All Publications
ACRC Publications, Conference Presentations, and other Outputs: 2009-2013
Higher Education and Research Data Collection publications
A1: Scholarly Books
Chan, S., Liao, M. and Li, R., Tian, Ren, Xing: Zaidu Guodian Chumu Zhujian yu Shanghai Bowuguancang Zhujian, ISBN: 978-753-2-57161-1 (Shanghai: Guji Chubanshe, 2014).
Dzino, D., Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat: Identity Transformations in Post-Roman Dalmatia, East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (450-1450), Series 12 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010 - ISBN: 9789004186460).
Dzino, D., Illyricum and Roman Politics: 229 BC - AD 68 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010 - ISBN: 9780521194198).
Dzino, D. and Kunić, D., Rimski ratovi u Iliriku: Povijesni antinarativ. Biblioteka Lucius 9 [Roman wars in Illyricum. Historical anti-narrative], ISBN: 978-953-0-61991-3 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2013).
Evans, L., Animal Behaviour in Egyptian Art: Representations of the Natural World in Memphite Tomb Scenes (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2010 - ISBN: 9780856688263).
Kanawati, N., Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, vol. 9: The Tomb of Remni (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2009 - ISBN: 9780856688287).
Kanawati, N., Decorated Burial Chambers of the Old Kingdom (Cairo: SCA, 2010 - ISBN: 9789774797934).
Kanawati, N., The Cemetery of Meir, vol. 1: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Middle (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2012 - ISBN: 9780856688454).
Kanawati, N., Deir El-Gebrawi, vol. 3: The Southern Cliff. The Tomb of Djau/Shemai and Djau (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2013 - ISBN: 9780856688553).
Kanawati, N. and Evans, L., The Tombs of Meir. Vol. II: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Black ISBN: 978-0-85668-841 (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2014).
Kanawati, N. and Woods, A., Artists in the Old Kingdom: Techniques and Achievements (Cairo: SCA, 2009 - ISBN: 9789774379857).
Kanawati, N. and Woods, A., Artists in the Old Kingdom: Techniques and Achievements (Arabic edition, Cairo: SCA, 2009 - 9789774790959).
Kanawati, N. and Woods, A., Beni Hassan: Art and Life in an Egyptian Province (Cairo: SCA, 2010 - ISBN: 9789774797927).
Kanawati, N., Woods, A., Alexakis, E. and Shafik, S., Mereruka and His Family, Part 3:2 (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2011 - ISBN: 9780856688409).
Köhler, E.C. and Jones, J., HELWAN II. The Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Funerary Relief Slabs, SAGA 25 (Rahden: Maria Leidorf, 2009 - ISBN: 9783867579711).
Lieu, S.N.C., Fox, G., and Sheldon, J., Greek and Latin Texts on Manichaean Cosmogony, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Subsidia 6 (Turnout: Brepols, 2010 - ISBN: 9782503512471).
Lieu, S.N.C., Eccles, L., Franzmann, M., Gardner, I., and Parry, K., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012 - ISBN: 9782503521978).
Nongbri, B., Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013 - ISBN 978-0300154160).
Ockinga, B., The Tomb of Amenemope (TT 148), vol. 1: Architecture, Texts and Decoration, (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2009 - ISBN: 9780856688249).
Welborn, L., An End to Enmity: Paul and the "Wrongdoer" of Second Corinthians, BZNW 185 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011 - ISBN: 9783110263275).
B1: Scholarly book chapters
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Rei militaris virtus ... orbem terrarum parere huic imperio coëgit: The transformation of Roman imperium, 146-50 BC', in Hoyos, D. (ed.), A Companion to Roman Imperialism (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 141-153.
Neville, R. and Chan, S. (trans.), 'Zuowei Shijiexing Zhexue de Ruxue (Confucianism as a world philosophy)', in Xinyan, J. (ed.), Yingyu Shijie Zhong de Zhongguo Zhexue (Chinese Philosophy in the English-speaking World) (Beijing, 2010), 313-331.
Chan, S., 'Guodian Chujian de Tianren Guanxi ji 'ming' de Hanyi', in Sixin, D. and Shihua, X. (eds), Chudi Jianbo Sixiang Yanjiu, Studies of the Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts from the Chu, vol. 4 (Wuhan: Chongwen Shuju, 2010), 52-71.
Chan, S., 'Identifying Daoist humour: Reading the Liezi', in Davis, J.M. and Chey, J.V. (eds), Humour in Chinese Life and Letters (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011), 71-87.
Chan, S., Introduction, in Chan, S., Liao, M., and Li, R., Tian, Ren, Xing: Zaidu Guodian Chumu Zhujian yu Shanghai Bowuguancang Zhujian (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 2014).
Chan, S., Bao jun de xun xiang 'zhong' qiu, in Chen, Z. (ed.), Jian bo, jing dian, gu shi (2013): 209-216.
Choat, M., 'Language and culture in Late Antique Egypt', in Rousseau, P. (ed.), A Companion to Late Antiquity, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), 342-356.
Choat, M., 'Monastic property ownership in the early period', in Boudhors, A., Clackson, J., and Sijpesteijn, P. (eds), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clackson (Oxford: American Society of Papyrologists, 2009), 129-140.
Choat, M., 'Early Coptic epistolography', in Papaconstantinou, A. (ed.), The Multilingual Experience in Egypt from the Ptolemies to the Abassids (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010), 153-178.
Choat, M., 'Athanasius, Pachomius, and the "Letter on Charity and Temperance"', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 1 (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 97-104.
Choat, M. and Yuen-Collingridge, R., 'The Egyptian Hermas: The shepherd in Egypt before Constantine', in Kraus, T. and Nicklas, T. (eds), Early Christian Manuscripts: Examples of Applied Method and Approach (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 191-212.
Choat, M., 'Letter to a mother-in-law', in Hasitzka, M. (ed.), Koptische dokumentarische und literarische Texte "First International Summer School in Coptic Papyrology 2006" in der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2011), 35-38.
Choat, M., 'Christianity', in Riggs, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 474-489.
Choat, M., 'Coptic', in Riggs, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 581-593.
Choat, M., The life of Antony in Egypt, in Leylerle, B. and Young, R. (eds) Ascetic Culture: Essays in Honor of Philip Rousseau (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013): 50-74.
Choat, M., Monastic letter collections in late antique Egypt: Structure, purpose, and transmission, in Tovar, S.T. and Monferrer-Sala, J.P. (eds), Cultures in Contact: Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context (Oriens Academic, Cordoba, 2013): 73-90.
Cromwell, J., '48. Child's tunic', '50. Tapestry panel', '51. Tapestry band', '70. Decorated comb', '71. Comb', in Routledge, C. (ed.), Quest for Immortality: The Bolton Museum Collection (Taipei: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Museum, 2011), 58, 59, 60, 64, 74, 75.
Cromwell, J., 'The family of Germanos from Jeme: An 8th century Coptic family', in Ayad, M. (ed.), Coptic Culture: Past, Present and Future (Stevenage: Coptic Centre, 2012), 131-142.
Cromwell, J., Walter Ewing Crum (1865–1944). A Coptic scholar 'sui generis', in Bukovec, P. (ed.), Christlicher Orient im Porträt — Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Christlichen Orients, Religionen im Vorderen Orient Band 2 (Hamburg, 2014): 407-422.
Dzino, D. and Domi?-Kuni?, A., 'Pannonians: Identity-perceptions from the Late Iron Age to later Antiquity', in Migotti, B. (ed.), Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia. The state of research and selected problems in the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia, BAR International Series 2393 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012), 93-115.
Dzino, D., 'The impact of Roman Imperialism on the formation of group identities in some indigenous societies from the eastern Adriatic hinterland', in Rufin Solas, A. (ed.), Armées grecques et romaines dans le nord des Balkans, Akanthina 7 (Gdansk: Akanthina Publishers, 2012), 137-162.
Dzino, D., 'The formation of early imperial peregrine civitates in Dalmatia: (Re)constructing indigenous communities after the conquest', in Jankovi?, M. and Mihajlovi?, V.D. (eds), Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013), in press.
Dzino, D., The impact of Roman imperialism on the formation of group identities in some indigenous societies from the eastern Adriatic hinterland, in Rufin-Solas, A. (ed.), Armées grecques et romaines dans le nord des Balkans: Conflicts et Integration des Communautes Guerrieres, Akanthina 7 (Gdansk & Torun: Foundation Traditio Europae, 2013): 145-170.
Dzino, D., Local knowledge and wider contexts: Stories of the arrival of the Croats in De Administrando Imperio in the past and present, in Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20 (Brisbane: Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014): 89-105.
Dzino, D. and Parry, K., Introduction: Byzantium, its neighbours and its cultures, in Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20 (Brisbane: Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014): 1-9.
Dzino, D., The rise and fall of the Dalmatian ‘Big-men’: Social structures in Late Antique, Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia (ca. 500-850), in Vitljanov, St. and Topalilov, I. (eds), The Barbarians and the Empire, Studia Academica umenensia 1 (Bulgaria: Shumen, 2014): 127-152.
Evans, L., 'Otter or mongoose? Chewing over the evidence in wall scenes', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 1 (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 119-129.
Evans, L., 'Bird behavior in ancient Egyptian art', in Bailleul-LeSuer, R. (ed.), Between Heaven and Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt. Oriental Institute Museum Publications 35 (Chicago, 2012), 91-98.
Evans, T.V., 'Identifying the language of the individual in the Zenon archive', in Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D. (eds), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 51-70.
Evans, T.V., 'Latin in Egypt', in Riggs, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 516-525.
Evans, T.V., 'Linguistic and stylistic variation in the Zenon archive', in Leiwo, M., Halla-aho, H., and Vierros, M. (eds), Variation and Change in Greek and Latin (Helsinki: Finnish Institution at Athens, 2012), 25-40.
Evans, T.V., 'Complaints of the natives in a Greek dress: The Zenon Archive and the problem of Egyptian interference', in Mullen, A. and James, P. (eds), Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 106-123.
Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D., 'Introduction', in Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D. (eds), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1-12.
Ghica, V., Quelques graffites syriaques, nabatéens, gréco-nord-arabiques et grecs dans la zone minière du Sud-Sinaï, in Tallet, P. (ed.), La zone minière pharaonique du Sud-Sinaï - I (Catalogue complémentaire des inscriptions du Sinaï), MIFAO 130 (2013): 329-346.
Gillett, A., 'The mirror of Jordanes: Concepts of the barbarian, then and now', in Rousseau, P. (ed.), A Companion to Late Antiquity, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), 392-408.
Gillett, A., 'Love and grief in post-Imperial diplomacy: The letters of Brunhild', in Sidwell, B. and Dzino, D. (eds), Power and Emotions in the Roman World and Late Antiquity (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010), 127-165.
Gillett, A., 'Ethnography and Imperium in the sixth century: Frankish and Byzantine rhetoric in the Epistolae Austrasicae', in Garland, L. and Nathan, G. (eds), Basileia: Essays on Culture and Imperium in Honour of E.M. and M.J. Jeffreys, Byzantina Australiensia 17 (Brisbane: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 2011), 67-81.
Gillett, A., 'Opium and race relations in Queensland', in Foley, F. (ed.), Black Opium (Brisbane: State Library of Queensland, 2011), 15-25.
Gillett, A., 'Epic panegyric and political communication in the fifth-century West', in Kelly, G. and Grig, L. (eds), Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 265-290.
Gillett, A., 'Communication in Late Antiquity: Use and reuse', in Johnson, S. (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 815-846.
Gore, D.B., 'Application of reactive barriers operated in frozen ground', in Margesin, R. (ed.), Permafrost Soils (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2009), 303-319.
