Chan, S., Liao, M. and Li, R., Tian, Ren, Xing:
Zaidu Guodian Chumu Zhujian yu Shanghai Bowuguancang Zhujian, ISBN: 978-753-2-57161-1
(Shanghai: Guji Chubanshe, 2014).
Dzino, D. and Kunić, D., Rimski ratovi u
Iliriku: Povijesni antinarativ. Biblioteka Lucius 9 [Roman wars in Illyricum. Historical
anti-narrative], ISBN: 978-953-0-61991-3 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2013).
Kanawati, N. and Evans, L., The Tombs of Meir. Vol. II: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Black ISBN: 978-0-85668-841 (Oxford: Aris and Phillips,
Edited Books
Chan, S., Hendrischke, B. and Wiles, S.
(eds), Willow Catkins: Festschrift for Dr Lily Xiao Hong Lee on the
Occasion of Her 75th Birthday (The
Oriental Society of Australia, 2014).
Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20 (Brisbane:
Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014).
M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), All Things to All Cultures:
Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans,
ISBN: 9780802866431 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013).
Reprinted Books
McKechnie, P., Outsiders in the Greek Cities in the Fourth Century BC (London: Routledge, 1989: reprint 2013), 231 pp.
Scholarly Book Chapters
Chan, S., Introduction, in
Chan, S., Liao, M., and Li, R., Tian, Ren, Xing: Zaidu Guodian Chumu Zhujian yu Shanghai
Bowuguancang Zhujian (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji
Chubanshe, 2014).
Chan, S., Bao jun de xun xiang
'zhong' qiu, in Chen, Z. (ed.), Jian bo, jing dian, gu shi (2013): 209-216.
Choat, M., The life of Antony in
Egypt, in Leylerle, B. and Young, R. (eds) Ascetic Culture: Essays in Honor of
Philip Rousseau (Notre Dame: University of
Notre Dame Press, 2013): 50-74.
Choat, M., Monastic letter
collections in late antique Egypt: Structure, purpose, and transmission, in
Tovar, S.T. and Monferrer-Sala, J.P. (eds), Cultures in Contact: Transfer of
Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context (Oriens Academic, Cordoba, 2013): 73-90.
Cromwell, J., Walter Ewing Crum
(1865–1944). A
Coptic scholar 'sui generis', in Bukovec, P. (ed.), Christlicher Orient im Porträt — Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Christlichen
Orients, Religionen
im Vorderen Orient Band 2 (Hamburg, 2014): 407-422.
Dzino, D.,
The impact of Roman imperialism on the formation of group identities in some indigenous
societies from the eastern Adriatic hinterland, in Rufin-Solas, A. (ed.), Armées grecques et romaines dans le nord des Balkans: Conflicts et
Integration des Communautes Guerrieres, Akanthina
7 (Gdansk & Torun: Foundation Traditio Europae, 2013): 145-170.
Dzino, D., Local knowledge and
wider contexts: Stories of the arrival of the Croats in De Administrando
Imperio in the past and present, in
Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20 (Brisbane: Australian Association of
Byzantine Studies, 2014): 89-105.
Dzino, D. and Parry, K., Introduction:
Byzantium, its neighbours and its cultures, in Dzino, D. and Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its
Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia
20 (Brisbane: Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014): 1-9.
Dzino, D., The rise and fall of
the Dalmatian ‘Big-men’: Social structures in Late Antique, Post-Roman and
Early Medieval Dalmatia (ca. 500-850), in Vitljanov, St. and Topalilov, I.
(eds), The Barbarians and
the Empire, Studia Academica umenensia 1 (Bulgaria:
Shumen, 2014): 127-152.
Ghica, V.,
Quelques graffites syriaques, nabatéens, gréco-nord-arabiques et grecs dans la
zone minière du Sud-Sinaï, in Tallet, P. (ed.), La zone minière pharaonique du Sud-Sinaï - I (Catalogue complémentaire des
inscriptions du Sinaï), MIFAO 130
(2013): 329-346.
Kanawati, N., The mastaba of Kaihai,
where the cemeteries of Weserkaf and Teti meet, Études et Travaux 26 (2013): 347-362.
Lieu, S.N.C., The 'Romanitas' of Xi'an
inscription, in Tang, L. and Winkler, D.W. (eds), From the Oxus River
to the Chinese Shores: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central
Asia, Studies on East Syriac
Christianity in China and Central Asia Vol. 5 (Lit Verlag, 2013): 123-140.
