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Staff News

Number 01/06

3 February 2006

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CFL is a centralised service centre, established to assist staff in the development and delivery of their online and multimedia teaching materials.

The term “flexible learning” encompasses more recent terms such as “online learning”, “e-learning”, “blended learning”, “multi-mode learning” and “ICTs”. All of these terms portray the way technology enhanced teaching and learning can be deployed and at Macquarie this involves a multifaceted approach both to its development and in its implementation and evaluation.

What services are available to me?

The following services are available free of charge for all Macquarie teaching staff:

  • CFL can provide an interactive online environment for your units and teaching programs. Currently over 1300 teaching units have some form of online presence at Macquarie. CFL provides training and support for you or your Department in using the Online Teaching Facility. Customised training for groups is also available
  • A full educational consultancy service is available to assist you with online curriculum issues, and the conceptualising and planning of teaching programs and course units
  • Assistance with internal grant applications and the scoping and project management of online, multimedia and community outreach projects
  • Lectures can be made available over the internet using iLecture.
  • A free accessibility diagnostic check for your website or online materials, checking that materials can be accessed by students with a print disability
  • Assistance and training in using equipment in the lecture rooms
  • A loan system for additional audiovisual requirements
  • Training and support in the use and development of sequences for the LAMS program
  • Access to CFL’s Innovations Server to trial new technologies and assistance with special projects related to new uses of technologies.

Professional services charged out at a subsidised rate are available for:

  • Photography and video production needs
  • Desktop publishing and print requirements
  • Production of online and multimedia materials and content
  • Graphic and web-design needs
  • Customised programming and database development.

CFL is committed to building partnerships for success and working closely with staff, Departments and Divisions to:

  • support new initiatives through its service role and
  • lead and facilitate the planning, development and implementation of smart, robust and scaleable solutions through its developmental role.

For further information visit our website at:

CFL Contacts

Educational Development

Educational advice and content development. First point of contact is your Educational Developer.

Requests for New Online Units

Contact your Educational Developer.
Telephone: Trish Edmonds, Manager Online Education Service, x9677

Online Unit Access

Assistance with new MUOTF staff accounts and password problems

Macquarie University Online Teaching Facility Support

Help with online teaching facility specific issues such as adding user accounts, how to use WebCT, editing pages, Wimba, LAMS.


Contact: AVTS Helpline: x7571
Telephone: Pierre Bleiker: x9631

Graphic/Web Design and Print

Contact: Tony Dwyer
Telephone: 9850 9668

Video Production

Contact: Fabian Astore
Phone: 9850 9641

Photography and Digital Imaging

Contact: Effy Alexakis
Phone: 9850 7580

Chris Lavina
Centre for Flexible Learning

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As a commitment to the quality of the university's web presence, the Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) now offers a free web site checking service to help ensure your web site complies with international World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards. This check is best done prior to going live, but can also be done for existing sites. This check will help ensure that your web site complies with legal requirements for accessibility.

Did you know that standards compliant web sites:

  • Are accessible to 100% of web users
  • Display properly on all modern browsers and platforms
  • Are compatible with hand-helds, mobile phones, etc
  • Have higher search engine ratings
  • Are much easier and cheaper to maintain?

CFL can also offer advice and assistance before your web site goes into production, and provides a service to fix errors or perform regular web site maintenance.

For more information contact Tony Dwyer, Manager of Media Production Services on x9668 or email:

Tony Dwyer,
Manager, Media Production Services, CFL

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Thinking about an online presence for your units in 2006? Do you already have an online presence but need a refresher? CFL is offering a range of training and development opportunities for new and experienced staff working in flexible and online environments. Next year the Online Teaching Facility will feature new tools such as LAMS.

The Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) is an authoring and delivery system designed to support collaborative, "activity-driven" learning. It is a new e-learning tool which many users find takes the focus off the technology and places it on the teaching and learning. It also provides opportunities for students to take control of their learning and collaborate in the generation of new knowledge.

