MQ Outside Studies Program

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Our research
  4. Funding and grants
  5. Internal funding
  6. MQ Outside Studies Program
Workshops and online resources about funding applications Macquarie research management system Pivot Research Professional (Pivot-RP)

Status: Closed

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the MQ Outside Studies Program.


The purpose of the Macquarie University Outside Studies Program (OSP) is to:

  • enhance the knowledge, skills and experience, access to new ideas and resources, and the international standing of our academic staff
  • encourage staff to establish and develop strong national and international research partnerships and collaborations with academic institutions, business and other organisations
  • foster new joint and cotutelle agreements with new and established partner institutions
  • encourage mobility of cotutelle and joint PhD supervisors between host institutions
  • contribute to Macquarie's development as an internationally leading research-intensive university.

The primary form of funding for OSP Fellowships is a grant of salary for a period of research and scholarship activity as defined in the approved application.

A grant-in-aid is usually awarded to assist in meeting the costs of travel, accommodation and other expenses directly related to the Program.

The Faculties have their own approval and review processes for grants under this scheme. Please ensure that you contact your Faculty, for information on process, deadlines and for an application form.

Faculty contacts:

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences 

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Macquarie Business School