McKechnie, P., Paul among the Jews,
in Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), All Things to All Cultures: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
2013): 103-123.
McKechnie, P., Our academic visitor
is missing: Posidippus 89(A-B) and “smart capital” for the thalassocrats, in
Buraselis, K., Stefanou, M. and Thompson, D. (eds), The Ptolemies, the
Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2013): 132-142.
Nongbri, B., Pauline letter
manuscripts, in Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), All Things to All Cultures:
Paul Among Jews, Greeks, and Romans (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013): 84-102.
Ockinga, B. and Binder, S., Fragments of an
Amarna-age stele in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery North, Études et Travaux 26 (2013): 502-516.
Parry, P., Central Asia and
India, in Tabbernee, W. (ed.), Early Christianity in Contexts: An Exploration Across Cultures and
Continents (Grand Rapids: Baker
International, 2014): 143-180.
Parry, P., Egypt in the
Byzantine Imagination: Cultural memory and historiography, 4th -9th centuries, in Dzino, D. and
Parry, K. (eds), Byzantium and Its
Neighbours. Byzantina Australiensia 20
(Brisbane: Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, 2014): 181-208.
Tristant, Y., Les vases en pierre,
in Midant-Reynes, B. and Buchez, N. (eds), Tell el-Iswid 2006-2009, Fouilles de l'Institut
Français d'Archéologie Orientale 73 (Cairo, 2014): 266-274. Tristant, Y. and De Dapper, M., Prospections géomorphologiques
et archéologiques, in Midant-Reynes, B. and Buchez, N. (eds), Tell el-Iswid 2006-2009, Fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie
Orientale 73 (Cairo, 2014): 7-11.
Journal Articles
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., Insulting Cornelia, mother
of the Gracchi, Antichthon 47 (2013): 61-79.
Chan, S., Introduction:
Discovering and rediscovering the Four Books, Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (2013): 224-233.
Choat, M., The Gospel of Jesus's Wife: A
preliminary paleographical assessment, Harvard
Theological Review 107 (2014): 60-62.
Choat, M., Was Coptic a part of papyrology?
Crum, Bell, and 'Worrell's complaint' in 1936, Chronique d’Égypte 88 (2013): 161-178.
Choat, M., The epistolary culture of
monasticism between literature and papyri, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 48 (2013): 227-237.
Cromwell, J., Keeping it in the family:
Property concerns in Eighth Century A.D.
Thebes, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 72 (2013): 213-232.
Cromwell, J., A Coptic epistolary exercise from
Wadi Sarga, Journal of Egyptian Archaoelogy 99 (2013): 272-275.
Cromwell, J., Managing a year’s taxes: Tax
demands and tax payments in 724 CE, Archiv für
Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 60 (2014):
Dzino, D, ‘Illyrians’
in ancient ethnographic discourse, Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne 40.2 (2014): 47-68.
Evans, L., The Egyptian goddess Renenutet: Why
did a cobra symbolise abundance? Göttinger
Miszellen 238 (2013): 41-50.
Evans, T.V., The authorship of P.Cair.Zen. 3.59308, Bulletin of the American Society
of Papyrologists, 49 (2012 [appearing 2013]): 251-257.
Ghica, V., Les
graffites arabes de la nécropole d’al-Ba’awat et l’oasis d’al-ari’a entre les époques fatimide
et ottomane, Journal of
Coptic Studies 15 (2013): 29-42.
Ghica, V., Le
christianisme des deserts, Supplément au Bulletin de l'Institut Français
d'Archéologie Orientale 113 (2013): 142-145.
Ghica, V., Tell Ganub
Qasr al-'Aguz, Supplément au Bulletin de l'Institut Français
d'Archéologie Orientale 113 (2013): 145-154.
Hillard, T.W., Livia
Drusilla, Groniek
vechten tegen de norm (Women: The Struggle against Prevailing Norms), a special
issue of Groniek
Historisch Tijdschrift 198 (2014): 5-22.
McKechnie, P., Faith and secular power in
Orcistus and Phrygia, St. Mark’s Review 225 (2013): 38-57.
Nongbri, N., The acquisition of the University
of Michigan's portion of the Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri and a new suggested
provenance, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 60 (2014): 93-116.