Hillard, T.W., 'The god abandons Antony: Alexandrian street theatre in 30 B.C.', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 1 (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 201-217.
Hillard, T.W., 'Velleius 2.124.2 and the reluctant Princeps; The evolution of Roman perceptions of leaderships', in Cowan, E. (ed.), Velleius Paterculus: Making History (Swansea: University Press of Wales, 2011), 219-251.
Hillard, T.W., 'Graffiti's engagement. The political graffiti of the Late Roman Republic', in Laurence, R., Keegan, P., and Sears, G. (eds), Written Space in the Latin West: 200 BC to AD 300 (London/New York: Continuum Press, 2013), 105-122.
Hillard, T.W. and Beness, L., 'Choosing friends, foes and fiefdoms in the second century BC', in Hoyos, D. (ed.), A Companion to Roman Imperialism (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 127-140.
Kanawati, N., 'Weni the Elder and his royal background', in Maravelia, A.-A. (ed.), En Quete de la lumiere (In Quest of Light): Melanges in Honorem Ashraf A. Sadek, BAR International Series 1960 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009), 5-21.
Kanawati, N., 'Chronology of the Old Kingdom nobles of El-Qusiya revisited', in Hawass, Z., Der Manualian, P., and Hussein, R.B., Perspectives on Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 207-220.
Kanawati, N., 'The vizier Nebet and the royal women of the sixth dynasty', in Hawass, Z. and Ikram, S. (eds), Thebes and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Kent R. Weeks (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 115-125.
Kanawati, N., 'The Memphite tomb of Qar of Edfu', in Callender, V.G., Bareš, L., Bárta, M., Janák, J., and Krejci, J. (eds), Times, Signs and Pyramids: Studies in Honour of Miroslav Verner on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, 2011), 217-231.
Kanawati, N., The mastaba of Kaihai, where the cemeteries of Weserkaf and Teti meet, Études et Travaux 26 (2013): 347-362.
Köhler, E.C., 'Theories of state formation', in Wendrich, W. (ed.), The Archaeology of Egypt, Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), 36-54.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Epigraphica Nestoriana Serica', in Sundermann, W., Hintze, A., and de Blois, F. (eds), Exegisti monumenta: Festschrift in Honour of Nicholas Sims-Williams (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009), 227-245.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Manichaean art and architecture along the Silk Road', in Parry, K. (ed.), Art, Architecture and Religion along the Silk Road, Silk Road Studies XII (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009), 79-101.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Medieval Manichaean and Nestorian remains in the Zayton (Quanzhou) of Marco Polo', in BeDuhn, J. (ed.), New Light on Manichaeism (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 181-200.
Lieu, S.N.C. and Sheldon, J., 'Simplicius on Manichaean cosmogony', in van den Berg, J.A. et al. (eds), 'In Search of Truth': Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism, Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 74 (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 217-228.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Nestorian mission in Mongol China', in Garlick, M. and Sbodniek, M. (eds), Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Islam between the Death of Muhammad and Tamerlane (632-1405) (Bratislava: Institute of Oriental Studies Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2011), 211-236 +5 pl.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 1-11.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Wu Wenliang and the discovery of Christian and Manichaean remains in Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 13-24.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The church of the east in Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 25-52.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Manichaean remains in Jinjiang', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 61-82.
Lieu, S.N.C., The 'Romanitas' of Xi'an inscription, in Tang, L. and Winkler, D.W. (eds), From the Oxus River to the Chinese Shores: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia, Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia Vol. 5 (Lit Verlag, 2013): 123-140.
Gardner, I., Lieu, S.N.C. and Parry, K., 'Catalogue of Christian and Manichaean remains from Zayton (Quanzhou, China)', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 83-128.
Eccles, L. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Inscriptions in Latin, Chinese, Uighur and Phagspa', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 129-150.
Eccles, L. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Inscriptions in Syro-Turkic from Quanzhou (I) Epigraphical and historical background', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 151-169.
Franzmann, M. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Nestorian inscriptions in Syro-Turkic from Quanzhou (II) Texts and translations', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 171-214.
McKechnie, P., 'Who were the Alexandrians? Palace and city, Aristarchus and Comanus, 170-145BC' in Jördens, A. and Quack, J. (eds), Ägypten zwischen innerem Zwist und äusserem Druck: Die Zeit Ptolemaios' VI. bis VIII. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011), 219-234.
McKechnie, P., Paul among the Jews, in Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), All Things to All Cultures: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013): 103-123.
McKechnie, P., Our academic visitor is missing: Posidippus 89(A-B) and “smart capital” for the thalassocrats, in Buraselis, K., Stefanou, M. and Thompson, D. (eds), The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013): 132-142.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Augustine and his sources: The 'devil's snares and birdlime' in the mouths of Manichaeans in East and West', in van den Berg, J.A. et al. (eds), 'In Search of Truth': Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism, Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 74 (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 419-425.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Glimpses of the Light-world - U 71 and its parallels', in M. Knüppel & Cirillo, L. (eds), Gnostica et Manichaica: Festschrift für Aloïs van Tongerloo, anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages überreicht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern, Studies in Oriental Religions 65 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012), 101-109.
Nobbs, A., 'Phileas, Bishop of Thmouis', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2 (Cairo, 2010), 93-97.
Nobbs, A., 'Edification in the early Egyptian Church: Evidence from a bishop's dossier', in Ayad, M. (ed.), Coptic Culture: Past, Present and Future (Oxford: The Coptic Orthodox Church, 2012), 109-113.
Nongbri, B., Pauline letter manuscripts, in Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), All Things to All Cultures: Paul Among Jews, Greeks, and Romans (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013): 84-102.
Ockinga, B., 'The Memphite Theology: Its purpose and date', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2 (Cairo, 2010), 99-117.
Ockinga, B., 'A royal ritual text in TT 233', in Collier, M. and Snape, S. (eds), Ramesside Studies in Honour of K. A. Kitchen (Bolton: Rutherford Press, 2011), 345-359.
Ockinga, B. and Binder, S., Fragments of an Amarna-age stele in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery North, Études et Travaux 26 (2013): 502-516.
Parry, K., 'The Buddha as colossus in Central Asia and China', in Parry, K. (ed.), Art, Architecture and Religion along the Silk Road, Silk Road Studies XII (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009), 179-198.
Parry, K., 'The art of the Christian remains at Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 243-262.
Parry, K., 'Aristotle and the icon: The use of the Categories by Byzantine iconophile writers', in Ebbesen, S., Marenbon, J., and Thom, P. (eds), Aristotle's Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions (Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters, 2013), 34-56.
Parry, P., Central Asia and India, in Tabbernee, W. (ed.), Early Christianity in Contexts: An Exploration Across Cultures and Continents (Grand Rapids: Baker International, 2014): 143-180.
Parry, P., Egypt in the Byzantine Imagination: Cultural memory and historiography, 4th -9th centuries, in Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20 (Brisbane: Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014): 181-208.
Franzmann, M., Gardner, I., and Parry, K., 'The Indian background: Connections and comparisons', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 215-242.
Sheedy, K., 'Asia Minor in the Archaic and Classical periods', in Amandry, M. and Bateson, D. (eds), A Survey of Numismatic Research 2002-2007 (Glasgow: International Numismatic Commission, 2009), 65-75.
Sheedy, K., 'Scenes from Alexandria in the time of Domitian', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2 (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 205-217.
Sheedy, K., 'Aegina, the Cyclades and Crete', in Metcalf, W.E. (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinage (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 105-127.
Evans, D., and Traviglia, A., 'Uncovering Angkor: Integrated remote sensing applications in the archaeology of early Cambodia', in Lasaponara, R. and Masini, N. (eds), Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology (New York: Springer, 2010), 197-230.
Tristant, Y. and Midant-Reynes, B., 'The predynastic cultures of the Nile Delta', in Teeter, E. (ed.), Before the Pyramids. The Origins of Egyptian Civilization, Oriental Institute Museum Publication 33 (Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2012), 45-54.
Tristant, Y., 'Les enterrements d'enfants dans l'Égypte prédynastique et pharaonique', in Nenna, M.-D. (ed.), L'Enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité II. Types de tombes et traitement du corps des enfants dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine, Études Alexandrines 26 (Alexandria, 2012), 15-59.
Tristant, Y., Les vases en pierre, in Midant-Reynes, B. and Buchez, N. (eds), Tell el-Iswid 2006-2009, Fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 73 (Cairo, 2014): 266-274.
Tristant, Y. and De Dapper, M., Prospections géomorphologiques et archéologiques, in Midant-Reynes, B. and Buchez, N. (eds), Tell el-Iswid 2006-2009, Fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 73 (Cairo, 2014): 7-11.
Welborn, L., '1 Corinthians: Introduction and notes', in Coogan, M. and Perkins, P. (eds), The New Oxford Annotated Bible (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1999-2023.
Woods, A., Colour conventions. Contribution to: Kanawati, N., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, vol. 9: The Tomb of Remni (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2009), 39-47.
Woods, A., Architectural features. Contribution to: Kanawati, N., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, vol. 9: The Tomb of Remni (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2009), 19-21.
Woods, A., 'A date for the tomb of Seneb at Giza: Revisited', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2. (Cairo, 2010), 301-331.
Woods, A., Architectural features. Contribution to: Kanawati, N., The Tombs of Meir, vol. 1: The Tomb of Pepyankh-heryib (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2011), 27-30.
Woods, A., 'Relief', in Hartwig, M. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, in press; ISBN 978-1-44433-350-3).
C1: Refereed Journal Articles
Beness, J.L., Dunn, R., Hillard, T.W. and Sprent, A., 'The coastal topography of ancient Torone', Mediterranean Archaeology 22/23 (2009/10) [2011], 69-84.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'From Marius to Sulla: Part 1', Studies in Honour of Margaret Parker, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 38/1 (2008) [2011], 56-83.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Another voice against the 'tyranny' of Scipio Aemilianus in 129 B.C.?', Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte 61/3 (2012), 270-281.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., Insulting Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, Antichthon 47 (2013): 61-79.
Chan, S., 'The ruler/ruled relationship in the Ziyi (Black Robe) contained in the newly excavated Guodian Chu slip-texts', Journal of Asian History 43 (2009), 19-30.
Liao, M. and Chan, S., 'Exegesis of the Baoxun text in the Bamboo Slip Manuscripts acquired by Tsinghua University', Zhongguo Zhexueshi (History of Chinese Philosophy), (2010), 5-13.
Chan, S., 'Cosmology, society and humanity: Tian in the Guodian Texts (Part I)', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Supplement Issue: Confucian Philosophy. Transformations and Innovations 38 (2011), 64-77.
Chan, S., 'Zhong and ideal rulership in the Baoxun (Instructions for Preservation) text in the Tsinghua University collection of the Warring States Bamboo Slip Manuscripts', Dao: Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11/2 (2012), 129-145.
Chan, S., 'Equilibrium in Classical Confucian "Economy"', Open Journal of Philosophy 2/2 (2012), 100-106.
Chan, S., 'Cosmology, society, and humanity: Tian in the Guodian Texts (Part II)', Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39/1 (2012), 106-120.
Chan, S., 'Polishing the jade: Xing (human nature) and moral cultivation in the Analects', The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 44 (2012), 16-44.
Chan, S., Introduction: Discovering and rediscovering the Four Books, Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (2013): 224-233.
Choat, M., 'The public and private worlds of Theophanes of Hermopolis Magna', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 88 (2006) [2009], 41-75.