Below are the sessions for 2006, you may also find this schedule and more information at the Centre for Flexible Learning website:

Going online: Issues and Options

Thinking about giving your unit an online presence? During this workshop you will view what others have done, discuss options and issues you are likely to meet, and look at how a website and other CFL resources affect your pedagogy. You will see how to build your resource slowly and work with grants.

This course is recommended for staff interested in teaching online.

Dates: Tuesday 7 February,12.00–2.00pm, W5A 205
Wednesday 15 February,12.00pm–2.00pm, W5A 205

If you would like a workshop adapted to suit your Department's issues please contact CFL's Educational Developers on

Contact: Margaret Kropman x7767 or

LAMS Demonstrations and Training (Learning Activity Management System)

The Learning Activity Management System or LAMS is a new e-learning tool developed at Macquarie. LAMS facilitates student collaboration and activity online and is integrated with WebCT.

For details about the LAMS@Macquarie Project see:

To participate in a short demonstration with an opportunity to do a LAMS activity as a learner please come along to the following:

Date: Thursday 8 February, 2.00pm–3.30pm
Library Training Rooms

If you would like a demonstration of LAMS especially for your Department or interest group, please contact either:

Robyn Philip, (MELCOE) x4150,
Trish Edmonds, (CFL) x9677,

For an introduction to LAMS, the student perspective, authoring and monitoring in LAMS (choose from one of the sessions below):

Monday 13 February, 9.30am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 2
Monday 20 February,10.00am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 2
Friday 24 February,10.00am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 3
Monday 6 March,1.00pm–4.00pm, Library Training Room 3
Wednesday 8 March, 2.30pm–5.30pm, Library Training Room 3
Friday 10 March,10.00am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 2
Thursday 16 March, 10.00am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 2
Tuesday 21 March, 9.30am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 3
Wednesday 26 April,9.30am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 2
Friday 19 May, 9.30am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 3
Thursday 15 June, 9.30am–1.00pm, Library Training Room 3

Library Training Rooms

Bookings essential: Send name, staff number, and session details (WebCT Basics) to:

This course is recommended for staff interested in a new system for organising and developing online activities. LAMS is relatively easy to learn and can be used in addition to WebCT, or on its own.

Contact: Robyn Philip, x4150,

iLecture Staff Tool

A hands-on session about the iLecture Staff Tool. This tool allows you to manage your pre-booked iLectures, upload PowerPoint presentations and add supplementary content to your audio recordings. Select from one of the sessions below.

This course is recommended for staff using iLecture in Semester 1, 2006.

Wednesday 15 February, 10.00am–12.30pm
Tuesday, 21 February, 2.00pm–3.30pm
Thursday 23 February, 11.00am–12.30pm
Tuesday 7 March, 11.00am–12.30pm
Thursday 9 March, 10.00am–11.30am
Wednesday 15 March, 2.00pm–3.30pm

Library Training Room 2

Bookings essential: send your name and staff number (required) and session details (iLecture Staff Tool) to:

Contact: Training and Support x9945 or x7593

Are You Ready?

An essential workshop for anyone preparing their online unit for the semester. Topics include student enrolment, quick content updates, assistance with advanced WebCT features such as selective release and quizzes. There will be technical staff to assist with last minute refinements and Educational Services staff, who will be available on call, for consultation on e-learning strategies.

This course is recommended for staff using a WebCT online unit for teaching.

You don't need to book, just drop in!

Thursday 16 February, 1.00pm–4.00pm
Tuesday 21 February, 10.00am–1.00pm
Thursday 23 February, 2.00pm–5.00pm

Library Training Room 2

Contact: Training and Support x9945 or x7593

WebCT Basics

Get up to speed quickly with WebCT. This session is a short introduction to the basic WebCT functions. It will cover editing online material and using the communications tools to participate in a WebCT online unit. Select from one of the sessions below.