Nobbs, A., Egypt in late antiquity: The
evidence from Ammianus Marcellinus, Bulletin
of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 24
(2013): 81-88.
Nongbri, N., The limits of palaeographic
dating of literary papyri: Some observations on the date and provenance of
P.Bodmer II (P66), Museum Helveticum 71 (2014): 1-35.
Parry, P., Early Christianity in inner Asia:
The archaeological and art history evidence, TAASA Review (The Journal of the Asian Arts Society
of Australia) 22.4 (2013): 16-18.
Sheedy, K.A., Nymphodorus of Abdera, Journal of the Numismatic
Association of Australia 24 (2013):
Sheedy, K.A., Ancient coins for the colonies:
Hellenism and the history of numismatic collections in Australia, Modern Greek Studies (Australia
and New Zealand), special edition in memory of Maria
Varvaressos, 2012 (pub. 2013): 109-122.
Tristant, Y., Le survey du
Wadi Araba (Désert Oriental), Suppl. Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie
orientale 213 (2013): 28-34.
Tristant, Y., La région
memphite à l'aube de l'époque pharaonique: Abou Rawach, Suppl.
Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 213 (2013): 65-75.
Marouard, G. and Tristant, Y., Dendera;
Architecture de l'espace sacré et environnement. Prospection et évaluation
archéologique des zones extérieures du temple d'Hathor, Suppl.
Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 213 (2013):
A. and Swinton, J., Chronological considerations: Fragments from the tomb of
Hetepet at Giza, Bulletin
of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 24
(2013): 127-158.
Article in Non-refereed Scholarly or Professional Journal
Dzino, D, ”Bosanske piramide“: Pseudoarheologija i konstrukcija društvene zbilje u daytonskoj Bosni i Hercegovini, Status: Magazin za političku kulturu i društvena pitanja 17 (2014): 245-252.
Letter, Note or Book Review in Scholarly Journals
Dzino, D., Book review:
A. Milošević, Tragovi
starih vjerovanja u kršćanstvu
ranoga srednjeg vijeka/Traces of Ancient Beliefs in Early Medieval Christianity', Starohrvatska
prosvjeta 40 (2013): 269-275.
Dzino, D., Some thoughts on fashion culture
and racial discourses. Review of Simončič, Kultura odijevanja and
Bartulin, Racial Idea in the Independent
State of Croatia’, Croatian Studies Review 9 (2013): 111-121.
Dzino, D., Book review: The Bosporus: Gateway Between
the Ancient West and East (1st millennium BC-5th century AD). Proceedings of the Fourth
International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities Istanbul, 14th-18th September
2009, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2013).
Lieu, S.N.C., Book review: Prolegomena to a History of
Islamicate Manichaeism, Comparative Islamic Studies, Journal of Semitic Studies 58.2 (2013): 425-426.
Lieu, S.N.C., Book review: Biblical Argument in Manichaean
Missionary Practice: The Case of Adimantus and Augustine, Vigiliae Christianae 67.5 (2013): 548-552.
McKechnie, P., Book review: The Greek Slogan of Freedom and
Early Roman Politics in Greece,
Classical Review 63.2 (2013): 95-97.
Nongbri, B., Book review: Reflections On religious
individuality: Greco-Roman and Judaeo- Christian texts and practices, Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und
Vorarbeiten, Band 62, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2013).
Nongbri, B., Book review: Everyday Writing in the
Graeco-Roman East, Prudentia (2013).
B., Book review: American Egyptologist: The life of James Henry Breasted and
the creation of his Oriental Institute, Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 40.1 (2013): 96-100.
Editorship in Scholarly Journals
Beness,J.L., Editor: Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 40.1 (2010) [2013]; 40.2 (2010) [2013].
Binder, S., Editor: Bulletin of the Australian
Centre for Egyptology 24
L., Škvorc, B. and Dzino, D., Editor: Croatian Studies Review 9 (2013).
Conference Papers
L. and Dzino, D., Introduction: Social relevance of
Croatian Studies at Australian university (Or: Why bother maintaining small
humanistic disciplines in the age of rational and commercialized academia?)’,
in Budak, L. (ed.), Croatians: History, Language and
Migration. The Abstracts of International Conference honoring 30 years of
Croatian Studies at Macquarie University [Sydney: Croatian
Studies Centre & Croatian Studies Foundation, 2014]: 9-15.
