are going.

This is the last weather report for this year. Thank you for your interest, and comments, and I wish you fantastic Weather.

to_top  CPD News

Applications Invited for 1999 Entry to CPD Certificate in Higher Education

The Centre for Professional Development is now calling for applications for the CPD Certificate in Higher Education. The Certificate course offers an excellent opportunity for academic and general staff to increase their knowledge of, and skills in, university learning and teaching, and university leadership and management.

The Certificate aims to (a) provide a theoretical and research basis to underpin the teaching and administrative practice of university staff; (b) facilitate evaluation of relevant theory and research and its application to practice; and (c) promote innovation and the pursuit of best practice in teaching and administration.

The Certificate consists of two strands:

or participants may study a combination of units from each strand.

Participants who successfully complete the management strand of the Certificate can receive advanced standing for three units in the Macquarie Graduate School of Management's Graduate Diploma in Higher Education Management.

Further information about the Certificate program, and an application form, are available on the CPD homepage at:

or contact Alison Cameron, x7598, e-mail:

There will be an information session about the CPD Certificate on Wednesday 18 November from 1.00 to 2.00pm in E6A 116. There is no need to book for this session. Applications are due at CPD by Wednesday 2 December.

Performance Management Supervisor Training

Some places are still available in the following sessions of Supervisor Training:

Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 November
Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November
Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November

Please note that each session runs for two full days, 9.00am to 5.00pm. Bookings are essential. Please contact Naomi Bower, x9721, to book for any of the above sessions. Further information: contact Bronwyn Clarke, x9799 or Mariejosee Shurey-Boesten, x9619.

e.learning@mq (

All Macquarie staff are invited to contribute to the 1999 e.learning@mq program. Offers for 1999 for Speakers, Workshops and Showcases are very welcome. Please contact at CPD.


Media mentions: While the Public Relations Unit subscribes to a print media monitoring service, there are times when it misses a mention. Hence, to ensure higher accuracy in the MACQUARIE IN THE MEDIA, please let us know whenever you have been a subject of a newspaper or a magazine article, a review, or indeed, your byline appears on any of them. This includes letters-to-the-editor. In particular, we rely on your help for mentions of you on, or personal appearances in, the electronic media. Kindly forward the details to Jack Rozycki, Media Officer by e-mail to: Other options are fax: (9850) 9457; or internal mail to W6B 148.

Associate Professor Yola Center (Education): reported as having developed an early literacy program for schools, Wentworth Courier, 28 October; Mosman Daily, Northern District Times, 4 November.

Professor John Collins (Emeritus - Behavioural Sciences): made Honorary Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society last month, noted in "Laurels" Campus Review, 3 November.

Mr Marcus Connor (Students' Council): quoted as saying that students were outraged at the misappropriation of their fees, in a story about an allegation that Student Council paid $8,968 for phone calls to phone-sex numbers, HES, The Australian, 28 October; reported as having ordered an investigation, Sun-Herald, 1 November.

Associate Professor John Corbett (Mathematics, Computing and Electronics): in an article on the University Council meeting, was quoted (as the president of the Macquarie University's NTEU branch) saying that there was a feeling of disquiet within the university about senior management, HES, The Australian, 4 November.

Professor John Croucher (Economic and Financial Studies): interviewed on his book Great Scams and Frauds of the 20th Century, Radio KOA in Denver, Colorado, USA, 17 October; Radio KSKE in Vail, Colorado, USA, 22 October, demonstrated the role of statistics in all kinds of gambling on the Today Show, Channel 7, 30 October.

Professor Ed Davis (Graduate School of Management): was reported saying that the extraordinary pace of change in banking in the last ten years will be outpaced in the coming decade and while banks are not about to close every branch they will work very hard to introduce and use technologies that are most effective, using all types of incentives to make people change to their point of view, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 October.

Ms Marilyn Dodkin (Postgraduate Students' Representative): discussed the history of the Pittwater workers' holiday cottages "Currawong" and the NSW Labor Council's proposals to redevelop the site, ABC Radio 2BL, 3 November.

Ms Louella Freeman (Education): reported as having developed an early literacy program for schools, Wentworth Courier, 28 October.