This course is recommended for academic and general staff, and particularly tutors and casual staff, who want to get up to speed quickly at the beginning of semester.

Tuesday 14 February, 10.00am–1.00pm
Wednesday, 22 February, 1.00pm–4.00pm
Thursday 9 March, 1.00pm–4.00pm
Tuesday 14 March, 1.00pm–4.00pm

Library Training Room 2

Bookings essential: send your name and staff number (required) and session details (WebCT Basics) to:

Contact: Training and Support x9945 or x7593

Customised Programs

CFL can customise a program for your specific training and development needs. You may need training outside the dates and times we offer or you may need specific areas covered in depth. Please contact us for more information.

A customised course is recommended for all staff interested in advanced WebCT features or new tools such as LAMS. Also recommended for groups or individuals who need training beyond WebCT Basics.

Contact: Training and Support x9945 or x7593

Chris Lavina
Centre for Flexible Learning

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Audio Visual Technical Services will be holding training sessions in the use of the newly installed lecterns and associated AV equipment. Training sessions will include;

  • A presentation in lectern use
  • Question and answer
  • Hands on lectern training.

The training sessions will cover the following areas; iLecture, using the lectern, lectern support, using the visualiser, and the new Type 0 Lectern (for smaller classrooms).

Type 0 Lecterns are currently installed in the following classrooms; C5A307, W5C210, W5C211, W5C213, W5C234, W5C302, W5C309, W5C310, W5C311, W5C312, W5C334.

The training sessions will be held in C5A 310. Please find a list of dates and times below;

Monday 6 February, Tuesday 7 February, Wednesday 8 February, Thursday 9 February, Friday 10 February, Monday 13 February, Tuesday 14 February, Wednesday 15 February, Thursday 16 February and Friday 17 February

Monday 20 February, Tuesday 21 February, Wednesday 22 February, Thursday 23 February and Friday 24 February
11.00am–12 noon, 2.00pm–3.00pm

We advise you to attend one of these sessions as early as possible to avoid overcrowding in the last week of February.

Extra sessions will be held in Macquarie Theatre and X5B T1 . These theatres have been upgraded with a new portable lectern. Academic staff and other relevant staff members are encouraged to attend these sessions to learn how to use this new technology.

Please find a list of theatres, dates and times below.

Monday 13 February, Wednesday 15 February, Friday 17 February, Monday 20 February, Tuesday 21 February, Wednesday 22 February, Thursday 23 February

For further information regarding lectern training please visit our website at:

For further information on iLecture please visit our website at:

Sasha Templeton
Project Officer
AVI Project

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Adopt a Shark is the latest Nature Conservation Council of NSW initiative designed to help save the Grey Nurse shark from extinction.

Dr Vic Peddemors and Macquarie colleagues are attempting to develop a visual identification system for Grey Nurse sharks and will benefit from funding under the Adopt a Shark program.

The researchers have developed an automated shark identification program. The program uses the pattern of spots on the sharks to identify individual sharks. This software will be used to create a catalogue of Grey Nurse sharks along the east coast of Australia to assist in updating the estimates on the number of sharks and to help track the movement patterns of individual sharks as they travel along the coast. This information will be shared with Adopt a Shark parents as it becomes available.

When you Adopt a Shark you will receive:

  • An adoption certificate
  • A Grey Nurse shark CD containing fun puzzles, fact sheets and some great Grey Nurse shark images
  • A quarterly email updates on Grey Nurse Sharks with information articles, research updates, sighting reports and other relevant marine conservation information
  • A Grey Nurse shark poster and Adopt a Shark tattoos.

Adopt a Shark costs $75 per year, $140 for two years or $200 for three years. All funds received from Adopt a Shark will be dedicated to our Grey Nurse shark conservation program. NCC will also make a $5 contribution to Grey Nurse shark research for each Adopt a Shark sponsorship.

