Shawkat Alam, ‘Curriculum Renewal Project: Improving Skills of Civil Servants of the Government of Bangladesh’ (pending final approval in 2017).
Shawkat Alam and George Tomossy (2017), ‘Building Capacity for Sustainable Forest Governance in Indonesia’, DFAT AAF Round 16 ($192K Category 2).
Vladimir Strezov, Mark Taylor, Peter Nelson and Timothy Evans (2017), ‘Improving dioxin emissions during iron ore sintering’, ARC LP160101600 ($450K Category 1).
Mark Taylor, Vladimir Strezov and Michael Gillings (2017), ‘Citizen insights in the composition and risks of household dust’, Australian Federal Government Citizen Science Grant ($490K Category 1).
Mostafa Naser (2017-2018), ‘A collaborative national and international interdisciplinary research agenda to investigate the development, application and governance of pesticides’, Edith Cowan University Collaboration Enhancement Scheme ($10,000).