Mr Mark Gregory (Centre for Flexible Learning): his website "Australian Folk Songs" has been chosen as one of the best Net sites in Australia, and was awarded a Sofcom "Pick of the Net" Award, Sofcom Internet Newsletter.

Ms Yasmin Hunter (Students' Council): quoted saying that everyone was outraged over the $8,968 allegedly run up for Karma Live telephone sex service, Sun-Herald, 1 November.

Ms Catharine Lumby (English, Linguistics and Media): in article on adult cartoon "South Park" explained its appeal to children, The Bulletin, 10 November.

Ms Alison Vickary (Economic and Financial Studies): was reported to be speaking about her detention in Burma and an Amnesty International function in Avalon, Manly Daily, 24 October.

Mr Ken Wark (English, Linguistics and Media): wrote in his column expressing a fear for the future of the university arising out of attempts to extract efficiency in the short-term at the expense of its long-term capacity to remain effective as an intellectual resource for an uncertain and unpredictable future; also said that it mattered that universities ought to value more highly the creative potential within humanities, HES, The Australian, 4 November.

Professor Di Yerbury (Vice-Chancellor): in an article on the Macquarie University Council meeting, was quoted as saying that the universities generally are going through the worst period for university funding in memory and anyone who is not disquieted about that must be living in cloud-cuckoo land, HES, The Australian, 4 November.

Issues and Events

A Macquarie University Science Degree and Diploma of Education reported as the qualifications of Ms Jayne Evans who was honoured with an excellence in teaching award by the Minister for Education, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 October.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School, regretted by Philip Adams for being, at its inception, a new structure on Macquarie campus (sic) rather than being fed into an existing one, at Swinburne in Melbourne, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 October.

Macquarie University reported its accounting in a way that did not allow any comparison with the budget, NSW Auditor general claims, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 November.

Macquarie University Research Park is already 60 percent pre-leased and Armstrong Jones Industrial Fund has bought the Becton Dickson development share, Financial Review, 28 October; Sydney Morning Herald, 28 October.



The University of Adelaide is offering 75x6 week summer research scholarships for students who have completed a minimum of two years of their undergraduate degree at a level acceptable for admission to an honours year. Further information and application forms are available from Web address: or contact Adrienne Gorringe on 08 83033929.


The Korean Association of Science and Technology in Australia (KASTA) invites applicants for Australia-Korea Foundation funded work experience in major companies (Samsung SDS, LG Electronics, POSCO & Daelim) and research institutes (KAIST, RIST & Sangmyung University) in Korea. The work experience will be for four weeks, from 4 to 30 January 1999. The awards are to cover Sydney/Korea return airfares, accommodation and meals during the four weeks in Korea. Applicants must majoring in science/engineering in Australian universities (undergraduates or graduates). Ability to speak Korean is not necessary.

Applicants must submit a brief resume, academic transcripts, two references from your faculty, a photo and a 300-word essay on "How the work experience in Korea will fit in with my long-term career?". Further enquiries: Dr Sung-Mook Hong (02 9772 6248) or Dr Ji-Soon Kim (02-9385 1694), KASTA, PO Box 865, Randwick, NSW 2031.


 DIVISION OF INFORMATION SERVICES: Information Technology Security Officer (Full-time (continuing)) - Ref. 17870. The appointee will plan and implement a monitoring program for the University's Network and associated services to ensure compliance with approved policies and procedures, plan and undertake security audits, identify security risks and provide appropriate reports, develop, implement and present security training programs. They will also provide advice and technical support in regard to IT security matters, intellectual property, privacy and copyright regulations. Applicants must have experience in computer operating systems, programming, networking protocols, disaster recovery procedures and Information Technology security issues including an understanding of security risk analysis, planning and undertaking of security audits, developing and presenting IT security training programs, and communicating with all levels of IT users. Applicants should have a degree or be progressing towards a degree in Information Technology or have equivalent qualifications or experience. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Mr Doug Warren on x7478 or e­mail:

The position is available on a full-time (continuing) basis, and will be subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of three months. Salary range: Level 9 $55,104 to $58,222 per annum, increasing to $57,583 to $60,842 from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation. Applications including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 4 December 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR AND VICE-PRINCIPAL: University Counselling and Health Services Co-ordinator of Academic Support Services for Deaf Students (Part-time (continuing)) - Ref. 18129. The appointee will be expected to co-ordinate an academic support program for deaf students to facilitate appropriate access to their study programs. This will include the provision of Auslan interpreters on a sessional basis, subject coaches, peer note-takers (including the administration of the Peer-Note-Takers Program for all students with disabilities) and student advising, as required. The appointee will also be expected to undertake up to ten hours of Auslan interpreting per week during class-time (in addition to the listed 25 hours per week of administration) and to assist the Director in the preparation of budget costs, policy development associated with the Program.