Dzino, D., Subverting Braudel in Dalmatia:
Religion, landscape and cultural mediation in the hinterland of eastern
Adriatic, in Archaeological Institute of
America: 115th Annual Meeting Abstracts 37 (2014): 161.
V. and Dzino, D., Archaeological excavations at Bribirska glavica:
An overview, in Budak, L. (ed.), Croatians: History, Language and Migration. The
Abstracts of International Conference honoring 30 years of Croatian Studies at
Macquarie University [Sydney:
Croatian Studies Centre & Croatian Studies Foundation, 2014]: 30.
Entry in Dictionary or Encyclopedia
Gillett, A., Barbarians, barbaroi, in Bagnall,
R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient
History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013).
B., Deisidaimonia, in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine,
A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013).
Other Publications
Nongbri, B., Secularization of America: Is the latest Pew Poll really a big deal?, History news network (2013) .
Conference Presentations
Binder, S., Das
Reisetagebuch des Max Weidenbach. Eine neue Quelle zur Preussischen Expedition
nach Ägypten (1842-45) wiederentdeckt 2013 im South Australian Museum in Adelaide,
Guest Lecture, Ägyptologisches Seminar, Universität
Leipzig: 28 January, 2014.
Binder, S., Eine neue
Quelle zur Preußischen Expedition nach Ägypten 1842-45. Das Tagebuch des Max
Weidenbach, Keynote Speaker, Zwischen Dokumentation und Imagination. Ägyptologie und
Ägyptomanie, Berlin-Brandenburg
Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin: 24 September, 2014.
Choat, M., Coptic
Magic, ‘Lived
Ancient Religions’ Research Program, Invited Paper: Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und
sozialwissenschaftliche Studien, University of Erfurt: 21 January, 2014.
Choat, M., Narratives of monastic genealogy
in Coptic funerary inscriptions, Stories
Told, Memories Uttered: The Role of Narratives in Lived Ancient Religion, Invited Paper: Conference of the
European Research Council project ‘Lived Ancient Religion: Questioning “cults”
and “polis religion”’, Schloss Ettersberg (Weimar/Erfurt): 29-31 January, 2014.
Choat, M., The use and reuse of
monastic funerary inscriptions from Egypt, Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies
Society 9th Annual Conference: Life And Death In Early Christianity, Toyo Eiwa University,
Yokohama, Japan: 4-6 September, 2014.
Cromwell, J., Fugitives, taxes, and
women: The Rylands contribution to the history of the Monastery of Apa Thomas, From Egypt to
Manchester, John Rylands Library,
Manchester: 4-7 September 2014.
Dzino, D., ‘De gustibus non est
disputandum': Sculptor Maximinus and his portraits of goddess Diana and the
girl Lupa from the Dalmatian hinterland, Illyrica Antiqua 2 - in honorem Duje Rendić-Miočević, University of Zagreb, Šibenik: September 2013.
Dzino, D., Becoming Slav,
Becoming Croat – the reflections, Invited Paper: Department of Slavic
Studies, University of Florence,
Florence, November 2013.
Dzino, D., Subverting Braudel in
Dalmatia: Religion, landscape and cultural mediation in the hinterland of
eastern Adriatic, Section 4E: Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient
Mediterranean, Archaeological Institute
of America 115th Annual Meeting, Chicago: January,
Dzino, D., The archaeology of
Roman and post-Roman Dalmatia: Discourses and ideologies in the 19th and 20th centuries, Invited Paper: Departments of Anthropology,
Classics and History, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL: January, 2014.
Dzino, D., Activities of
Croatian Studies Foundation in Australia on support and promotion of research
connected with Croatia and the Croatians (1984-2014), Croatian Diaspora
Congress, University of
Zagreb/Croatian Heritage Foundation, Zagreb: June, 2014.
Dzino, D. and Domić Kunić, A., A view from the
frontier zone: Roman conquest of Illyricum, Century of the
Brave. Archaeology of the Roman Conquest and Indigenous Resistance in Illyricum
During the Time of Augustus and his Heirs, University of Zagreb: September, 2014.