For more visit:

Mithra Cox
Media and Communications Officer
Nature Conservation Council of NSW

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Have you always wanted to sing? Do you spend your day singing along to the radio? Come and join Macquarie University Singers for their 2006 program of concerts. Make new friends, share the laughs and the pleasure of group achievement while you learn more about music and music making.

During 2006, MUS will be performing two major concerts, on campus, and expect also to perform two programs in the Sydney Opera House with the Australian Pops Orchestra. Add to this various university functions such as welcomes, farewells and memorial services, and you can see we have a busy program. Although you can join at any time, it’s best if you register at the beginning of the rehearsal period for one of the concerts, as this gives you the best opportunity to fulfil the attendance requirements for singing in the performance. You can find out more about us and the 2006 program on our website, .

The choir meets on campus on Monday evenings in X5B 291, from 7.00pm–9.30pm, with a few additional rehearsals before each concert. We have members aged from 18 to 80 and usually put about 100 choristers on stage, with strength in all voice parts. There are no auditions for members of the university and no-one will ask you to sing on your own unless you want to. Apart from scheduled rehearsals, the choir provides other learning aids such as midi-files, CD files of individual parts and a weekend camp.

Membership fees are: staff $50, students $10.

Ann Davies
Macquarie University Singers

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Need a break from your work environment? Do you experience stress or tension? Or do you just like to exercise? Bernie Peterson is offering a range of Iyengar style classes for new and experienced students of yoga.

Bernie has offered active yoga classes at Macquarie University for over 20 years. They are designed to demonstrate the basic principles of alignment and self-awareness, and are not based on any spiritual beliefs. Taking a class will help restore balance to your day, and long term benefits of regular practice include increased flexibility, muscle tone, strength and stamina.

Lunchtime classes

Start: 16 January 2006
Mondays 1.00pm–2.00pm
Thursdays 1.00pm–2.00pm

Location: E8A 290

Prices: Casual $13.00/hour, 10 hour block $110, 20 hour block $200

Morning classes

Start: 15 February 2006
Wednesday 8.00am – 9.00am
Friday 8.00am–9.00am

Location: E8A 290

Prices: Casual $13.00/hour, 10 hour block $110, 20 hour block $200

8-week Beginners course*

Start: 9 February 2006
Thursdays 1.00pm–2.00pm
Location: E8A 290

Price: $90

*If your office or department has space, beginner courses can be arranged for groups of at least 10 people.

Yoga mats provided, wear comfortable clothes. For more information, please contact Mariella Herberstein: x6276 or

Sue Roberts

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The History Council is the peak body for history in New South Wales. Its key role is as an advocate for history, promoting its use and practice throughout this state.

Applications are currently sought for the position of Executive Officer, commencing immediately. The challenging and varied duties of this position call for an applicant with excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently, a sound knowledge of office administration, meeting procedure, database management, website maintenance and desktop publishing, and familiarity with the historical and cultural organisations of the state of NSW. Experience with grant applications, media liaison and public relations would be an advantage.

To learn more about this position please contact Jackie Anker, Department of Modern History on x8879 or email: or visit the the History Council website:

Jackie Anker
Department of Modern History

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SAM Card 2006—Offering students and staff more!

The new SAM Card for 2006 is here and we are very excited about the discounts and special offers available to Card Holders this year.

As a Macquarie University staff member you are eligible for register for a SAM Card and receive the same great range of discounts as students all for a one of price of $100.

As a SAM Card Holder you will receive:

  • The lowest prices on-campus with an average 10 per cent discount at most retail outlets
  • Special offers and discounts from many retailers within Macquarie Centre
  • Reduced prices at a huge range of shops, tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels all over Australia through the ‘Where to Enjoy Program’ .
  • Free newspapers—copies of the SMH and the Australian available daily to pick up from SAM retail outlets and the weekend papers delivered to your home address (usual value $372). Refunds will be given to any staff member who has already applied for the SMH/Australian newspaper deal.

