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Previous work

The three items from the Macquarie collection which have already received full published editions are:

  • Barker, D.[C.], 'A Christian Hymn? P. Macquarie inv. 346', ZPE 159 (2007), 281-2 (Corrigendum: 160 (2007), 134).
  • Emmett, A.M., 'An Unpublished Petition to Flavius Olympius (P.Macquarie inv. 358)', in Atti del XVII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia (Napoli, 19-26 maggio, 1983) (Naples, 1984), 825-8.
  • Pickering, S.R., 'P. Macquarie Inv. 360 (+P. Mil. Vogl. Inv. 1224): (Acta Apostolorum 2.30-37, 2.46-3.2)', ZPE 65 (1986), 76.

In addition, brief description and partial transcription of P.Macquarie inv. 1-8 may be found in:

  • Treweek, A., 'The Macquarie University Papyri', AULLA XV Proceedings and Papers (1973), 7.15-7.16.

A further 57 documents have been edited in three unpublished doctoral theses by S.R. Pickering (1985), J.H. Midgley (1991), and R.R.E. Cook (1995). A set of 40 documents (overlapping with those mentioned above) are also discussed (and in several cases illustrated with small images) in S.R. Pickering and D.C. Barker, A Handbook to the Macquarie Papyri (Sydney, 1998).

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