Applicants must be an accredited NAATI Level 2/3 Auslan interpreter, have high level organisational and communication skills, relevant experience in educational institutions, the ability to function effectively as a member of a team providing a range of professional services and be able to liaise effectively with a range of academic and general staff of the University and external agencies in order to assist students. Preference will be given to applicants who are familiar with IBM compatible computers in a Windows environment and who have experience in program administration and Auslan interpreting in a University setting. Tertiary qualifications or equivalent experience are desirable. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Ms Christine Gardiner on x7403.

The position is available on a part-time (continuing) basis for 25 hours per week, and will be subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of three months. Salary range: Level 8 $47,248 to $52,620 per annum (pro rata rates apply) increasing to $49,374 to $54,988 per annum from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation. Applications including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 20 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS OFFICE: Gardener (full-time (continuing)) - Ref. 8847. The appointee will be a member of the Grounds Section within the Buildings and Grounds Office responsible for the maintenance of the University's grounds. Applicants must have an Advanced Certificate in Urban Horticulture with experience in horticulture, landscape, maintenance of parks and gardens as well as being able to operate relevant horticultural equipment and machinery. Supervisory experience and good verbal and written communication skills are also required. Possession of a current NSW Class 1A Driver's Licence is essential. Preference will be given to applicants with experience using a tractor, front end loader and fork lift. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Mr Michael Maroney on x7159 or Mr Joseph Dikha on x7135.

Salary range: Level 3 $26,223 to $29,689 per annum, plus superannuation, increasing to $27,403 to $31,025 effective 1 January 1999. This position is available on a full-time (continuing) basis. Applications, including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and the names and addresses of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 25 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

VICE-CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE: Centre for Flexible Learning

As part of its primary function of supporting the development of flexible learning at Macquarie University, the Centre for Flexible Learning is responsible for assisting academic staff to plan, design, develop and implement high quality Internet learning environments. We are seeking applicants with a complementary mix of technical skills for the two positions which will share responsibility for the production of complex web-sites and other related Internet tools.

Senior Web Developer (Full-time (continuing) - Ref. 18585. The appointee will be responsible for constructing Internet-based learning environments as part of a team developing flexible learning programs and overseeing production, providing cost and time estimates for projects and managing scheduling. They will also be responsible for organising the production of web-sites and related output, reviewing, recommending and implementing new technology, product testing and quality assurance. Applicants must have significant experience in developing web-sites including graphics, and be familiar with HTML 3.2 and 4.0 and a range of browsers and plug-ins on different platforms. They must also have experience in coordinating a design/project team and an understanding of quality assurance processes, experience in product testing and a commitment to quality customer service. Organisational ability, particularly in working under pressure and meeting deadlines and the ability to translate design specifications into a quality product are also essential. Salary range: Level 7 $44,908 to $48,407 per annum from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation.

Web Developer (Full-time (continuing)) - Ref. 18584. The appointee will be responsible for constructing Internet-based learning environments, participating as part of a team developing flexible learning programs. They will also be expected to review new technology and undertake product testing. Applicants must have significant experience in developing web-sites including graphics, and be familiar with HTML 3.2 and 4.0 and a range of browsers and plug-ins on different platforms. They must also have an understanding of quality assurance processes, experience in product testing and a commitment to quality customer service. Organisational ability, particularly in working under pressure and meeting deadlines, and the ability to translate design specifications into a quality product are also essential. Salary range: Level 6 $39,837 to $43,700 per annum from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation.


For these positions in Centre for Flexible Learning preference may be given to applicants who have experience in writing JavaScript, an understanding of web servers, familiarity with products such as Authorware and Director, experience in writing CGIs and in producing educational Internet teaching material. All enquiries concerning these positions or your application should be referred to Ms Carolyn Wivell, Executive Manager, Centre for Flexible Learning on x7550, fax x6590 or e-mail:

These positions are available from January 1999 on a full-time (continuing) basis, and will be subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of three months. Applications including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 23 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested. A separate application is required for each position.

INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT (for Macquarie University staff only)
OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR AND VICE-PRINCIPAL: Systems Support Services Senior PC Systems Support Officer (Full-time (continuing)) - Ref. 18583. The appointee will be responsible for microcomputing support for desktop computing activities relating to office automation and information systems in the Office of the Registrar and Vice-Principal. Applicants must have relevant experience in PC systems support and administration, including in depth Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0 experience and Windows and Office 95, or later, experience. Knowledge of network protocols and Internet tools is essential. The appointee must also have proved ability to prepare clear end-user and systems documentation; excellent interpersonal, communication and organisational skills; a strong customer service focus; a proactive approach; and a commitment to maintaining the currency of technical knowledge. Preference will be given to applicants with a relevant tertiary qualification and knowledge of Novell products.

All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Ms Suzanne Kelly on x9490. The position is available on a full-time (continuing) basis. Salary range: Level 6 $38,121 to $41,819 per annum increasing to $39,837 to $43,700 per annum from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation. Applications, including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and the names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 18 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT (for Macquarie University staff only)
OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR AND VICE-PRINCIPAL: Systems Support Services Student Systems Administrative Officer (Secondment) - Ref. 4796. Applications are invited from University employees for secondment to the above position. The appointee will be required to work as part of a small team to provide user support and data management for the operation of the University's computer-based systems. Specific duties will include student system data management, initiation of computer run requests, development and maintenance of operations schedules and other documentation, report checking, user support, training, keyboard and clerical tasks to support the functioning of the office. The applicant will be expected to liaise extensively with end users and operations staff. Applicants must have very good keyboard skills and experience in the use of computer based application systems. They must be well organised, able to work independently as well as part of a small team, be able to demonstrate a high degree of accuracy with attention to detail, and be able to work effectively to deadlines. Excellent communication skills are required, including the ability to communicate with staff at all levels, as well as a strong customer service focus.

Applicants must also have the ability to set priorities and work to them within a busy work environment as well as being able to remain calm and focussed under pressure. Knowledge of student administration in a tertiary education institution and/or experience in the administration of computer systems is essential. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Ms Caroline Pindar on x7768. The secondment is available for a period of three years. Salary range: Level 5 $33,038 to $37,312 per annum increasing to $34,525 to $38,991 per annum from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation. Applications, including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and the names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 18 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT (for Macquarie University staff only)
OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR AND VICE-PRINCIPAL: Postgraduate Admissions and Publications Officer: (Full-time (continuing)) - Ref. 9904. The appointee will be responsible for the co-ordination of postgraduate admissions for Australian residents, the development and production of publications relating to postgraduate courses and study, the development and implementation of advertising campaigns to attract postgraduate students, as well as the provision of administrative support in the academic management of postgraduate affairs, particularly in relation to the introduction of new postgraduate courses. Applicants must have a relevant tertiary qualification or equivalent experience. They must also have demonstrated the ability to write effectively and prepare documents for publication, have good communication skills, be able to meet deadlines, work effectively under pressure and as part of a team, co-ordinate the work of other staff, be accurate with attention to detail and demonstrate the ability to respond positively to change.

Experience in tertiary education administration and student information systems is highly desirable. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Dr John Pryor in the Postgraduate Studies Section on x7342 or e-mail: The position is available from January 1999 on a full-time (continuing) basis. Salary range: Level 7 $44,908 to $48,407 per annum from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation. Applications, including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and the names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 20 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT(for Macquarie University Staff Only)
SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, LINGUISTICS AND MEDIA: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research Information Services Officer
(Full-time (fixed-term)) - Ref. 17475. The Resources Centre of NCELTR is a small special library offering information services to the staff and students of NCELTR and the Adult Migrant English Program throughout Australia. The Resources Centre supports the programs of the National Centre through a range of information services including loans, document delivery, database searching and electronic communication services. The appointee will be a key member of the Resource Center library staff, providing support the areas of circulation, reference enquiries and assistance to patrons in the use of computerised catalogues, databases and the internet as well as maintenance of in-house databases (using Inmagic software), indexing and abstracting materials for an English as a Second Language database, and clerical tasks associated with running a small library. Applicants must have an appropriate degree or a diploma in Library and Information Studies with relevant library experience, and excellent computer and communication skills.