In addition you will be able to take advantage of the vouchers in the SAM Diary which will give you savings both on and off campus. There’s so much on offer!

Full details of the discounts are listed on the SAM website,

To take advantage of the great savings on offer, simply visit today, register and then proceed to the SAM Spot to validate your registration, pay your fee and pick up your SAM Diary and SAM Card.

Please note from end February 2006 the Associate Membership card is no longer available. This has been replaced by the SAM Card.

SAM CampusCatering

SAM is delighted to announce the launch of SAM CampusCatering, the dedicated catering division at SAM focused on bringing a high level of catering options to Macquarie University.

With the appointment of a new chef and the launch of the 2006 menu, SAM CampusCatering is on hand to provide a wide range of drop off catering options, from morning breakfasts, to lunch platters to cocktail food.

For further information please contact:

Vu Hua
Events and Catering Manager
SAM CampusCatering
Telephone: x6586

Marion Malouf
Students at Macquarie

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The dates for Staff News 2006 are listed below:


(by 12noon—copy received after this time cannot be guaranteed of publication)

  Deadline Publication date
1 Monday 30 January Friday 3 February
2 Monday 13 February Friday 17 February
3 Monday 27 February Friday 3 March
4 Monday 13 March Friday 17 March
5 Monday 27 March Friday 31 March
6 Monday 10 April Friday 14 April (3 week break)
7 Monday 1 May Friday 5 May
8 Monday 15 May Friday 19 May
9 Monday 29 May Friday 2 June
10 Tuesday 13 June Friday 16 June
11 Monday 26 June Friday 30 June (3 week break)
12 Monday 17 July Friday 21 July
13 Monday 31 July Friday 4 August
14 Monday 14 August Friday 18 August
15 Monday 28 August Friday 1 September
16 Monday 11 September Friday 15 September (3 week break)
17 Tuesday 3 October Friday 6 October
18 Monday 16 October Friday 20 October
19 Monday 30 October Friday 3 November
20 Monday 13 November Friday 17 November

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Unicom advertisement


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Foundations in Learning and Teaching (FILT) at Macquarie for New, Continuing and Sessional Teaching Staff

In 2006 the Centre for Professional Development will be offering a professional development program, Foundations in Learning and Teaching (FILT), for Macquarie staff. The FILT program is open to all Macquarie staff involved in teaching, including sessional and contract teaching staff, and is particularly useful for staff new to teaching.

The program is based in theory, but also offers a practical, interactive and experiential approach to teaching. It is offered twice yearly prior to the commencement of each semester, and consists of four day-long sessions run over a two-week period. After the program, there is a follow-up lunchtime session for participants to continue the discussion begun during the program and to identify emerging learning and teaching issues.

Session 1: Macquarie Students and some Theories of Learning
Tuesday 7 February

Session 2: Curriculum Development and Assessing Student Learning
Thursday 9 February

Session 3: Developing Learning Environments: Teaching for Effective Learning
Tuesday 14 February

Session 4: Evaluation and Critically Reflective Practice
Thursday 16 February

New staff are advised that they need to enrol in the entire Foundations program, because of its integrated nature. They will receive a personal invitation to participate, and they should seek support to attend from their Heads of Department.

Lunch will be provided.

Dates: Tuesday 7, Thursday 9, Tuesday 14 and Thursday 16 February
All sessions 9.30am–3.30pm
E6A 116
Facilitators: Sharon Fraser and Maree Gosper
Enquiries: Sharon Fraser, x8446,


Teaching as Performing

In this very practical workshop we will investigate different ways of communicating with people in a teaching context . We will look at elements of vocal production, body language, eye contact and questioning techniques. The workshop will look at the environment of learning, and whether we relate to students during class situations. The use of overhead transparencies and PowerPoint will be considered in the context of best ways to manage learning groups.