Choat, M. and Yuen-Collingridge, R., 'A church with no Books and a reader who cannot Write. The strange case of P.Oxy. 33.2673', Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 46 (2009), 109-138.
Choat, M., The Gospel of Jesus's Wife: A preliminary paleographical assessment, Harvard Theological Review 107 (2014): 60-62.
Choat, M., Was Coptic a part of papyrology? Crum, Bell, and 'Worrell's complaint' in 1936, Chronique d’Égypte 88 (2013): 161-178.
Choat, M., The epistolary culture of monasticism between literature and papyri, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 48 (2013): 227-237.
Cromwell, J., 'Palaeography, scribal practice, and chronological issues in Coptic documentary texts', Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 46 (2010) [2011], 1-16.
Cromwell, J. and Grossman, E., 'Condition(al)s of payment: P.CLT 10 reconsidered', Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 96 (2010) [2011], 149-160.
Cromwell, J., 'A potential case of sibling scribes', Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 22 (2011), 67-82.
Cromwell, J., 'A Coptic letter from Antinoopolis in the British Museum', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 183 (2012), 222-226.
Cromwell, J., 'Coptic texts in the archive of Flavius Atias', Zeitshcrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 184 (2013), 280-288.
Cromwell, J., Keeping it in the family: Property concerns in Eighth Century A.D. Thebes, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 72 (2013): 213-232.
Cromwell, J., A Coptic epistolary exercise from Wadi Sarga, Journal of Egyptian Archaoelogy 99 (2013): 272-275.
Cromwell, J., Managing a year’s taxes: Tax demands and tax payments in 724 CE, Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 60 (2014): 229-239.
Dzino, D., 'Aspects of identity-construction and cultural mimicry among the Dalmatian sailors in the Roman navy', Antichthon 44 (2010), 96-110.
Dzino, D., '„Dezidijati": Identitetski konstrukt izme?u anti?kih i suvremenih percepcija' (The Daesitiates: The identity-construct between contemporary and ancient perceptions), Godišnjak Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja XXXVIII/36 (2009) [2010], 75-95.
Dzino, D., 'Pri?am ti pri?u: Ideološko-narativni diskursi o dolasku Hrvata u De Administrando Imperio' ('Telling the stories: Ideological-narrative discourses on the Croat migrations in De Administrando Imperio'), Radovi zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 42/1 (2010), 153-165.
Dzino, D., 'Asinius Pollio in Dalmatia: What happened in Salona 39 BC?', Klio: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte 93/1 (2011), 158-166.
Dzino, D., 'Indigene zajednice zapadnog i središnjeg Balkanskog poluotoka i 21. stolje?e: Metodološki problemi' (Indigenous communities of the Western and Central Balkan Peninsula and the 21st century: Methodological problems), Godišnjak Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja XL/38 (2011), 197-206.
Dzino, D., 'The perception of Croatian medieval history by Vladimir Nazor in Hrvatski kraljevi (The kings of the Croats)', Croatian Studies Review 7 (2011), 89-100.
Dzino, D., 'Archaeology and (de)construction of Bosnian identity', Archaeological Review from Cambridge 27/2 (2012), 179-188.
Dzino, D., 'Contesting identities of pre-Roman Illyricum', Ancient West & East 11 (2012), 69-96.
Dzino, D., 'Razgovor s duhovima: percepcije hrvatskog srednjovjekovlja Vladimira Sokola' (Talking with the Ghosts: Vladimir Sokol's perceptions of Croatian Middle Ages), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 44 (2012), 453-470.
Dzino, D., 'The cult of Silvanus: Rethinking provincial identities in Roman Dalmatia', Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu 45 (2012), 261-279.
Dzino, D., 'Constructing Illyrians: Prehistoric inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula in the early modern and modern perceptions', Balkanistica 27, in press.
Dzino, D, ‘Illyrians’ in ancient ethnographic discourse, Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne 40.2 (2014): 47-68.
Evans, L., 'The shedshed of Wepwawet: An artistic and behavioural interpretation', Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 97 (2011), 103-115.
Evans, L., 'Userkaf's birds unmasked', Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 97 (2011), 246-250.
Evans, L., ' Animals in Coptic art', Göttinger Miszellen 232 (2012), 63-73.
Evans, L., The Egyptian goddess Renenutet: Why did a cobra symbolise abundance? Göttinger Miszellen 238 (2013): 41-50.
Evans, T.V., 'Counting chickens in PSI VI 569', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 173 (2010), 191-200.
Evans, T.V., 'The potential of linguistic criteria for dating Septuagint books', Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 43 (2010), 7-24.
Evans, T.V., 'The optative at PMichZen 36.3', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 179 (2011), 218-220.
Evans, T.V., The authorship of P.Cair.Zen. 3.59308, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 49 (2012 [appearing 2013]): 251-257.
Ghica, V., 'Sasabek and Beroth (NH VI, 41, 28-30): A theonymic mixed marriage', BIFAO 110 (2010), 91-101.
Ghica, V., 'Die Quellen schweigen', Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 55/1 (2010), 52-55.
Ghica, V., 'Le christianisme dans le désert Occidental d'Égypte', Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Avril-Juin (2011), 831-832.
Ghica, V., 'Pour une histoire du christianisme dans le désert Occidental d'Égypte', Journal des savants, Juillet-Décembre (2012), 189-280.
Ghica, V. and Tristant, Y., 'Bi?r Bi??t: Preliminary report on the 2012 field season'. Bulletin
of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 23 (2012), 7-24.
Ghica, V., Les graffites arabes de la nécropole d’al-Ba’awat et l’oasis d’al-ari’a entre les époques fatimide et ottomane, Journal of Coptic Studies 15 (2013): 29-42.
Ghica, V., Le christianisme des deserts, Supplément au Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 113 (2013): 142-145.
Ghica, V., Tell Ganub Qasr al-'Aguz, Supplément au Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 113 (2013): 145-154.
Kiernan, K., Gore, D.B., Fink, D., McConnell, A., Sigurdsson, I.A., and White, D.A., 'Deglaciation and weathering of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica', Antarctic Science 21 (2009), 373-382.
Heiden, E.S., Gore, D.B., and Stark, S.C., 'Transportable EDXRF analysis of environmental water samples using Amberlite IRC748 ion-exchange preconcentration', X-Ray Spectrometry 39/3 (2010), 176-183.
White, D., Fink, D., and Gore, D.B., 'Cosmogenic nuclide evidence for enhanced sensitivity of an East Antarctic ice stream to change during the last deglaciation', Geology 39(1) (2011) 23-26.
Mackintosh, A., Golledge, N., Domack, E., Dunbar, R., Leventer, A., White, D., Pollard, D., DeConto, R., Fink, D., Zwartz, D., Gore, D.B., and Lavoie, C., 'Sea level rise and ocean warming drive recession of the East Antarctic ice sheet', Nature Geoscience 4/3 (2011), 195-202.
Kane, D.M., Chater, R.J., Gore, D.B., and McPhail, D.S., 'Corrosion at the surface of chalcogenide glass microspheres', Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 14/5 (2012), 055401.
Hillard, T.W., 'Shocking audiences modern and ancient', Australasian Drama Studies 56 (2010), 131-153.
Hillard, T.W., 'Augustus and the evolution of Roman concepts of leadership', Studies in Honour of Margaret Parker, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 38/1 (2008) [2011], 107-152.
Hillard, T.W., and Beness, J.L., 'Late antique memories of Republican political polemic: Pseudo-Acron ad Hor. serm. 2.167 and a dictum Macedonici', Classical Quarterly 62/2 (2012), 816-826.
Hillard, T.W., Livia Drusilla, Groniek vechten tegen de norm (Women: The Struggle against Prevailing Norms), a special issue of Groniek Historisch Tijdschrift 198 (2014): 5-22.
Kanawati, N., 'Excavating and recording Middle Egypt', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 192-204.
Köhler, E.C., 'Australian excavations at Helwan in Egypt 1997-2009', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 147-160.
McKechnie, P., 'Christian city councillors in the Roman Empire before Constantine', Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 5 (2009), 1-20.
McKechnie, P., 'A Syrian (?) villager remembered in Byzacium', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 169 (2009), 177-179.
McKechnie, P., 'Business and wealth in the shepherd', Classicum 35 (2009), 16-21.
McKechnie, P., Faith and secular power in Orcistus and Phrygia, St. Mark’s Review 225 (2013): 38-57.
Nobbs, A., Egypt in late antiquity: The evidence from Ammianus Marcellinus, Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 24 (2013): 81-88.
Nongbri, B., 'Losing a curious Christian scroll but gaining a curious Christian codex: An Oxyrhynchus papyrus of Exodus and Revelation', Novum Testamentum 55 (2013), 77-88.
Nongbri, B., 'The limits of palaeographical dating of literary papyri: Some observations on the date and provenance of P.Bodmer II (P66)', Museum Helveticum (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Science), in press.
Nongbri, N., The acquisition of the University of Michigan's portion of the Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri and a new suggested provenance, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 60 (2014): 93-116.
Nongbri, N., The limits of palaeographic dating of literary papyri: Some observations on the date and provenance of P.Bodmer II (P66), Museum Helveticum 71 (2014): 1-35.
Ockinga, B., 'The non-royal concept of the afterlife in Amarna', Studies in Honour of Margaret Parker, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 38/1 (2008) [2011], 16-37.
Ockinga, B. and Binder, S., 'The Macquarie Theban Tombs Project: 20 years in Dra Abu el Naga', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 205-247.
Parry, K., 'What to jettison before you go sailing (to Byzantium)', Phronema 24 (2009), 19-33.
Parry, K., 'Early Christian remains of Inner Mongolia: A review article', Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 4 (2009) [2010], 175-179.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages', in Kefallinos, E. (ed.), Thinking Diversely: Hellenism and the Challenge of Globalisation, special edition of Modern Greek Studies, Australia and New Zealand (2012), 91-108.
Parry, K., '"Rejoice for me, O desert": Fresh light on the remains of Nestorius in Egypt', Studia Patristica LIV (2013), 30-40.
Parry, P., Early Christianity in inner Asia: The archaeological and art history evidence, TAASA Review (The Journal of the Asian Arts Society of Australia) 22.4 (2013): 16-18.
Pütz, B. and Sheedy, K., 'Bad hair day', Antichthon 44 (2010), 33-49.
Sheedy, K., 'Asyut 422, Seltman GROUP P, and the imitation of Attic coins', Revue belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie 157 (2011), 37-54.
Sheedy, K., 'Ancient coins for the colonies: Hellenism and the history of numismatic collections in Australia', in Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) Special issue (2012), 109-122.
Sheedy, K., Gore, D., and Davis, G., '"A spring of silver, a treasury in the earth": Coinage and wealth in Archaic Athens', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 248-257.
Sheedy, K.A., Nymphodorus of Abdera, Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia 24 (2013): 29-37.
Sheedy, K.A., Ancient coins for the colonies: Hellenism and the history of numismatic collections in Australia, Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), special edition in memory of Maria Varvaressos, 2012 (pub. 2013): 109-122.
Traviglia, A. and Cottica, D., 'Remote sensing applications and archaeological research in the Northern Lagoon of Venice: The case of the lost settlement of Costancianus', Satellite Remote Sensing in Archaeology: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, special issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science, 38/9 (2011), 2040-2050.
Tristant, Y., 'Abou Rawach. La nécropole de la Ire dynastie', Archéologia 481 (2010), 32-37.
Tristant, Y., 'Le désert Oriental durant la préhistoire. Bref aperçu des travaux récents menés dans le Wâdî 'Araba', Archéo-Nil 20 (2010), 51-61.