Preference will be given to applicants with experience in the field of English as a Second Language or Linguistics. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Nanette Reynolds or Frances Wilson, Resources Co-ordinators on x7960. A duty statement is available on request. The position is initially available on a full-time (fixed-term) basis until 31 December 1999. Salary range: Level 5 $33,038 to $37,312 per annum, plus superannuation, increasing to $34,525 to $38,991, effective from 1 January 1999. Applications, including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and the names and addresses of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 27 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

OFFICE OF COMPUTING SERVICES: Systems Programmer/Database Administrator Facom MSP ADABAS/Natural (Full-time (Continuing))
Ref: 17264. The Office of Computing Services provides technical, operational and user support for a large range of computer systems including a Facom mainframe, numerous UNIX computers, a VMS computer, a number of multiple servers and thousands of PC's all connected to the University campus wide optical fibre network which in turn is connected to the internet. The appointee will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Facom system software environment. Applicants must have demonstrated knowledge and appropriate experience with MSP or similar operating systems and/or ADABAS/Natural database systems, and have the ability to maintain and foster good working relationships with both the academic and administrative communities of the University.

An appropriate qualification would be an advantage. The position is available on a full-time (continuing) basis and will be subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of three months. All enquiries concerning the position or your application should be referred to Mrs Laraine Armfield on (02) 9850 7420, e-mail: Salary range: Level 8 $47,248 to $52,620 per annum increasing to $49,374 to $54,988 per annum effective from 1 January 1999, plus employer and contributory superannuation. Applications, including full curriculum vitae and quoting the reference number, visa status, and the names and addresses (including e-mail address) of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 20 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION: Associate Lecturer in Special Education - Ref. 18581. The appointee will work under the supervision of Professor Kevin Wheldall assisting him in both research and teaching activities in the areas of learning difficulties, with particular reference to teaching low-progress readers, and/or management of troublesome classroom behaviour. The successful applicant will contribute to the teaching of postgraduate certificate and diploma units in Special Education, and will also contribute generally to the work of Macquarie University's Special Education Centre. Applicants must have or be close to completing a higher degree in Special Education or a closely related discipline. The successful applicant will demonstrate Special Education expertise with school age children with learning and/or behavioural difficulties.

Preference will be given to applicants with experience teaching at tertiary level and evidence of relevant research and publications. Enquiries: Professor Kevin Wheldall on (02) 9850 9621. The position is available from 1 February 1999 on a full-time (continuing) basis, subject to probationary conditions. Salary range: Level A (Associate Lecturer) $34,647 to $47,019 per annum, effective 1 January 1999. Applicants are requested to have their referees forward their reports directly to the Recruitment Manager by the closing date. Applications, including full curriculum vitae, visa status, and the names and addresses of three referees should be forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 9 December 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

The Institute of Early Childhood wishes to update its eligibility list of qualified people who will be available in 1999 for casual teaching in its Music Program for Children. Classes for children aged from 12 months to 8 years will be held on Saturdays in the east and north of Sydney. Applicants must have Early Childhood teaching and music qualifications. Applicants should note that an eligibility list is a pool of suitably qualified people who may be called upon from time to time depending upon need. Inclusion on this list does not guarantee employment with Macquarie University. Enquiries and further information package: Ms Louie Suthers on x9871.

For these casual positions only: Applications, including full curriculum vitae, visa status, and the names and addresses of two referees should be forwarded to the Marcia Lazos, Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 by 27 November 1998. Applications will not be acknowledged unless specifically requested.

Women are particularly encouraged to apply
Equal Employment Opportunity and No Smoking in the Workplace are University Policies


The School of Education has several 386 computers to dispose of, without monitors - some keyboards available, Panasonic printer. Also 3 monitors (not working). Make an offer - grab yourself a bargain. Everything must go! Contact Maree McEvoy x8649 for enquiries.

The Career Development Office has two PCs (486SX) for sale. Please make an offer. Contact Jeanette Murry x7371 for enquiries.