Dzino, D., Becoming Roman in
Ancient Dalmatia (in Croatian), Invited paper: Museum of Herzegovina, Mostar. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA0NB4vJ6Bo
Evans, L., Ancient Egyptian and Egyptological perceptions of the natural
world, Profane Landscapes,
Sacred Spaces, Czech Institute of
Egyptology, Charles University, Prague: 26-27 June, 2014.
Evans, L. and Woods, A., Entwined lives: More
evidence that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were twins, 6th Old Kingdom Art and
Archaeology conference, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw: 2-6 July, 2014.
Ghica, V.,
Vecteurs de la christianisation de l’Égypte sous Constantin et les
Constantinides à la lumière de l’archéologie, 16th International Congress of Christian Archaeology,
Rome: 22-28 September, 2013.
Kanawati, N., A unique burial of a father
and a son: Niankhpepy the black and Pepyankh the black, at Meir, 6th Old Kingdom Art and
Archaeology conference, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw: 2-6 July, 2014.
Lieu, S.N.C., Before
Gallipoli there was Homer, Classics and Classicists in The First World, Leeds: 8-10 April,
Nongbri, B., Christian literary
papyri from Oxyrhynchus, Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds program
unit, Annual Meeting of
the Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, Maryland: 25 November, 2013.
Nongbri, B., Reimagining late
antique ‘libraries’ in Egypt: The cases of the Beatty and Bodmer papyri,
Invited Lecture, Princeton University: 26 February, 2014.
Nongbri, B., How old are the
oldest Christian manuscripts? Rethinking the place of P.Bodmer XIV-XV in the
history of New Testament textual criticism, Invited Lecture, Yale University: 4 March, 2014.
Nongbri, B., Palaeography,
precision, and publicity: Some further thoughts on P52, From Egypt to Manchester:
Unravelling the John Rylands Papyrus Collection, John Rylands Library,
Manchester: 5 September, 2014.
Nongbri, B., Re-evaluating the
earliest Christian manuscripts, Invited Lecture, University of Notre Dame: 17 September 2014.
Ockinga, B.,
Theben Grab 147: Das Projekt der Macquarie University (Sydney),Invited Lecture, University of Leipzig: 29 January, 2014.
Parry, K., Nestorius in Egypt
and Theodore the Stoudite and the Stoudios Scriptorium, Seminar papers, Department of
Classical Studies and Philology, Universität Leipzig, Germany: January, 2014. Macquarie University
Staff Exchange Program.
Parry, K., Christianity in South
China under the Mongols, Annual Alexander Böhlig Memorial Lecture, Seminar für
Christlichen Orient und Byzanz, Orientalisches Institut, Martin Luther Universität
Halle-Wittenberg, Germany: January, 2014. Forthcoming in Religion and the
Sheedy, K.,
Restarting the mint: The early Classical coinage of Athens, Classical Owls: The Political Economy of Classical
Athens, Macquarie University: 1 September,
Tristant, Y., The 1st Dynasty funerary
boats of Abu Rawash, Egypt at its Origins
5. The Fifth International
Colloquium on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Cairo, 13-18 April 2014 (Institut
Français d'Archéologie Orientale): 16 April, 2014.
Woods, A., and Swinton, J.,
Chronological considerations: Fragments from the tomb of Hetepet at Giza, 6th Old Kingdom Art and
Archaeology conference, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw: 2-6 July, 2014.
Binder, S., The diary of Max Weidenbach: Working with a 19th century manuscript, Department of International Studies, Macquarie University: 14 March, 2014.
Binder, S., The diary of Max Weindenbach. A new source on the 1842-45 Prussian scientific expedition to Egypt and its link with Australia, Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminar: March 28, 2014.
Binder, S., The travel diary of Max Weidenbach draughtsman of the Royal Prussion scientific expedition to Egypt 1842-45: Insight into recording methods of a 19th century expedition, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Choat, M., Monastic genealogies in Coptic inscriptions, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Choat, M., Monastic genealogies from Late-Antique Egypt, Early Christian Centuries I: Men and Women in the Early Christian Centuries, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne: 3–5 October, 2013.
Cromwell, J., Getting wine to the monastery: The archaeological and textual evidence from Wadi Sarga, Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies Australia, University of Sydney: 10 March, 2014.
Evans, L. and Woods, A., Entwined lives: More evidence that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were twins, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Evans, T. V., and Young-Evans, G. I., Verbatim recording and speech-related text types in Fifth-Century church councils, Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminar: 12 September, 2014.