Tristant, Y., Baud, M., and Charron, A., 'Abou Rawach, un site ressuscité', Archéologia 48 (2010), 58-59.
Tristant, Y., 'Saqqara à l'époque thinite', Dossiers d'archéologie H.S. n°20 (2011), 8-13.
Tristant, Y., 'Nouvelles découvertes dans le désert Oriental. Le Ouadi Araba de la préhistoire à l'époque copte', Bulletin de la société française d'égyptologie 182 (2012), 33-53.
Ghilardi, M., Tristant, Y., and Boraik, M., 'Nile River evolution in Upper Egypt during the Holocene: Palaeoenvironmental implications for the pharaonic sites of Karnak and Coptos', Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 1 (2012), 7-22.
Briois, F., Midant-Reynes, B., De Dapper, M., Lesur-Gebremariam, J., Marchand, S., Newton, C., Tristant, Y., and Wuttmann, M., 'Neolithic occupation of an artesian spring: KS043 in the Kharga Oasis (Egypt)', Journal of Field Archaeology 37/3 (2012), 178-191.
Welborn, L., 'By the mouth of two or three witnesses: Paul's invocation of a Deuteronomic statute in 2 Cor. 13:1', Novum Testamentum 52 (2010), 207-220.
Welborn, L., 'Paul and pain: Paul's emotional therapy in 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:13; 7:5-16 in the context of ancient psychagogic literature', New Testament Studies 57 (2011), 547-570.
Woods, A., 'Contribution to a controversy: A date for the tomb of Kaiemankh at Giza', Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 95 (2009), 161-174.
Refereed Conference Papers - full publications
Binder, S., 'Joseph's rewarding and investiture (Genesis 41:41-43) and the Gold of Honour in New Kingdom Egypt' in Bar, S., Kahn, D., and Shirley, J.J. (eds), Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature, Proceedings of a Conference at the University of Haifa, 3-7 May 2009, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 52 (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 44-64.
Hartley, M., Buck, A., and Binder, S., 'Canine interments in the Teti Cemetery North at Saqqara during the Graeco-Roman period', in Bárta, M., Coppens, F., and Krejší, J. (eds), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010 (Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2011), 7-19.
Binder, S., 'Das Ehrengold als Machtinstrument des Königs', in Beinlich, H. (ed.), 6. Symposium zur ägyptische Königsideologie / 6th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: "Die Männer hinter dem König" Iphofen, 16.-18. Juli 2010 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012), 1-16.
Binder, S., '"Let me tell you what happened to me...": Memphite officials and the Gold of Honour', in Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, OLA 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 45-61.
Choat, M., 'Lord Crawford's search for papyri: On the origin of the Rylands Papyrus collection', in Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e Congres international de papyrologie. Geneve 16-21 aout 2010 (Geneva: Droz, 2012), 141-147.
Yuen-Collingridge, R., and Choat, M., 'The copyist at work: Scribal practice in duplicate documents', in Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e Congres international de papyrologie. Geneve 16-21 aout 2010 (Geneva: Droz, 2012), 827-834.
Cromwell, J., 'Following in father's footsteps: The question of father-son training in eighth century Thebes', in Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie. Genève, 16-21 août 2010 (Geneva: Droz, 2012), 149-157.
Dzino, D., 'Bellum Pannonicum: The Roman armies and indigenous communities in southern Pannonia 16-9 BC', in Actes du Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe. 4ème édition, 20-23 Septembre 2011. Vol. 3 (Bucharest: Metropolitan Library, 2012), 461-480.
Dzino, D., 'Liburni gens asiatica. Anatomie d'un stéréotype antique', in Actes de Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe 5ème édition, 13-26 Sept. 2012 (Bucharest: Metropolitan Library, 2013) in press.
Evans, L., 'Animal behaviour in Egyptian art: A brief overview', in Kousoulis, P. and Lazaridis, N. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes, Greece (Leuven: Peeters, in press; ISBN 978-90-429-2550-2).
Evans, T.V., 'Standard Koine Greek in third century BC papyri', in Gagos, T. (ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor, July 29-August 4, 2007 (Ann Arbor, 2010), 197-206.
Kanawati, N., 'Art and gridlines: The copying of Old Kingdom scenes in later periods', in Bárta, M., Coppens, F., and Krej?í, J. (eds), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010/11 (Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, 2011), 483-496.
Kanawati, N., 'The Memphite control of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom: The cases of Edfu, Abydos and Akhmim', in Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, OLA 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 237-252.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Nestorian mission in south China under the mongols', in Galik, M. and Slobodnik, M. (eds), Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Islam between the Death of Muhammad and Tamerlane (632-1405) (Bratislava: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2011), 215-241.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Places of Nestorian presence, ways of dissemination: Continental and maritime "silk roads" in China', in Korschorke, K. (ed.), Historische Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsgeschichtlicher Perspektive (Phases of Globalization in the History of Christian Church), Proceedings of the Fifth International Munich-Freising Conference / 5. Internationale München-Freising-Konferenz (18.-20.2.2011) (Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2012), 39-58.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The Romanitas of Nestorian Christianity in China', in Tang, Li (ed.) Proceedings of the Third Salzburg Symposium on the Church of the East 2008 (Salzburg, 2013), 123-140.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Sukh?vat? and the light-world: Pure land elements in Chinese Manichaean eulogy of the light-world', in BeDuhn, J.D. (ed.), New Light on Manichaeism: Papers from the 6th International Congress on Manichaeism, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 64 (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 201-212.
Ockinga, B., 'In search of the New Kingdom tombs in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery North: Preliminary results of the 2009 and 2010 seasons conducted by Macquarie University', in Bárta, M., Coppens, F., and Krej?í, J. (eds), Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010/11 (Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, 2011), 119-138.
Ockinga, B., 'Hatshepsut's appointment as Crown Prince and the Egyptian background to Isaiah 9:5', in Bar, S., Kahn, D., and Shirley, J.J. (eds), Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature, Proceedings of a Conference at the University of Haifa, 3-7 May 2009, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 52 (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 252-267.
Ockinga, B., 'Subversion oder Loyalität? Nochmal zur Frage der Beziehung zwischen den Hohepriestern Thebens und dem König in der späten Ramessidenzeit', in Beinlich, H. (ed.), 6. Symposium zur ägyptische Königsideologie / 6th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: "Die Männer hinter dem König, Iphofen", 16.-18. Juli 2010 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012), 91-106.
Ockinga, B., 'The Teti Pyramid Cemetery North - New evidence for New Kingdom tomb structures: Insights from the Macquarie excavations', in Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, OLA 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 371-395.
Traviglia, A. 'Integrated archaeological investigation for the study of the greater Aqulieia area', in Roberto, V. (ed.), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia (CEUR-WS, 2011), C1-C11.
Tristant, Y., De Dapper, M., and Aussel, S., 'Cultural and natural environment in the eastern Nile Delta. A geoarchaeological project at Tell el-iswid (South)', in Friedman, R.F. and Fiske, P.N. (eds), Egypt at its Origins 3. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", London, 27th July-1st August 2008 (Leuven: Peeters, 2011), 137-153.
Tristant, Y. and Smythe, J., 'New excavations for an old cemetery. Preliminary results of the Abu Rawash project on the M Cemetery (1st Dynasty)', in Friedman, R.F. and Fiske, P.N. (eds), Egypt at its Origins 3. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", London, 27th July-1st August 2008 (Leuven: Peeters, 2011), 313-322.
Woods, A., 'ZSS wAD in the Old Kingdom revisited', in Strudwick, N. and Strudwick, H. (eds), Old Kingdom, New Perspectives. Egyptian Art and Archaeology 2750-2150 BC (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2011), 314-319.
Woods, A., 'Five significant features in Old Kingdom spear-fishing and fowling scenes', in Kousoulis, P. and Lazaridis, N. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes, Greece (Leuven: Peeters, in press; ISBN 978-90-429-2550-2).
Non-Higher Education and Research Data Collection publications
A2: Authored Books (other)
Parry, K., Painting in Gold: An Exhibition of Ancient and Contemporary Icons, Exhibition Catalogue, Macquarie University Art Gallery, 5 May - 10 June, 2011 (Sydney: Macquarie University, 2011).
A3: Edited Books
Chan, S., Hendrischke, B. and Wiles, S. (eds), Willow Catkins: Festschrift for Dr Lily Xiao Hong Lee on the Occasion of Her 75th Birthday (The Oriental Society of Australia, 2014).
Sidwell, B. and Dzino, D. (eds), Studies in Emotions and Power in the Late Roman World: Papers in Honour of Ron Newbold (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010).
Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20 (Brisbane: Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014).
Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012).
Howlett, D.R., with Christchev, T.G., Evans, T.V., Piper, P.O., and White, C., Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, Fasc. XII: Pos-Pro (Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2009).
Howlett, D.R. (ed.), with Ashdowne, R., Christchev, T.G., Evans, T.V., Korn, K., Piper, P.O., Sneddon, S., and White, C., Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, Fasc. XIII: Pro-Reg (Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2010).
Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D., (eds), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford, 2010).
Lieu, S.N.C. (ed.), Greek and Latin Sources on Manichaean Cosmogony and Ethics, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Subsidia 6: trans. Fox, G. and Sheldon, J. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).
Sheldon, J. and Coedès, G., Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East, vol. 1: Texts and Translations, Studia Antiqua Australiensia 4, Series Editors: Lieu, S.N.C. and Nobbs, A. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).
Lieu, S.N.C., Parry, K., et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Zayton (Quanzhou), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012).
Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), The Content and Setting of the Gospel Tradition (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman, 2010).
Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), All Things to All Cultures: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans, ISBN: 9780802866431 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013).
Judge, E.A., Jerusalem and Athens, ed. by Nobbs, A. (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010).
Parry, K. (ed.), Art, Architecture and Religion Along the Silk Road (Turnout: Brepols, 2009).
Parry, K. (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity (paperback edition, 2009).
Parry, K. (series ed.), Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity, vol. 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2011).
Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati. 2 vols. (Cairo: SCA, 2010).
A4: Revised Books
Ockinga, B., Mittelägyptische Grundgrammatik (3rd revised edition, Mainz: Philip von Zabern, 2012), xiv, 179 pp.
Ockinga, B., A Concise Grammar of Middle Egyptian (3rd revised edition, Mainz: Philip von Zabern, 2012), xvi, 179 pp.
C2: Non-Refereed Papers in Referred Journals
Evans, L., 'Userkaf's birds again', Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 98 (2012), 304.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Münzer's Latin and Greek. Ancient source quotations in Münzer's Gracchan entries', Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/1 (2009 [2012], 83-103.
Swinton, J. and Evans, L., 'Force-feeding animals in Old Kingdom scenes: A reply', Göttinger Miszellen 232 (2012), 137-142.
C4: Letter, Note or Book Review in Scholarly Journals
Chan, S., 'A reassessment of early Confucianism in light of newly excavated manuscripts', Review of Guodian Chujian Yu Simeng Xuepai (The Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts and the Zisi-Mencian School) by Liang Tao, China Review International 16/3 (2009) 304-308.
Dzino, D., Review of Salona IV, Inscriptions de Salone chrétienne, IVe-VIIe siècles = Salona IV, Natpisi starokrš?anske Salone, IV.-VII. st. by Gauthier, N., Marin, E., and Prevot, F. (eds), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.02.35.
Dzino, D., Review of The Barbarians of Ancient Europe: Realities and Interactions by Bonfante, L. (ed.), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.09.34.
Dzino, D., Review of The Other Europe in the Middle Ages: Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans, by Curta, F. (ed.) Antiquite Tardive 20 (2012), 426-428.