The aim of the workshop is to enable participants to gain confidence in their presentation of their course material for students, in a variety of different situations. This practical workshop is underpinned by the theoretical consideration of how to engage students with their learning and so we expect that similarly, all participants at this workshop will actively take part in the session.

This workshop is particularly suited to early career teachers or those who simply need to have extra help with the practice of teaching. As this is essentially a practical class, dress comfortably for the occasion!

Date: Tuesday 21 February, 10.00am–1.00pm, E6A 116
Facilitator and Enquiries: Anna Reid, x9780, and Sharon Fraser, x8446,


2006 Macquarie University Competitive Awards for General Staff

The MQ Competitive Awards are designed to enable General Staff to acquire experience outside Macquarie in matters relevant to their professional role within the University. All General Staff who have been employed by the University for the full-time equivalent of four years on a continuous basis are eligible to apply.

For 2006, four (4) grants are available of approx $8,750, plus up to three months leave with pay for successful applicants. Divisional or Office financial contributions to the Program are encouraged to support the application, and indeed will strengthen the application.

Some suggestions for developing a successful application:

  • Provide information on the benefits not only to your career and professional development in your own area of work, but also to the wider university
  • Link the plans for the grant application into advances that you have made in your work and show how the proposed development would substantially add value to the work in the future
  • Obtain written support of the Department Head, Dean or Supervisor to strengthen the application.

The closing date for applications is Friday 31 March 2006.

Full guidelines and application form can be found at:

For further information please contact Robyn Clark, x 9619,



Principles of Recruitment and Selection—for Novice Members of MU Selection/ Promotion/ Probation Committees

Participating in this two-day workshop will provide you with current best practice in selection, and ways to identify problematic issues and common errors in the selection process. It will also provide strategies and tools to ensure that selection is effective, fair and legally defensible. The workshop will cover both academic and general staff selection and will be both interactive and practical in focus.

Topics include:

  • Principles for best practice;
  • Determining meaningful selection criteria;
  • Assessing applicants against selection criteria;
  • Effective interview techniques;
  • Developing useful questions;
  • Committee management issues;
  • Reference checking;
  • Committee reports.

Please note that all members of Selection Committees are required to have attended an MU Recruitment and Selection training program.

The number of participants in this workshop is limited to 16. As the workshop is expected to be in high demand, early enrolment is advised.

Lunch will be provided.

Participants commit themselves to attending both days of this workshop.

Dates: Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 February, 9.30am–5.00pm
Human Resources Training Room, Mezzanine Level, C4B
Facilitator: Amanda Phillips


Women’s Network Informal Lunch

The first informal lunch for the Macquarie University Women’s Network is Tuesday
21 February, 12.30pm–1.30pm at the Staff Club in W5A 320. This is great opportunity to meet other women in the University.

Please contact Rebecca Taylor, CPD on x9734 or email if you will be attending.

Please note that participants are responsible for their own lunch.


To book call CPD on x9721 or email


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The ITTU (Information & Technology Training Unit) office has moved to Level 2 of the Library, and is located in the far western corner of the library building, left of the information desk.

Please continue to contact ITTU for all your IT training and training room enquiries. The ITTU office hours are 9.00am–5.00pm. If the ITTU office is unattended, please leave us a phone or email message, or contact the information desk for assistance.

Level 2, Library (left of the information desk)
Phone: (02) 9850 7399

Cecily Lenton
Online / IT Training Coordinator
Information Technology Training Unit

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The Public Relations and Marketing Unit would like to thank all the staff who have generously cooperated with the media in the past year, sometimes at very short notice and at odd hours. Macquarie University's profile in the community is certainly enhanced through your efforts.

Black Macquarie University Bags

Due to the popularity of the black Macquarie bags, the Public Relations and Marketing Unit has had to put in place a policy whereby approved requests for more than 50 bags will be charged at $1 per bag and departments will have to provide an account code. Please forward your requests for approval in the first instance to Dina Mura on x6079 or email:

Movies at Macquarie

Movies at Macquarie is a great opportunity for academics and PhD students to showcase their area of research by hosting a recent film with a topic relating to their area. The Movies at Macquarie format has proved to be very popular with audiences, with large turnouts experienced at many sessions since its inception in 2001.