FREE: 1950s "picture" window (940mm x 1400mm). Solid timber frame; one fixed pane and two small hoppers. All fixtures and fittings intact; only needs a good clean. Phone Olive on x7377 or 9456 4478.

ACCOMMODATION WANTED: Visiting Professor and spouse seeking accommodation from December 1998 through April 1999. Prefer a 2 bedroom furnished unit or house near Macquarie University. Please contact Dr Ken Cheng, x8613, e-mail:

ACCOMMODATION WANTED: Academic family moving from interstate seeks sub-let in house or large apartment in inner or eastern suburbs. Dates negotiable over the summer period. Phone 02-62957865.

HOUSESITTER WANTED: Wahroonga. Housesitter required from 5 December 1998 to 25 January 1999. Suit mature student or visiting academic. Prefer female. Nominal rent. Phone Kim on 9514 2044 (W).

TO LET: Fully furnished 3 bedroom towhouses available from mid-November 1998 to 5 February 1999. Rent: from $350p.w. Enquiries: Accommodation Services Office x7376.

TO LET: Eastwood. Unfurnished 3 bedroom family home with large enclosed yard. Close to bus to University and 15 minute walk to station. Available end of November. Rent: $320p.w. Contact Anthony Brien, on 9367 2909 (W) or 9489 6888 (AH).

TO LET: Eastwood. Half house with undercover parking. Share large kitchen and laundry with 1 other person. Has connection for phone. Suit postgraduate student or staff - single person (male or female). Prefer non-smoker. Rent: $150 (includes electricity and water) Contact Jeanette Davidson on 9874 5407.

TO LET: Hawks Nest. Cabin with 2 bedrooms - accommodate up to 6. Close to National Parks and only 2 blocks from beaches. Washing machine, sep. toilet, bbq, fully equipped kitchen, sheets and towels can be hired if required. Rent: $120 per two night week-end. Weekly rates from $150. Phone 0249 970262.

TO LET: Kangaroo Valley resort. New 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom furnished villa. Tennis, golf, pool, hiking, canoeing close by. Quiet location. Holiday or long rental available. $200p.w. (neg). Phone Tess on x7355.

TO LET: South Turramurra. Fully furnished house with 2 bedrooms, lounge, living room. Ten minutes by car to Macquarie (also regular bus service). Available from 1 February to 15 July 1999. Rent: negotiable. Contact Sasha x7043(W) (voice mail) or e-mail:

FOR SALE: Microwave, Sanyo EM1207S, 290wide x 210high x 300deep, working, good condition, $50; Portable TV, 12" B&W, 12 volt and 240 volt, suitable for caravan, Princess 12TG8, working, good condition, $30. Phone Ray on x8765 or 9489 8561.

WANTED: Revox manual for an A700 or A77 tape recorder. I collect old reel to reel tape recorders and need this manual to repair one. Phone Ray on x8765 or 9489 8561.

FOR SALE: Electric gemstone tumbler with 2 canisters and small amount of abrasives. Very quiet and works well. $80. Phone Fay on x9816.

FOR SALE: Olympus 28 mm F3.5 wide angle lens, in perfect condition, $255 ono; Brand new girl's runners, size 8, white/mauve/pink, never worn. Suit 2 to 4 year old, $20. Phone x7385.

FOR SALE: Africa Aluminium pram. $35 ono; Hills 3-piece swing set. $45 ono; Double pull out sofa futon, pale blue & mauve geometric print. $95; White single trundle bed with 2 drawers underneath. $45 ono; 20-piece dinner set. "Jewel" pattern by Sosume. $55 ono; Wooden, stained & varnished single bed with wire spring base. $45 ono; Large royal blue upolstered swivel desk chair with adustable movements. $40 ono. Call Caroline Franks on 9872 7058.

FOR SALE: University gold crested diaries available at the Union Shop. Stocks are limited. Enquiries: x7620

FOR SALE: Beginner set of golf clubs: 4 irons, 1 wood, 1 putter, bag, fold-up buggy, balls & tees. Everything you need to get started. The clubs are well-worn but the buggy and bag hardly used. $70 the lot. Phone Fay on x9816.

to_top DIARY


Fri 13 November
CPD WORKSHOP: Coping with Organisational Change and Job Uncertainty. 9.30am to 3.00pm in E6A 116. Enquiries: Mariejosee Shurey-Boesten, x9619, Bronwyn Clarke, x9799. Bookings: Naomi Bower, x9721.