Dzino, D., Reviews of Spomenici VII. legije na podru?ju rimske provincije Dalmacije/Monuments of Legio VII in the Roman Province of Dalmatia, by Ton?ini?, D. and Antiqui homines Bosnae by Mesihovi?, S. Godišnjak Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja 41 (2012), 269-271.
Dzino, D., 'Dissecting 'Balkanist' discourse in the present and the past' Reviews of Jadranski (polu)orijentalizam, by Raspudi?, N. and Constructing Yugoslavia, by Drapac,V., Croatian Studies Review 8 (2012/13) - forthcoming in May.
Dzino, D., Review of Municipium S( ): A Roman Town in the Central Balkans, Komini near Pljevlja, by Mirkovi?, M., Classical Review 63(2) (2013) - forthcoming.
Dzino, D., Book review: A. Milošević, Tragovi starih vjerovanja u kršćanstvu ranoga srednjeg vijeka/Traces of Ancient Beliefs in Early Medieval Christianity', Starohrvatska prosvjeta 40 (2013): 269-275.
Dzino, D., Some thoughts on fashion culture and racial discourses. Review of Simončič, Kultura odijevanja and Bartulin, Racial Idea in the Independent State of Croatia’, Croatian Studies Review 9 (2013): 111-121.
Dzino, D., Book review: The Bosporus: Gateway Between the Ancient West and East (1st millennium BC-5th century AD). Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities Istanbul, 14th-18th September 2009, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2013).
Evans, L., Review of Egypt: Pharaonic Period by Fassone, A. and Ferraris, E., Journal of the American Oriental Society 129/1 (2009), 159.
Evans, L., Review of A History of Ancient Egypt by van de Mieroop, M., Journal of the American Oriental Society 132/4 (2012), 713-714.
Evans, L. Review of Cattle of the Sun: Cows and Culture in the World of the Ancient Greeks, by McInerney, J., Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 261-264.
Evans, T.V., Review of Greek Documentary Papyri from Ptolemaic Egypt (CPR XXVIII) by La'da, C. A., Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.09.30.
Evans, T.V., 'The Oxyrhynchus Glossary', Review of From Alexandria to Babylon: Near Eastern Languages and Hellenistic Erudition in the Oxyrhynchus Glossary [P. Oxy. 1802 + 4812] by Schironi, F., Classical Review 60/2 (2010), 415-417.
Evans, T.V., 'Lexicographical Latin', Review of The Latin of Roman Epistolography by Ferri, R. (ed.), Classical Review 62 (2012), 528-530.
Evans, T.V., 'The Optative at PMichZen 36. 3: Addendum', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrapik 180 (2012), 278.
Gillett, A., Review of Barbarian Migration and the Roman West, 376-568 by Halsall, G., English Historical Review 124/510 (2009), 1138-1141.
Lieu, S.N.C., Book review: Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism, Comparative Islamic Studies, Journal of Semitic Studies 58.2 (2013): 425-426.
Lieu, S.N.C., Book review: Biblical Argument in Manichaean Missionary Practice: The Case of Adimantus and Augustine, Vigiliae Christianae 67.5 (2013): 548-552.
McKechnie, P., Book review: The Greek Slogan of Freedom and Early Roman Politics in Greece, Classical Review 63.2 (2013): 95-97.
Nongbri, B., Book review: Reflections On religious individuality: Greco-Roman and Judaeo- Christian texts and practices, Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, Band 62, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2013).
Nongbri, B., Book review: Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East, Prudentia (2013).
Ockinga, B., Review of Seven Seasons at Dra Abu El-Naga. The Tomb of Huy (TT 14): Preliminary Results by Betrò, M., Del Vasco, P., and Miniaci, G., Chronique d'Egypte 87 (2012) 276-281.
Ockinga, B., Book review: American Egyptologist: The life of James Henry Breasted and the creation of his Oriental Institute, Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 40.1 (2013): 96-100.
Parry, K., Review of Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia: Discovery, Reconstruction and Appropriation by Halberstsma, T.H.F., Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 4 (2009), 175-179.
C5: Editorship of Scholarly Journals
Beness, J.L. (ed.), Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 37/2 (2007) [2010], 85 pp.
Beness, J.L. (ed.), Studies in Honour of Margaret Parker I, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 38/1 (2008) [2011], 106 pp.
Beness, J.L. (ed.), Studies in Honour of Margaret Parker II, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 38/2 (2008) [2011], 105 pp.
Beness, J.L. (ed.), Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/1 (2009) [2012], 1-146 pp.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W. (eds), Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 147-280 pp.
Beness,J.L., Editor: Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 40.1 (2010) [2013]; 40.2 (2010) [2013].
Binder, S. (ed.), Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 22 (2011), 160 pp.
Binder, S. (ed.), Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 23 (2012), 144 pp.
Binder, S. (ed.), Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 24 (2013), 160 pp.
Dzino, D. (co-ed.), Croatian Studies Review (2012).
Budak, L., Škvorc, B. and Dzino, D., Editor: Croatian Studies Review 9 (2013).
Mikkelsen, G. (ed.), Manichaean Studies Newsletter 23 (2008-09) (2009), 37 pp.
Mikkelsen, G. (ed.), Manichaean Studies Newsletter 24 (2009-10) (2011), 72 pp.
Mikkelsen, G. (ed.), Manichaean Studies Newsletter 25 (2010/11) (2012), 54 pp.
Mikkelsen, G. (ed.), Manichaean Studies Newsletter 26 (2011/12) (2013), 27 pp.
Sheedy, K. Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia (editorial board) (2013).
Ghilardi, M. and Tristant, Y. (eds), 'Geoarchaeology of Egypt and the Mediterranean: Reconstructing Holocene Landscapes and Human Occupation History', Special issue of Quaternary International 266 (2012).
Ghilardi, M. and Tristant, Y. (eds), Charting Holocene Landscape Changes in the Mediterranean using the Geoarchaeological Approach, Special issue of Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 1 (2012).
K2: Entries in Dictionaries or Encyclopedia
Beness, J.L., 'Atia', in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013), 922-923.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Agrippina', Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 5 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 415-416.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Arria', Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 5 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 439-440.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Calpurnia, wife of Pliny the Younger', Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoir, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 6 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 418-419.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Cleopatra', Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 7 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 463-471.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi', Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 7 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 482.
Gillett, A., 'Apocrisiarius', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 79-80.
Gillett, A., 'City of God', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 401.
Gillett, A., 'Confessions of St Augustine', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 433.
Gillett, A., 'Ethnography, Medieval', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 592-593.
Gillett, A., 'Liutprand of Cremona', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1034.
Gillett, A., 'Orosius', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1235.
Gillett, A., 'Sidonius Apollinaris', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1535.
Gillett, A., 'Theodosian Code', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1609.
Gillett, A., Barbarians, barbaroi, in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013).
Hillard, T.W., 'Claudii, family of', in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013), 1536-1544.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Mani; Manichaeism', in Patte, D. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 757-758.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Paulicians', in Patte, D. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 934.
Nongbri, B., Deisidaimonia, in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013).
Welborn, L., 'Corinthians, 1 & 2 Epistles', in Patte, D.M. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 279-280.
Welborn, L., 'Inculturation of Christianity in the Greco-Roman World', in Patte, D.M. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 594-595.
Welborn, L., 'History, Concepts of,' in Patte, D.M. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 520-521.
Online publications
Fox, G. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Inscriptiones palmyrenae selectae ad commercium pertinentes. Select palmyrene inscriptions on commerce' (2011).
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Places and peoples in Central Asia and in the Graeco-Roman Near East: A multilingual gazetteer compiled for the Serica Project from select Pre-Islamic sources' (2011).
Eccles, L. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'New translation of the Xi'an Nestorian monument' (2012).
Fox, G. with Lieu, S.N.C. 'Laonicus Chalcocondylas on Central Asia' (2012).
Other published outputs
Hillard, T.W., 'Romans in Greek thrall', Bulletin of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens 8 (2012), 15-21.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Recent publications [in Manichaean studies]', Manichaean Studies Newsletter 23 (2008-9) [2009], 19-36.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Recent publications [in Manichaean studies]', Manichaean Studies Newsletter 24 (2009-10) [2011] 49-71.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Recent publications [in Manichaean Studies]', Manichaean Studies Newsletter 25 (2010/11) [2012], 35-53.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Recent publications [in Manichaean Studies]', Manichaean Studies Newsletter 26 (2011/12) [2013], 22-26.
Nongbri, B., Secularization of America: Is the latest Pew Poll really a big deal?, History news network (2013).
Book Series
Studia Antiqua Australiensia (SAA)
Lieu, S.N.C. (Ancient History); Sheldon, J. (Ancient History); Fox, G. (Ancient History)
Conference Presentations
Binder, S., 'Saroy and Amenmose: Royal Scribes of the Table of the Lord of the Two Lands under Ramesses II', Australasian Egyptology Conference, University of Auckland, July, 2011.
Binder, S., Das Reisetagebuch des Max Weidenbach. Eine neue Quelle zur Preussischen Expedition nach Ägypten (1842-45) wiederentdeckt 2013 im South Australian Museum in Adelaide, Guest Lecture, Ägyptologisches Seminar, Universität Leipzig: 28 January, 2014.
Binder, S., Eine neue Quelle zur Preußischen Expedition nach Ägypten 1842-45. Das Tagebuch des Max Weidenbach, Keynote Speaker, Zwischen Dokumentation und Imagination. Ägyptologie und Ägyptomanie, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin: 24 September, 2014.
Chan, S.,10th Colloquium on Confucianism, National Taiwan University, 17 June, 2009.
Chan, S., 'The concept of Tian (Heaven): A preliminary reading of the Guodian texts', 16th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy, International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) and Fujen University, Taiwan, July, 2009.
Chan, S., 10th Colloquium on Confucianism, National Taiwan University, June, 2009.
Chan, S., 'The unity of heaven and man' or 'The distinction between heaven and man?': The concept of Tian in the Guodian Texts',2009 Annual Meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, October, 2009.
Chan, S., 'The text of Baoxun (Admonition of Protection) in the Tsinghua collections of the Bamboo Slip manuscripts',2010 Annual Meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, University of Colorado, Boulder, October, 2010.
Chan, S., '"Equilibrium"- the core value of classical Confucian "economy"', Tenth East-West Philosophers' Conference, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, May, 2011.
Chan, S., 'The concept of Centrality in the Warring States Bamboo Manuscripts acquired by Tsingua University', International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), Paris, July, 2011.
Chan, S., 'Reinterpreting Xing in the Confucian analects', International Symposium on the Confucian Four Books, International Society for Chinese Philosophy and School of the Chinese Classics, Remnin University, April, 2012.
Choat, M., 'The early monastic letter in Egypt', 5th Annual Conference, Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society, Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan, September, 2009.
Choat, M., 'A Coptic ritual handbook in the Macquarie collection', University of Leipzig, DDGLC, Explorations in Coptology 1, 15 August, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Lord Crawford's search for papyri: On the origin of the Rylands papyrus collection', 26th International Congress of Papyrology, University of Geneva, August, 2010.
Choat, M. (with R. Yuen-Collingridge), 'The copyist at work: Scribal practice in duplicate documents', 26th International Congress of Papyrology, University of Geneva, August, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Private and official salutations in Roman and Byzantine Egypt: Epistolary greetings in Latin, Greek and Coptic', 'Official Epistolography and the Language(s) of Power', 1st Conference of the NFN 'Imperium and Officium: Comparative Studies in Ancient Bureaucracy and Officialdom', University of Vienna, Austria, 10-12 November, 2010.