Ghica, V. and Dzino, D., Archaeological excavations at Bribirska glavica: An overview, Croatians: History, Language, and Migration, Macquarie University: February, 2014.
Ockinga, B., The four AKH-Spirits: Ancient Egyptian guardians in this world and the next, Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
McKechnie, P., Themistocles’ two afterlives, Classical Owls: The Political Economy of Classical Athens, Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies, Macquarie University: 1 September, 2014.
Parry, K., Pierre Gilles’ Constantinople: A Sixteenth Century Frenchman in the city of Suleyman the Magnificent, Keynote Lecture, Australian Early Medieval Association Conference, Macquarie University: February, 2014. Forthcoming in the Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association.
Tristant, Y., The 1st Dynasty elite cemetery of Abu Rawash: Discovery of the earliest remains of funerary boats known in Egypt (2950 BC), Ancient Cultures at Monash University 2013, Monash University, Melbourne: 18 October, 2013.
Tristant, Y., The 1st Dynasty elite cemetery of Abu Rawash: Discovery of the earliest remains of funerary boats known in Egypt (2950 BC), Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia Seminars, University of Sydney: 2 September, 2013.
Tristant, Y., Blended learning design unplugged, Exploring the Future(s) of Universities, Learning and Teaching Week 2013, Macquarie University: 18 September, 2013. Macquarie University using 3D artefacts, Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminar: 8 November, 2014.
Woods A. and Tristant, Y., AHIS170: Introduction to Egyptian Archaeology in Partnerships through learning design to enhance the student experience, Less is More, Learning and Teaching Week 2014, Macquarie University: 22-25 September, 2014.
Other Outputs
Binder, S., A Prussian in
Australia? The diary of Max Weidenbach on the 1842-45 Prussian expedition to
Egypt, Australian Centre
for Egyptology Mini-Conference: 6 April, 2014.
Binder, S., The 1842-45 Prussian
expedition to Egypt and the Australian connection, Macquarie Ancient
History Association Lecture Series 2014 “Images of Egypt”: 20 May, 2014.
Evans, L., Animals in the Roman
world, Macquarie Ancient History
Association, Macquarie University:
December 6, 2013.
Evans, L., Khnumhotep’s magical
menagerie, Australian Centre
for Egyptology Mini-Conference: 6 April, 2014.
Kanawati, N., Funeral or funerary
procession: The case of Khnumhotep II of Beni Hassan, Australian Centre
for Egyptology Mini-Conference: 6 April, 2014.
Tristant, Y., The discovery of the
oldest boats in Egypt, Australian National Maritime Museum: 22 January, 2014.
Tristant, Y., Row, row, row your
boat: Three more new early dynastic boats at Abu Rawash, Australian Centre
for Egyptology Mini-Conference: 6 April, 2014.
Tristant, Y., Boats for eternity:
Results of the recent excavation on the Early Dynastic elite cemetery from Abu
Rawash (Egypt), Macquarie University
Ancient History Association: 30 April, 2014.
Woods, A., Archaism and innovation: Understanding the transmission of
artistic models at Beni Hasan, Australian Centre for Egyptology Mini-Conference: 6 April, 2014.
Conferences, Colloquia and Outreach Events convened by ACRC Members or under the auspices of the ACRC
Evans, T.V. (convenor): Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminars.
Choat, M., Cromwell, J., Yuen-Collingridge, R., and Dosoo, K. (convenors): Observing the Scribe at Work: Knowledge Transfer and Scribal Professionalism in Pre-Typographic Societies, Macquarie University: September, 2013.
Binder, S., Choat, M., Evans, L., Ockinga, B., Tristant, Y. and Woods, A. (convenors):Third Australasian Egyptology Conference, Macquarie University: 16-18 July, 2014.
Sheedy, K. and Davis, G. (convenors): Classical Owls: The Political Economy of Classical Athens, Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies, Macquarie University: 1 September, 2014.
Sheedy, K., 2014 Gale Lecture in Numismatics, Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies (ACANS): Dr David M. Pritchard (University of Queensland), Public spending and democracy in Classical Athens: 1 September, 2014.
Tristant, Y. and Midant-Reynes, B., Egypt at its Origins 5. Fifth international conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Studies, Cairo:13-18 April 2014).