Fri 13 November
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE SEMINAR: Accounting in the Health Sector: A Case of Latrogenic Disorder, presented by Professor Stewart Lawrence. 2.00 to 3.30pm in Building C5C Room 452. Enquiries: Lois Cook x8535, e-mail:

Fri 13 November
BOOK LAUNCH: A Handbook to the Macquarie Papyri. Guest speaker: Michael Smee (Headmaster, Newington College). 7.30 for 8.00pm in the Museum of Ancient Cultures, Building X5B Level 3. Enquiries: x7512 or x8833. In conjunction with the Macquarie Ancient History Association and the Society for the Study of Early Christianity.

Mon 16 November
CPD Program: Supervisor Training (and Tues 17 Nov). 9.00am to 5.00pm. Enquiries: Bronwyn Clarke, x9799. Bookings: Naomi Bower, x9721, e-mail:

Mon 16 November
NCHSR COLLOQUIUM: Suck my Nation - Sexual Metaphors for a Virile Nation and the Queer Dream, presented by Dr Sasho Lambevski (Research Fellow, NCHSR). 2.00pm in C3B 601.

Tues 17 November
HAIL SEMINAR SERIES: CSIRO MATHEMATICAL & INFORMATION SCIENCES: Creating Environments that Encourage Learner/user Acceptance of Control of Software, presented by Denise Tolhurst (UNSW). 11.00am in the CMIS conference room, Building E6B.

Wed 18 November
MUPRA INTERNET WORKSHOP: 2.00 to 4.00pm in Training Room 2, Level 1, Library. For registration see

Wed 18 November
ANCIENT HISTORY: Society for the Study of Early Christianity: End-of-year function and farewell paper by Professor Judith Lieu on Where Are We Going in the Study of Early Christianity? 7.30pm in X5B 321. Cost: $7. A champagne supper will be served. Enqjiries: Pat Geidans x7512, Alanna Nobbs x8844 or Anne Irish x8833.

Fri 20 November
MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY DISCUSSION GROUP: Globalisation and Cultural Change in Asia, led by Professor Annette Hamilton. 1.00pm in the Senate (Old Council) Room, Lincoln Student Services Building. All staff and ex-staff welcome. Enquiries: Barbara Banfield x7441.

Fri 20 November
LECTURE: Japanese Society in Transition - A Woman's Perspective, presented by Makiko Arima-Sakai (President of the Yokohama Women's Association for Communication and Networking). 6.30pm at the Dixson Room, State Library of NSW, Macquarie Street, Sydney. RSVP: 13 November. Telephone 9231 3455.

Mon 23 November
CPD Program: Supervisor Training (and Tues 24 Nov). 9.00am to 5.00pm. Enquiries: Bronwyn Clarke, x9799. Bookings: Naomi Bower, x9721, e-mail:

Mon 23 November
MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FOUNDATION FRIENDS: -AGM with speaker Mr Duncan MacClellan, the Co-op Bookshop CEO, on the History and Development of the Co-op. Venue: Mollie Thomson Room, Level 5, Library. The meeting is at 5.30 for 6.00pm. All welcome. Enquiries: Cissy Wong x7499.

Thurs 26 November
CPD Program: Supervisor Training (and Fri 27 Nov). 9.00am to 5.00pm. Enquiries: Bronwyn Clarke, x9799. Bookings: Naomi Bower, x9721, e-mail:


Tues 1 to Wed 2 December
WORKSHOP: Biological Resources in Soil: Implications for Production and Restoration Macquarie University - First announcement. Website:

Thurs 10 December
CPD Program: Supervisor Training (and Fri 11 Dec). 9.00am to 5.00pm. Enquiries: Bronwyn Clarke, x9799. Bookings: Naomi Bower, x9721, e-mail:


to_top The next issue of Staff News will be published on Friday 27 November 1998.
All items for inclusion to be submitted in writing, preferably on disk, if lengthy, or by e-mail ( by noon, Monday 23 November 1998.
Barbara McGarity, W6B, x7379, Fax x7391.