Choat, M., and Meyer, M., 'P. Macquarie inv. 375 and Sethian Gnosis', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Monastic letter collections in Late Antique Egypt: Structure, purpose, and transmission', 'Knowledge Transfer in the Mediterranean World': Third International Congress on Eastern Christianity, Rectorship of Cordoba University, Spain, 2-4 December, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Monastic letter collections in Late Antique Egypt: Structure, purpose, and transmission', 32nd Annual Meeting of Australasian Society for Classical Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand, January, 2011.
Choat, M., 'A new monastic community on the Dra' Abu el-Naga, Thebes', Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, February, 2011.
Choat, M., 'A new monastic settlement on the Dra' Abu el-Naga, Thebes', Australasian Egyptology Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July, 2011.
Choat, M.,'Sound, sight, and stylus: Copying practice and scribal habits in Roman Egypt',Double stories - Double lives: Reflecting on Textual Objects in the Pre-Print World, Yale University, April, 2012.
Choat, M., 'Sound, sight, and stylus: Copying practice and scribal habits in Roman Egypt', Classics and Ancient History Seminar, University of Manchester, 31 May, 2012.
Choat, M., 'A recent archaeological discovery in Upper Egypt: The "Monastery of Apa Pamoun" in El-Haragsa, Sohag', Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, University of Göttingen, 5 August, 2012.
Choat, M., 'Posidonios and the monks of TT233 on the Dra Abu el-Naga', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Choat, M., 'The city in Roman Egypt: The evidence of the papyri', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Congress, Panel: Polis and Ekklesia: Investigations of Urban Christianity, San Francisco, 19-22 November, 2012.
Choat, M., 'From letter to letter collection: Monastic epistolography in Late Antique Egypt', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Choat, M.,'Christianity and local religion in the Great Oasis', in the panel 'Local Religion in Egypt in Late Antiquity' (part of 'Christianity in Egypt: Scripture, Tradition, and Reception' program unit), Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Chicago, November, 2012.
Choat, M., Coptic Magic, ‘Lived Ancient Religions’ Research Program, Invited Paper: Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien, University of Erfurt: 21 January, 2014.
Choat, M., Narratives of monastic genealogy in Coptic funerary inscriptions, Stories Told, Memories Uttered: The Role of Narratives in Lived Ancient Religion, Invited Paper: Conference of the European Research Council project ‘Lived Ancient Religion: Questioning “cults” and “polis religion”’, Schloss Ettersberg (Weimar/Erfurt): 29-31 January, 2014.
Choat, M., The use and reuse of monastic funerary inscriptions from Egypt, Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society 9th Annual Conference: Life And Death In Early Christianity, Toyo Eiwa University, Yokohama, Japan: 4-6 September, 2014.
Cromwell, J., 'Ostracon, inscription, or dipinton? Unpublished texts from Wadi Sarga', Ancient Egyptian Language and Texts 3, Swansea, January, 2011.
Cromwell, J., 'Changed faces: The Theban landscape in the 6th - 8th centuries AD', Friends of the Egypt Centre, Swansea, 16 March, 2011.
Cromwell, J., 'Daily life in a Coptic monastery: Unpublished material from the Monastery of Wadi Sarga', Australasian Egyptology Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July, 2011.
Cromwell, J., 'Coptic codices and contracts from Copenhagen', Egypt Exploration Society Lecture, London, 8 September, 2011.
Cromwell,J., 'Unpublished Coptic documents in Copenhagen', 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Rhode Island, April, 2012.
Cromwell,J., 'The geographical and chronological distribution of biographic texts in early Islamic Egypt', Ancient Egyptian Language and Text 4, Cambridge University, September, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'The role of Coptic scribes in early Islamic Egypt', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Cromwell, J., Fugitives, taxes, and women: The Rylands contribution to the history of the Monastery of Apa Thomas, From Egypt to Manchester, John Rylands Library, Manchester: 4-7 September 2014.
Dzino, D., 'Držimo te za rije? Konstantine! Diskursi o podrijetlu Hrvata u De Administrando Imperio', ('We hold you on your word, Constantine! The discourses on Croat arrival in the De Administrando Imperio'), In the Beginning there was Constantine: The Narratives of the Croats in De Administrando Imperio, University of Zagreb, Croatia (in absentia: full text of the paper read in the session on the special request of conference conveners), February, 2010.
Dzino, D.,'The cult of Silvanus: Rethinking provincial identities in Roman Dalmatia', 32nd Annual Meeting of Australasian Society for Classical Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand, January, 2011.
Dzino, D., 'The impact of outside factors on social change in some indigenous societies of future Dalmatia and southern Pannonia', Symposium international: Le livre. La Roumanie. L'Europe 4, Bibliothèque Métropolitaine de Bucarest, September, 2011.
Dzino, D., 'Pitanje podrijetla Hrvata' (The question of Croat origins), Department of History, University of Zagreb, December 2011.
Dzino, D. 'Romanizacija u Panoniji' (Romanization in Pannonia), Department of History, University of Zagreb, December 2011.
Dzino, D., 'The collapse of complex societies: Society and identity in post-Roman Dalmatia', TheTreaty of Aachen: The Origins and Impact on the Region Between the Adriatic, Central and Southeastern Europe, University of Zadar, Croatia, 27-29 September, 2012.
Dzino, D.,'Liburni, gens Asiatica: The anatomy of ancient stereotype', Section 4c: Les relations entre les Balkans et l'Asie Mineure, dès l'époque classique jusqu'à la période byzantine (Ve s. av. J. -C. - Ve s. ap. J. -C.),Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe 5, Bibliothèque Métropolitaine de Bucarest, Mamaia, Romania, 24-27 September, 2012.
Dzino, D.,'The formation of early imperial Peregrine civitates in Dalmatia: (Re)constructing indigenous communities after the conquest', Keynote paper: Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World, University of Belgrade, Valjevo, Serbia, 20-23 September, 2012.
Dzino, D., 'Liburni, gens Asiatica: The anatomy of ancient stereotype', Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe 5, Mamaia, Romania, 2012.
Dzino, D., 'De gustibus non est disputandum: Sculptor Maximinus and his portraits of goddess Diana and the girl Lupa from the Dalmatian hinterland', Illyrica Antiqua 2 - in honorem Duje Rendi? Mio?evi?, Šibenik, Croatia (forthcoming: 12-15 September, 2013).
Dzino, D., 'Subverting Braudel in Dalmatia: Religion, landscape and cultural mediation in the hinterland of eastern Adriatic', Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Mediterranean, Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Chicago (forthcoming: 2-5 January, 2014).
Dzino, D., ‘De gustibus non est disputandum': Sculptor Maximinus and his portraits of goddess Diana and the girl Lupa from the Dalmatian hinterland, Illyrica Antiqua 2 - in honorem Duje Rendić-Miočević, University of Zagreb, Šibenik: September 2013.
Dzino, D., Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat – the reflections, Invited Paper: Department of Slavic Studies, University of Florence, Florence, November 2013.
Dzino, D., Subverting Braudel in Dalmatia: Religion, landscape and cultural mediation in the hinterland of eastern Adriatic, Section 4E: Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Mediterranean, Archaeological Institute of America 115th Annual Meeting, Chicago: January, 2014.
Dzino, D., The archaeology of Roman and post-Roman Dalmatia: Discourses and ideologies in the 19th and 20th centuries, Invited Paper: Departments of Anthropology, Classics and History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL: January, 2014.
Dzino, D., Activities of Croatian Studies Foundation in Australia on support and promotion of research connected with Croatia and the Croatians (1984-2014), Croatian Diaspora Congress, University of Zagreb/Croatian Heritage Foundation, Zagreb: June, 2014.
Dzino, D. and Domić Kunić, A., A view from the frontier zone: Roman conquest of Illyricum, Century of the Brave. Archaeology of the Roman Conquest and Indigenous Resistance in Illyricum During the Time of Augustus and his Heirs, University of Zagreb: September, 2014.
Dzino, D., Becoming Roman in Ancient Dalmatia (in Croatian), Invited paper: Museum of Herzegovina, Mostar. See:
Evans,L., 'Suckling snakes! Why is Renenutet a symbol of abundance?',63rd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Rhode Island, April, 2012.
Evans, L., Ancient Egyptian and Egyptological perceptions of the natural world, Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Prague: 26-27 June, 2014.Evans, T.V., 'Complaints of the natives in a Greek dress: The evidence of the Zenon Archivefor a Greek-Egyptian micro-community', Multilingualism from Alexander toCharlemagne: Cross-Cultural Themes and Perspectives', Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, May, 2009.
Evans, L. and Woods, A., Entwined lives: More evidence that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were twins, 6th Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology conference, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw: 2-6 July, 2014.
Evans, T.V., 'Linguistic and stylistic variation in the Zenon Archive', Variation and Change in Greek and Latin: Problems and Methods, Finnish Institute at Athens, September 2009.
Evans, T.V., 'The language of the Doiketes' letters in the Zenon archive', 26th International Congress of Papyrology, University of Geneva, Geneva, August, 2010.
Evans, T.V., 'The "Words from the Sand" project: A lexical analysis of early Greek papyri from Egypt', Classics and Ancient History Research Seminar, University of Manchester, 30 September, 2010.
Ghica, V., 'Le christianisme dans le désert Occidental d'Égypte', Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, May, 2011.
Ghica,V., 'What do we know about Christianity in al-Bahriyya Oasis?',7th International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project: New Developments in the Archaeology of the Egyptian Western Desert and its Oases, Leiden, June, 2012.
Ghica,V., 'Two new comers in the B5 Family: The Naqlun Kalandologia', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Ghica,V., and St. Demiana, A., '"His toil was not in vain": Two unpublished Coptic fragments of the Encomium on Athanasius attributed to Cyril of Alexandria (IFAO inv. 79-80)', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Ghica, V., Vecteurs de la christianisation de l’Égypte sous Constantin et les Constantinides à la lumière de l’archéologie, 16th International Congress of Christian Archaeology, Rome: 22-28 September, 2013.
Gillett, A., 'The Late Antique 'diplomatic bloc': Roman frameworks for post-imperial communication', Aux origines d'une diplomatie méditerranéenne: Les ambassadeurs, moyens humains de la diplomatie (Antiquité romaine et Haut Moyen Age), Université Paul Verlaine, Campus du Saulcy, Metz, 14-16 October, 2010.
Gore, D., 'Platform presentation on the stabilisation of metals in areas of freezing ground', Conference and Workshop on Contaminants in Freezing Ground, Austria, March, 2012.
Hillard, T.W., 'Roman epicureans in Athens', Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, Athens, 28 April, 2011.
Hillard, T.W., 'Looking for the harbour of Torone', Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Annual Lecture, Scuola Archeologica Italiana, Athens, 4 May, 2011.
Kanawati, N., 'Mereruka and Remni: Two important men in the Teti Cemetery', Helwan University, Cairo, February, 2009.
Kanawati, N., 'Gridlines and the copying of Old Kingdom scenes in later periods', Abusir and Saqqara:International Conference at Charles University, Prague, May-June, 2010.
Kanawati, N., A unique burial of a father and a son: Niankhpepy the black and Pepyankh the black, at Meir, 6th Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology conference, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw: 2-6 July, 2014.
Köhler, E.C., 'Excavations at Helwan', Dutch-Flemish Institute in Cairo, February, 2009.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The Romanitas of the Xi'an inscription', 3rd International Conference on the Church of the East, Salzburg, Austria, June, 2009.
