The Macquarie Papyri Research and Development Committee

The Macquarie Papyri Research and Development Committee

Every one of the papyri held at Macquarie has the potential to change some aspect of the way we think about our human past. Yet so far only three items from the collection have received full published editions. The Macquarie Papyri Research and Development Committee was therefore established in January 2008, following an original initiative of Dr John Lee, to oversee systematic publication of the collection.

The Committee's first objective is to publish two volumes in the next five years (2009-2013). In due course we envisage producing a total of at least four P.Macquarie volumes, along with a popular introduction to papyrology in general and to the Macquarie collection in particular. We are also planning electronic publication of all Macquarie fragments too small to warrant individual hard-copy editions.For further details see 'Current Work'.

The committee is comprised of the following:

This local committee takes advice from an international advisory panel:

  • Prof. Roger Bagnall (President of the International Association of Papyrologists; New York University)
  • Prof. Alan Bowman (University of Oxford)
  • Prof. Willy Clarysse (KU Leuven)
  • Dr Mark Depauw (KU Leuven)
  • Dr Nikolaos Gonis (University of London)
  • Prof. Greg Horsley (University of New England)
  • Dr Dirk Obbink (University of Oxford)
  • Dr Dorothy Thompson (University of Cambridge)
  • Assoc. Prof. John Whitehorne (University of Queensland)
  • Prof. Klaas Worp (University of Leiden)


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