If you would like to be involved in the 2006 program, please contact Dina Mura on x6079 or email: by Wednesday 15 February. For more information, visit the website:

Cinema in the Park

As a major sponsor of the Ryde Summer Festival, Macquarie University will again be hosting a free outdoor movie screening on the Lakeside Lawn. This year’s movie is Sideways screening on Friday 3 March.

Movies begin at sundown. Feel free to bring a picnic and blanket or low chairs—movie snacks will also be available.

Greg Welsh
Acting Media Manager

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The Alumni Awards for Distinguished Service 2005

The Alumni Office is accepting nominations for the Alumni Awards for Distinguished Service for 2005. There are two awards: Outstanding Service to the Community and Outstanding Service to a Chosen Profession.

The awards have been established to recognise and honour the outstanding achievements of Macquarie University alumni within their chosen professions and to society.

The awards will be presented at the Alumni Awards Night in May 2006. The closing date for nominations is Friday 3 March 2006.

A nomination form and award conditions can be found on the Alumni website:

First Lecture in the Alumni Lecture Series 2006

Date: Thursday 30 March
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Macquarie University, SAM Level 3
Topic: Security Intelligence Failures: A Retrospective
Speakers: Peter Anderson, Director of the new Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (PICT), and Sandra Bilson, Operations Manager, PICT.

Peter and Sandra will present an overview of this new Unit as well as insights into recent intelligence ’failures’ including September 11, Beslan, Bali and the SIEV-X sea disaster.

Advance Notice—Premium Wine Tasting Evening sponsored by Taylors Wines

Date: Thursday 6 April
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Yuga Café and Art Gallery, 172 St John’s Road, Glebe

Bookings essential.

Book online for both events:

Alumni Office
Telephone: (02) 9850 7310
Fax: (02) 9850 9478

Mark Herndon
Alumni Office

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We are using both print and broadcasting monitoring services, but they do sometimes miss Macquarie mentions. To ensure a more comprehensive and accurate Macquarie in the media column, please always let us know whenever you have been a subject or an author of any print media item, including reviews of your work or letters-to-the-editor from you, and if you appear on the electronic media. Kindly forward the information by email to Greg Welsh:; by fax to (9850) 9457; or through internal mail to Ground Floor, Goodman Fielder Building, Macquarie University Research Park.

The media mentions for November–December 2005 and January 2006 are attached via this pdf.

Greg Welsh
Acting Media Manager

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Equal Employment Opportunity is a University Policy.

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FOR SALE Futon bed base, black, as new $150 ono. Contact: Kate x8405

FOR SALE Lounge suite. 1 x two seater and 2 x one seater. Green velvet. wing backed with timber surrounds. $150 ono. Contact: Matt x7516 or to see a photo

FOR SALE Certified organic personal care and skin products made by an Australian company from produce from Australian organic farms. Contact: Sandra 0438 415 715

FOR SALE 1992 Honda Prelude S two door coupe. Milano red, five speed manual, 110,000kms, Simmons alloy wheels, air conditioning, cruise control, central locking, power mirrors, power steering, power and tinted windows, sun roof, CD player, leather Nardi steering wheel, purpose built rear spoiler, floor mats, registered to 20 March 2006. $11,000 ono. Contact: Caroline
9634 6298, 9477 2188 mobile 0418 617 188

FOR RENT Delightful modern cottage available for rent in Brooklyn (walking distance to Hawkesbury River station). Fully furnished with air conditioning and very easy to maintain. $280 per week. Available from late February 2006 for up to one year (shorter term negotiable). Suitable for professional single or couple. Contact: Ian or 0404 851 931