Lieu, S.N.C. and Parry, K., 'Report on the Australian team's ongoing research on Manichaean and Nestorian sites at Quanzhou, China', 3rd International Conference on the Church of the East, Salzburg, Austria, June, 2009.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Manichaeans and Nestorians in South China: A parallel and comparative study in survival', 7th International Conference of Manichaean Studies, Dublin, Ireland, September, 2009.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Christians and Manichaeans on the South China coast in the era of Marco Polo', University of Washington, 7 April, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Nestorians and Manichaeans on the South China coast in the time of Marco Polo', Centre for Chinese Studies, UCLA International Institute, 29 April, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Places of Nestorian presence, ways of dissemination: Continental and maritime "silk roads" in China', Opening address:Historische Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsgeschichtlicher Perspektive (Phases of Globalization in the History of Christian Church), 5. Internationale München-Freising-Konferenz, Munich, 18-20 February, 2011.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Archaeologists and advisors: German knowledge of the Gallipoli Peninsula before 1915',Third International Gallipoli Symposium, Istanbul, 2012.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Before Gallipoli there was Homer: The Classics and the Dardanelles campaign of 1915',Humanities Society Lecture, Wolfson College (Cambridge), January 2013.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The Battle of Aigospotamoi:The view from Abarnis'. Keynote address: International Symposium on the Ancient Dardanelles, On Sëkiz Mart University, Çanakkale (Turkey), 9 May, 2013.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Lost in transliteration? Christian terms in Syriac, Sogdian and Chinese',Keynote address:4th International Symposium on the Church of the East, Salzburg, Austria (forthcoming: 7-10 June, 2013).
Lieu, S.N.C., Before Gallipoli there was Homer, Classics and Classicists in The First World, Leeds: 8-10 April, 2014.
McKechnie, P., 'Our academic visitor is missing: Posidippus 89 (A-B) and seaborne transfer of intellectual capital', Ptolemaic Waterways and Power, Piraeus, Greece, September, 2009.
McKechnie, P., 'Free will vindicated: The debate between Aberkios and Euxeinianos', 32nd Annual Meeting of Australasian Society for Classical Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand, January, 2011.
Mikkelsen, G., 'The Chinese Manichaica: Recent and current research', 7th International Conference of Manichaean Studies, Dublin, September, 2009.
Nobbs, A., 'Marital conflict in Late Antique Egypt : How did Christian women handle it?', Inaugural David Traill Lecture, University of California, Davis, 22 November, 2011.
Nongbri, N., 'Size matters? Revisiting some physical features of the Bodmer Codices',Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November, 2012.,
Nongbri, B., 'Rethinking the place of P.Bodmer XIV-XV in the history of New Testament textual criticism', University of Texas at Austin, 26 November, 2012.
Nongbri, B., 'Before (and after) religion: Discussion on the formation of the concept - A Workshop with Brent Nongbri', University of Michigan, 11 March, 2013.
Nongbri, B., Christian literary papyri from Oxyrhynchus, Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds program unit, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, Maryland: 25 November, 2013.
Nongbri, B., Reimagining late antique ‘libraries’ in Egypt: The cases of the Beatty and Bodmer papyri, Invited Lecture, Princeton University: 26 February, 2014.
Nongbri, B., How old are the oldest Christian manuscripts? Rethinking the place of P.Bodmer XIV-XV in the history of New Testament textual criticism, Invited Lecture, Yale University: 4 March, 2014.
Nongbri, B., Palaeography, precision, and publicity: Some further thoughts on P52, From Egypt to Manchester: Unravelling the John Rylands Papyrus Collection, John Rylands Library, Manchester: 5 September, 2014.
Nongbri, B., Re-evaluating the earliest Christian manuscripts, Invited Lecture, University of Notre Dame: 17 September 2014.
Ockinga, B., 'The Macquarie Theban Tombs Project: New light on Theban Tomb 147', University of Göttingen, Germany, April, 2009.
Ockinga, B., 'The Macquarie Theban Tombs Project: New light on Theban Tomb 147, University of Heidelberg, Germany, April, 2009.
Ockinga, B., 'Hatshepsut's appointment as Crown Prince and the Egyptian background to Isaiah 9:5', University of Haifa, Israel, May, 2009.
Ockinga, B., 'Das Grab des Neferrenpet in Dra Abu el Naga (TT 147): Neue Ergebnisse aus der Arbeit der Macquarie University', Department of Egyptology, University of Vienna, 28 May, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'The Teti Pyramid Cemetery North - Tracing the lost New Kingdom tombs: Results of the 2009 and 2010 Seasons', Abusir and Saqqara:International Conference at Charles University, Prague, May-June, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'Subversion oder Loyalität? Nochmal zur Frage der Beziehung zwischen der höchsten Priester Thebens und dem König in der späten Ramessidenzeit', Symposion zur ägyptischen Königsideologie, Iphofen, July, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'The decoration programme of TT233: A reflection of its owner's interests?',Australasian Egyptology Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July, 2011.
Ockinga, B., 'The autobiography of Saroy (TT233) in the context of the development of the ancient Egyptian biographical tradition', (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt, University of Liège, February, 2013.
Ockinga, B., Theben Grab 147: Das Projekt der Macquarie University (Sydney),Invited Lecture, University of Leipzig: 29 January, 2014.
Parry, K., 'The lotus and the cross: Early Christianity in Asia', Bologna University at Ravenna, Italy, April, 2009.
Parry, K., 'Rejoice for me, O desert: Fresh light on the remains of Nestorius in Egypt', 16thInternational Patristic Conference, Oxford, August, 2011.
Parry, K., 'Early Christian art in Central Asia', Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, June, 2009.
Parry, K., 'The lotus and the cross: Early Christianity in Asia', Okayama University, Japan,September, 2009.
Parry, K., 'The power of images in Byzantium', Okayama University, Japan, September, 2009.
Parry, K., 'The lotus and the cross: Early Christianity in China and India'. Keynote address: 5th Annual Conference, Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society, Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan, September, 2009.
Parry, K., 'Early Christianity in Asia: The evidence from central Asia and China', Keynote address: TheHistorical Society of Asian Christianity, Presbyterian College and Seminary at Seoul, South Korea, September, 2011.
Parry, K., 'The religious cultures of the Silk Road', Presbyterian College and Seminary at Busan, South Korea, September, 2011.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia and China and their contacts with the Church of the East',4th International Symposium on the Church of the East, Salzburg, Austria (forthcoming: 7-10 June, 2013).
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia and China and their possible relations with the Church of the East', 4th Salzburg International Conference, Research on the Church of the East in China and Central Asia, University of Salzburg, Austria (forthcoming: 7-10 June, 2013).
Parry, K., Nestorius in Egypt and Theodore the Stoudite and the Stoudios Scriptorium, Seminar papers, Department of Classical Studies and Philology, Universität Leipzig, Germany: January, 2014. Macquarie University Staff Exchange Program.
Parry, K., Christianity in South China under the Mongols, Annual Alexander Böhlig Memorial Lecture, Seminar für Christlichen Orient und Byzanz, Orientalisches Institut, Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany: January, 2014. Forthcoming in Religion and the Arts.
Sheedy, K., 'The trouble with minting bronze in Athens', 32nd Annual Meeting of Australasian Society for Classical Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand, January, 2011.
Sheedy, K., White Gold / Electrum International Congress, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 25-26 June, 2012.
Sheedy, K., Restarting the mint: The early Classical coinage of Athens, Classical Owls: The Political Economy of Classical Athens, Macquarie University: 1 September, 2014.
Traviglia, A., 'Looking into layers of landscapes: The territorial organisation of Roman Aquileia', 32nd Annual Meeting of Australasian Society for Classical Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand, January, 2011.
Traviglia, A., 'Integrated archaeological investigation: Combining multi-source remote sensing, archaeological field survey and ancillary data repositories for the study of the Greater Aquileia area', New Technologies for Aquileia Workshop, Aquileia, May, 2011.
Traviglia, A., 'In one hand: RS, GIS, and GPS integration made easy for archaeological surveys', 16thUISPP (International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, UNESCO) Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, September, 2011.
Traviglia, A., 'Above to below: Substantiating remote sensing datasets to characterise the Aquileian landscape', Ambitions and Realities. Remote Sensing for Archaeology, Research and Conservation Conference (Joint meeting of AARG - Aerial Archaeology Research Group- and EARSeL - European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories), Poznan, Poland, September, 2011.
Capulli, M., Pellegrini, A., Rizzotto, R., and Traviglia, A., 'The archaeological impact assessment (AIA) in the planning stage of large scale infrastructure projects: The case of the PIF in the Venice Lagoon' (with Capulli, Pellegrini, Rizzotto). IKUWA 4 - International Congress of Underwater Archaeology, Zadar (Croatia), September-October, 2011.
Tristant, Y., 'Abou Rawach, Ire dynastie. Découverte de la plus ancienne barque funéraire égyptienne', Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo, November, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 'Dernières nouvelles d'Abou Rawach. Découverte de la plus ancienne barque funéraire connue en Égypte', Archéo-Nil, Paris, January, 2013.
Tristant, Y., The 1st Dynasty funerary boats of Abu Rawash, Egypt at its Origins 5. The Fifth International Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Cairo, 13-18 April 2014 (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale): 16 April, 2014.
Welborn, L., 'The Apostle Paul: Rabbi and Roman citizen', Washington and Lee University, 17 November, 2010.
Welborn, L., 'Charitable initiatives or strategies for social change: A response to Bruce Londenecker, Remember the Poor', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2010.
Welborn, L., 'Grief and salvation in Paul's 2 Corinthians', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2010.
Woods, A., '%SS wAD n @w.t-@r: The tomb owner pulling papyrus in the marshlands revisited', Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 22 May 2009.
Woods, A., 'Pepyankh-heryib of Meir: Tracing his family background', Egypt Exploration Society, British Council, Cairo, 18 January, 2010.
Woods, A., 'A date for the tomb of Seneb at Giza: Revisited', The American Research Centre in Egypt, Annual General Meeting, Oakland, April, 2010.
Woods, A., 'One tomb: Two owners? The case of Nefer-seshem-Ptah at Saqqara', Abusir and Saqqara:International Conference at Charles University, Prague, May-June, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Fishing, fowling and foreigners: The Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hassan', The American Research Centre in Egypt, Orange Country and Los Angeles Chapters, 14 August, 2010.
Woods,A., ''The Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hassan', Egyptological Seminar of New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 17 December, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Daily life in an Egyptian province: The Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hassan, Egypt', Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, 1 December, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Archaism and innovation: Tomb decoration in the Middle Kingdom', Australasian Egyptology Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July, 2011.
Woods, A., and Swinton, J., Chronological considerations: Fragments from the tomb of Hetepet at Giza, 6th Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology conference, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw: 2-6 July, 2014.
Beness, J.L., 'Deficient in logic, but with the gift of inference: Pioneering women of ancient world studies', Inaugural Beryl Rawson Memorial Lecture, Australian National University, Canberra, 21 October, 2011.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Insulting Cornelia', Culture, Identity and Politics in the Ancient Mediterranean World: An international celebration of the work of Professor Erich Gruen, Australian National University, Canberra, 23-25 September, 2011.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Wronging Sempronia: A study in Late Roman Republican slander', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Binder,S., 'The tombs in the Valley of the Kings: Seals broken and contents plundered?',Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, 18th Annual Ancient History Day, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 25 August, 2012.
Binder, S., 'The first season of excavation in the tomb of Amenmose (TT 149)', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Binder, S. and Choat, M., 'Broken pots do tell tales . . . Exploring the ceramic corpus of the TT233 site on the Theban West Bank (Season Jan/Feb 2012)', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.
Binder, S., The diary of Max Weidenbach: Working with a 19th century manuscript, Department of International Studies, Macquarie University: 14 March, 2014.
