Postgraduate Scholarships

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  6. Postgraduate Scholarships
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Status: Open

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships scheme.


The aim of the NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships scheme is to support outstanding health and medical graduates early in their career so that they can be trained to conduct research that is internationally competitive and to develop a capacity for original independent research within Australia. This is achieved by NHMRC funding successful applicants to attain a research based postgraduate degree (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or a Masters Degree).

Stipend rates for scholarships commencing in 2025
  • $50,000 per annum

An allowance of $2,250 p.a. is provided to assist with the purchase of consumables and for travel to relevant conferences.

Scholarship recipients receive a thesis allowance of $500 in the final year.

To be eligible for this scheme you must:

  • be undertaking a PhD or a master's by research degree
  • not exceed 12 calendar months of full-time equivalent enrolment for a PhD degree, or six calendar months for a master's by research degree, up to 31 December 2024
  • At the time of acceptance and for the duration of a grant the applicant must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or a permanent resident of Australia. The applicant must also be based in Australia for at least 80% of the funding period.
  • include a proposal for a health and medical research project based in Australia
  • apply under the research stream that your research proposal aligns with (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research; Clinical Medicine and Science Research; Dora Lush Basic Science Research;  Public Health and Health Services Research). NHMRC will assess this as part of eligibility and applications submitted to the incorrect Research Stream may be ineligible.
  • Standard Stipend recipients must have achieved their most recent academic qualification at least five years before 31 December in the year of application, if applying for the Clinical Medicine and Science Research or Dora Lush Basic Science Research Streams
  • not have previously received funding for a NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship
  • not be a recipient of an Australian Government funded stipend such as a Research Training Program (RTP) stipend.

The applicant will not be able to hold a full-time academic position, or other full-time positions, in conjunction with their NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship. The applicant must inform the NHMRC (via Macquarie University Research Services) if such situations arise.

  • Applications for major grant rounds (NHMRC) must be submitted to the Research Services Grant Developmentteam 4 weeks prior to the external deadline.
  • Applications that do not have a Pure record and/or do not have all the appropriate approvals in Pure (Head of Department [HoD] and Associate Dean Research [ADR]) will not be submitted to the external funding body - if you are not an employee of the University your supervisor will have to complete this process on your behalf
For applications submitted in 2025

Please note that our grant review processes have changed. Strategic reviews are optional, while compliance and eligibility checks are mandatory.

If you wish to receive a strategic review of your NHMRC application, you must book via the online booking calendar.

Compliance and eligibility reviews for your NHMRC application is mandatory and you must book via the online booking calendar.

There are sufficient booking times available for all applicants, but we recommend booking early to ensure you have an ample choice of dates.

These are estimated dates from previous NHMRC rounds but are subject to change

  • NHMRC opening date in Sapphire: Wednesday 09 April 2025
  • Strategic review (optional): 07 May 2025; select your date and time in the strategic booking calendar
  • NHMRC minimum data deadline: 14 May 2025
  • Compliance and eligibility check (mandatory): 21 May 2025; select your date and time in the compliance and eligibility booking calendar. By the date and time you select you must also have a penultimate draft of your entire application in Sapphire and DVCR Co-Funding requests must be submitted via Pure.
  • Applicant submits final application in Sapphire: 11:59pm Sunday 1 June 2025
  • Research Services submission to NHMRC: Wednesday 04 June 2025
  • Outcomes expected: December 2025

Note: NHMRC locates all their Scheme documentation in GrantConnect. You will be required to set-up a username and password to access.

Notification Of Intent (NOI)
Complete a Notification of Intent to inform your Faculty and the University Research Services teams of your intention to submit an application. After completing this NOI, you will be provided with regular updates about your funding scheme and sent valuable resources that will assist you in developing a highly competitive research grant application.