ACCOMMODATION/HOUSESITTING WANTED PhD student is seeking accommodation from 1 February to mid/end March 2006. I will happily look after your pets and garden. Contact: Simone:

SHARE ACCOMMODATION Two bedroom unit in Abbotsford. Neat and tidy kitchen/bathroom, close to shops and city bus/ferry, shared secure undercover car space. Rent $150 per week, plus bond ($600) and utilities. Contact: Daniel on 0422 050 812

SHARE ACCOMMODATION Flatmate to share quiet fully furnished villa in Marsfield with one other (and resident spoilt cat). Bedroom plus separate sitting room/spare room available. Timber floors throughout. Private courtyard. Friendly, quiet complex with common garden and only nine units. Only 25 minutes walk to University. $160 per week (for both rooms) plus bond and expenses. Contact: Sue 0422 505 008

Staff News ads are free for staff members.

Staff members names must be included in the ad.

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Tuesday 7, Thursday 9, Tuesday 14 and Thursday 16 February

FOUNDATIONS IN LEARNING AND TEACHING (FILT) AT MACQUARIE FOR NEW, CONTINUING AND SESSIONAL TEACHING STAFF Lunches will be provided. Facilitators: Sharon Fraser and Maree Gosper. Enquiries: Sharon Fraser, x8446, All sessions are from 9.30am–3.30pm in E6A 116. To book call CPD on x9721 or email

Tuesday 21 February

TEACHING AS PERFOMING Facilitator and Enquiries: Anna Reid, x9780, and Sharon Fraser, x8446, 10.00am–1.00pm in E6A 116. To book call CPD on x9721 or email

WOMEN’S NETWORK INFORMAL LUNCH 12.30pm–1.30pm at the Staff Club, W5A 320. Please contact Rebecca Taylor, CPD, on email or x9734 if you will be attending.

Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 February

PRINCIPLES OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION FOR NOVICE MEMBERS OF MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY SELECTION/ PROMOTION/PROBATION COMMITTEES 9.30am–5.00pm in the Human Resources Training Room, Mezzanine Level, C4B. Facilitator: Amanda Phillips. To book call CPD on x9721 or email



Friday 3 March

ALUMNI AWARDS FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE 2005 Nominations close for the Alumni Awards for Distinguished Service for 2005 for Outstanding Service to the Community and Outstanding Service to a Chosen Profession. A nomination form and award conditions can be found on the Alumni website at:

CINEMA IN THE PARK As a major sponsor of the Ryde Summer Festival, Macquarie University will again be hosting a free outdoor movie screening on the Lakeside Lawn. This year’s movie is Sideways. Movies begin at sundown. Feel free to bring a picnic and blanket or low chairs—movie snacks will also be available.

Tuesday 21 March

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Coins for Kings: the Family of Alexander the Great and Their Coin Images. Dr Kenneth Sheedy (Director, Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatics) Mollie Thomson Room, Level 5, Library at 5.30pm for 6.00pm. All welcome. Enquiries: Mrs Cissy Wong x7499

Thursday 30 March

ALUMNI LECTURE SERIES Security Intelligence Failures: A Retrospective. Speakers: Peter Anderson, Director, Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Unit (PICT), Sandra Bilson, Operations Manager, Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Unit (PICT). Peter and Sandra will present an overview of this new Unit as well as insights into recent intelligence ’failures’ including September 11, Beslan, Bali and the SIEV-X sea disaster. 6:30pm, Macquarie University, SAM Level 3

Friday 31 March

CLOSING DATE FOR 2006 MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY COMPETITIVE AWARDS FOR GENERAL STAFF The closing date for applications is Friday 31 March 2006. Full guidelines and application form at: For further information please contact Robyn Clark, x9619,


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The next issue of Staff News will be published on Friday Friday 17 February 2006.

All items to be submitted in writing or by emailing by 12 noon, Monday 13 February 2006.

Michelle Coventry, C9B, x7381, fax x7391

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