Binder, S., The diary of Max Weindenbach. A new source on the 1842-45 Prussian scientific expedition to Egypt and its link with Australia, Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminar: March 28, 2014.
Binder, S., The travel diary of Max Weidenbach draughtsman of the Royal Prussion scientific expedition to Egypt 1842-45: Insight into recording methods of a 19th century expedition, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Chan, S., 'The concept of ideal rulership in the Baoxun (Instructions for Preservation) text in the Tsinghua collection of the Warring States Bamboo Slip Manuscript', The Oriental Society of Australia Seminar, University of Sydney, 27 June, 2011.
Chan, S., 'Centrality in antiquity', 7th International Symposium of the World Forum on Chinese Culture in the 21st Century, Association for Yan Huang Culture of China and La Trobe University, 30 November -2 December, 2012.
Choat, M., '"Greetings, my lord, I salute you": An unusual greeting formula in Roman Egypt', Australasian Society for Classical Studies Conference, University of Sydney, February, 2009.
Choat, M., 'Sacred space in ancient Thebes: From tomb to monastery', University of Tasmania, 20 April, 2011.
Choat, M., 'From Abu Simbel to Alexandria: Greek(s) in Egypt down to the time of Ptolemy I', Ptolemy I Soter and the Transformation of Egypt 404-282 BC, Macquarie University, September, 2011.
Choat, M., 'Early Christian letters from Egypt: An overview', Epistolary Conversations II: Letters and Letter Collections, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, September, 2011.
Choat, M., 'Forts, monasteries, and Christians in Late Antique Panopolis', 33rd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society of Classical Studies, Melbourne, February, 2012.
Choat, M., 'The monastery of Apa Pamoun at El-Hagarsa', Byzantium, Its Neighours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction,17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Choat, M., 'From letter to letter collection: Monastic epistolography in Late Antique Egypt', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Choat, M., 'Monastic papyri from the time of Severus', Symposium 'Severus of Antioch - His Times and Legacy', Saint Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College, Melbourne, 2-3 March, 2013.
Choat, M., Monastic genealogies in Coptic inscriptions, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Choat, M., Monastic genealogies from Late-Antique Egypt, Early Christian Centuries I: Men and Women in the Early Christian Centuries, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne: 3–5 October, 2013.
Cromwell, J., 'Archaeological and textual evidence for bishops in Thebes', Coptic Night, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 26 October, 2011.
Cromwell,J., 'Education in a Late Antique Egyptian monastery', 33rd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society of Classical Studies, Melbourne, February, 2012.
Cromwell,J., 'The life of Isaac: A Coptic patriarch in the 7th Century', Byzantium, Its Neighours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction,17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Cromwell, J., Getting wine to the monastery: The archaeological and textual evidence from Wadi Sarga, Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies Australia, University of Sydney: 10 March, 2014.
Dzino, D., 'From political imagination to provincial space: Appian's Illyrike as the final stage of the Roman construction of Illyricum', Appian and the Romans, University of Sydney, July, 2010.
Dzino, D., 'Local knowledge and wider contexts: The stories of arrival of the Croats and Serbs in De Administrando Imperio in past and present', Byzantium, Its Neighours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction,17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Evans, L., 'Animals in Coptic art: Enduring symbols of life and belief', Symposium on Coptic Art, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 6 May, 2010.
Evans, L., 'The Good Shepherd's flock: A sign of early Christian solidarity?',Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 8 December, 2010.
Evans, L., 'Ethological observations in Egyptian art', The History, Philosophy and Future of Ethology, An International Collaborative Workshop (ISL-HCA and CRSI), Macquarie University, 19-21 February, 2011.
Evans, L., 'Animals in the Roman world', Macquarie Ancient History Association (forthcoming: October, 2013).
Evans, L. and Woods, A., Entwined lives: More evidence that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were twins, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Evans, T. V., and Young-Evans, G. I., Verbatim recording and speech-related text types in Fifth-Century church councils, Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminar: 12 September, 2014.Ghica, V., 'Text and image at Bagawat', Symposium on Coptic Art, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 6 May, 2010.
Ghica,V., 'Monasteries in the Western deserts of Egypt', Coptic Night, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 26 October, 2011.
Ghica,V., 'An unpublished commentary on Revelation 7-12: Morganiensis 591', Patristic Forum of Sydney, September, 2012.
Ghica, V. and Dzino, D., Archaeological excavations at Bribirska glavica: An overview, Croatians: History, Language, and Migration, Macquarie University: February, 2014.
Gillett, A., "Telling off Justinian": Undiplomatic correspondence between Constantinople and Merovingian Gaul', Byzantium, Its Neighbours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction,17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Hillard. T.W, and Beness, J.L., 'Thucydides and the taking of Torone', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Kanawati, N., 'Was Remni married to royal women?',Recent Excavations in Egypt: 2008-2009 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2009.
Kanawati, N., 'Guidelines and square grids in the Old and Middle Kingdoms', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2009-2010 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, March, 2010.
Kanawati, N., 'Why Beni Hassan?',Recent Excavations in Egypt: 2010-2011 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2011.
Kanawati, N., 'Man and animals in tomb scenes of the Old and Middle Kingdoms', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.
Kanawati, N., 'Birds and trees in wall scenes of the tomb of Khnumhotep at Beni Hassan', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Köhler, E.C., 'Egypt before the Pyramids', University of Sydney, Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation, July, 2009.
Köhler, E.C., 'State formation in theory and practice'. Keynote address: 1st Australasian Conference of Young Egyptologists, Monash University, Melbourne, September 2009.
Köhler, E.C., 'Macquarie University's excavations at Helwan'. Keynote address: Eastern Mediterranean Tourism Association, Sydney, August, 2009.
Köhler, E.C., 'The twelfth season of excavations at Helwan', Recent Excavations in Egypt: 2008-2009 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2009.
Lieu, S.N.C., '"Da Qin and Fu Lin" - Chinese names for the Roman Empire', Keynote and Presidential Address: 6th Australian Society for Inner Asian Studies Conference, Sydney University, 20-21 November, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Before Gallipoli there was Homer', Classical Association of New South Wales, Macquarie University, April, 2013.
McKechnie, P., 'The Greek wars: The fight for Egypt', Ptolemy I Soter and the Transformation of Egypt 404-282 BC, Macquarie University, September, 2011.
McKechnie, P., 'Faith and secular power in Orcistus and Phrygia', Keynote address: St Paul's College symposium, Christianity and the Prince: The Interweaving of Faith and Secular Power since Constantine, 4 December, 2012.
McKechnie, P., Themistocles’ two afterlives, Classical Owls: The Political Economy of Classical Athens, Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies, Macquarie University: 1 September, 2014.
Nongbri, B., 'Reassessing the Bodmer Greek papyrus gospel codices', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Ockinga, B., 'Recent excavations in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery North: Tracing the lost New Kingdom tombs', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2009-2010 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, March, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'The 2010-2011 Season of the Theban Tombs Project at Dra Abu El-Naga', Recent Excavations in Egypt: 2010-2011 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2011.
Ockinga, B., 'The Satrap stele: A new examination',Ptolemy I Soter and the Transformation of Egypt 404-282 BC, Macquarie University, September, 2011.
Ockinga, B., 'The man behind the golden mask: Tutankhamun's chief goldsmith', Museum of Melbourne, 4 October, 2011.
Ockinga, B., 'The decoration program of TT233 - The tomb of Saroy and Amenhotep: A reflection of their owners' interests?', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.
Ockinga, B., 'Crime and punishment in the workmen's village of Deir el Medina', Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, 18th Annual Ancient History Day, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 25 August, 2012.
Ockinga, B., 'Unfolding an amuletic papyrus form Theban tomb 233', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Ockinga, B., The four AKH-Spirits: Ancient Egyptian guardians in this world and the next, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Parry, K., 'Be upstanding: Images of resurrection in early Christian Art', The Real Picture of Jesus: Text and Image, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia in the Late Antique and Medieval periods', Hellenism in a Globalized Context, Macquarie University, December, 2010.
Parry, K., 'Gregory of Nyssa and the legacy of universal salvation in the Christian East', Symposium on Gregory of Nyssa, St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney, September, 2011.
Parry, K.,'Byzantine-Rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages ', International Conference on Hellenism in a Globalised World, Macquarie University, December, 2011.
Parry, K., 'The religious cultures of the Silk Road', Public lecture as part of the exhibition Travelling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 22 June, 2012.
Parry, K., 'Egypt in the Byzantine imagination: Cultural memory and historiography', Byzantium, Its Neighbours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction, Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, 20-21 July, 2012.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in central Asia, with some recent archaeological evidence from Uzbekistan', Macquarie Asian Historical Research Society, Macquarie University, 30 October, 2012.
Parry, K., 'The doves of Antioch: Severus, Chalcedonians and iconoclasm,' St Severus of Antioch: His Times and Legacy, St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College, Melbourne, 2-3 March, 2013.
Parry, K., 'Monastic scribal practice in early Ninth-Century Byzantium: The example of Theodore the Stoudite', Observing the Scribe at Work: Knowledge Transfer and Scribal Professionalism in Pre-Typographic Societies, Macquarie University (forthcoming: 27-18 September, 2013).
Parry, K., 'Pierre Gilles' Constantinople: A Sixteenth Century Frenchman in the city of Suleyman the Magnificent', Australian Early Medieval Association Conference, Macquarie University (forthcoming: February, 2014).
Parry, K., Pierre Gilles’ Constantinople: A Sixteenth Century Frenchman in the city of Suleyman the Magnificent, Keynote Lecture, Australian Early Medieval Association Conference, Macquarie University: February, 2014. Forthcoming in the Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association.
Sheedy, K., Opening address: Numismatic Association of Australia Fourth Biennial Conference (NAAC2011), ACANS, Macquarie University, November, 2011.
Sheedy, K., 'South Italian incuse coinage', South Italy, Sicily And The Mediterranean: Cultural Interactions, Centre for Greek Studies and the A.D. Trendall Centre for Ancient Mediterranean Studies, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 17-21 July, 2012.
Traviglia, A., 'Sensors: Satellites to sub-surface', ARCA 2607, University of Sydney, October, 2010.
Traviglia, A., ''Like a large chessboard': Shaping the Roman monumental landscapes. The case-study of Aquileia', Challenges for archaeology in understanding cultural and natural landscapes: local, national and global perspectives, Australian Archaeology Association, Batemans Bay, December, 2010.
Traviglia, A. and Massi, R., 'Monumental landscapes from above: Enhanced perceptions of archaeological palimpsests', Challenges for archaeology in understanding cultural and natural landscapes: local, national and global perspectives, Australian Archaeology Association, Batemans Bay, December, 2010.
Traviglia, A., 'Aquileia: Crossroad of cultures', Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Sydney, 24 August, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 'The Eastern Desert from Prehistory to Coptic times: A view from the Wadi Araba', Recent Excavations in Egypt: 2010-2011 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2011.
Tristant, Y., 'From Cairo to the Red Sea: A short report about the work undertaken in Helwan and the Wadi Araba', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 5000 year-old wooden planks at Abu Rawah: The earliest Egyptian funerary boat ever found', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Tristant, Y., The 1st Dynasty elite cemetery of Abu Rawash: Discovery of the earliest remains of funerary boats known in Egypt (2950 BC), Ancient Cultures at Monash University 2013, Monash University, Melbourne: 18 October, 2013.
Tristant, Y., The 1st Dynasty elite cemetery of Abu Rawash: Discovery of the earliest remains of funerary boats known in Egypt (2950 BC), Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia Seminars, University of Sydney: 2 September, 2013.
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