A1: Scholarly Books

Kanawati, N.,The Cemetery of Meir,vol. 1: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Middle (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2012 - ISBN: 9780856688454).
Lieu, S.N.C., Eccles, L., Franzmann, M., Gardner, I., and Parry, K., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012 - ISBN: 9782503521978).

A3: Edited Books

Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012).
Lieu, S.N.C., Parry, K., et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012).

A4: Revised Books

Ockinga, B., Mittelägyptische Grundgrammatik (3rd revised edition, Mainz: Philip von Zabern, 2012), xiv, 179 pp.
Ockinga, B., A Concise Grammar of Middle Egyptian (3rd revised edition, Mainz: Philip von Zabern, 2012), xvi, 179 pp.

B1: Scholarly Book Chapters

Choat,M., 'Christianity', in Riggs, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 474-489.
Choat, M., 'Coptic', in Riggs, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 581-593.
Cromwell, J., 'The family of Germanos from Jeme: An 8th century Coptic family', in Ayad, M. (ed.), Coptic Culture: Past, Present and Future (Stevenage: Coptic Centre, 2012), 131-142.
Dzino, D. and Domić-Kunić, A., 'Pannonians: Identity-perceptions from the Late Iron Age to later Antiquity', in Migotti, B. (ed.), Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia. The State of Research and Selected Problems in the Croatian Part of the Roman Province of Pannonia, BAR International Series 2393 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012), 93-115.
Dzino, D., 'The impact of Roman Imperialism on the formation of group identities in some indigenous societies from the eastern Adriatic hinterland', in Rufin Solas, A. (ed.), Armées grecques et romaines dans le nord des Balkans, Akanthina 7 (Gdansk: Akanthina Publishers, 2012), 137-162.
Evans, L., 'Bird behavior in ancient Egyptian art', in Bailleul-LeSuer, R. (ed.), Between Heaven and Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt. Oriental Institute Museum Publications 35 (Chicago, 2012), 91-98.
Evans, T.V., 'Latin in Egypt', in Riggs, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 516-525.
Evans, T.V., 'Linguistic and stylistic variation in the Zenon Archive', in Leiwo, M., Halla-aho, H., and Vierros, M. (eds), Variation and Change in Greek and Latin (Helsinki: Finnish Institution at Athens, 2012), 25-40.
Evans, T.V., 'Complaints of the natives in a Greek dress: The Zenon Archive and the problem of Egyptian interference', in Mullen, A. and James, P. (eds), Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 106-123.
Gillett, A., 'Epic panegyric and political communication in the fifth-century West', in Kelly, G. and Grig, L. (eds), Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 265-290.
Gillett, A., 'Communication in Late Antiquity: Use and reuse', in Johnson, S. (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 815-846.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 1-11.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Wu Wenliang and the discovery of Christian and Manichaean remains in Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 13-24.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The church of the east in Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 25-52.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Manichaean remains in Jinjiang', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 61-82.
Gardner, I., Lieu, S.N.C. and Parry, K., 'Catalogue of Christian and Manichaean remains from Zayton (Quanzhou, China)', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 83-128.
Eccles, L. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Inscriptions in Latin, Chinese, Uighur and Phagspa', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 129-150.
Eccles, L. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Inscriptions in Syro-Turkic from Quanzhou (I) Epigraphical and historical background', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 151-169.
Franzmann, M. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'Nestorian inscriptions in Syro-Turkic from Quanzhou (II) Texts and translations', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 171-214.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Glimpses of the Light-world - U 71 and its parallels', in M. Knüppel & Cirillo, L. (eds), Gnostica et Manichaica: Festschrift für Aloïs van Tongerloo, anläßlich des 60. Geburtstages überreicht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern, Studies in Oriental Religions 65 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012), 101-109.
Nobbs, A., 'Edification in the early Egyptian Church: Evidence from a bishop's dossier', in Ayad, M. (ed.), Coptic Culture: Past, Present and Future (Oxford: The Coptic Orthodox Church, 2012), 109-113.
Parry, K., 'The art of the Christian remains at Quanzhou', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 243-262.
Franzmann, M., Gardner, I., and Parry, K., 'The Indian background: Connections and comparisons', in Lieu et al., Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton), Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Archaeologica et Iconographica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 215-242.
Sheedy, K., 'Aegina, the Cyclades and Crete', in Metcalf, W.E. (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinage (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 105-127.
Tristant, Y. and Midant-Reynes, B., 'The predynastic cultures of the Nile Delta', in Teeter, E. (ed.), Before the Pyramids. The Origins of Egyptian Civilization, Oriental Institute Museum Publication 33 (Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2012), 45-54.
Tristant, Y., 'Les enterrements d'enfants dans l'Égypte prédynastique et pharaonique', in Nenna, M.-D. (ed.), L'Enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité II. Types de tombes et traitement du corps des enfants dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine, Études Alexandrines 26 (Alexandria, 2012), 15-59.

C1: Refereed Journal Articles

Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Another voice against the 'tyranny' of Scipio Aemilianus in 129 B.C.?', Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte 61/3 (2012), 270-281.
Chan, S., 'Zhong and ideal rulership in the Baoxun (Instructions for Preservation) text in the Tsinghua University collection of the Warring States Bamboo Slip Manuscript​s',Dao: Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11/2 (2012), 129-145.
Chan, S., 'Equilibrium in Classical Confucian "Economy"', Open Journal of Philosophy 2/2 (2012), 100-106.
Chan, S., 'Cosmology, society, and humanity: Tian in the Guodian Texts (Part II)', Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39/1 (2012), 106-120.
Chan, S., 'Polishing the jade: Xing (human nature) and moral cultivation in the Analects', The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 44 (2012), 16-44.
Cromwell,J., 'A Coptic letter from Antinoopolis in the British Museum', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 183 (2012), 222-226.
Dzino, D., 'Archaeology and (de)construction of Bosnian identity', Archaeological Review from Cambridge 27/2 (2012), 179-188.
Dzino, D., 'Contesting identities of pre-Roman Illyricum', Ancient West & East 11 (2012), 69-96.
Dzino, D., 'Razgovor s duhovima: percepcije hrvatskog srednjovjekovlja Vladimira Sokola' (Talking with the ghosts: Vladimir Sokol's perceptions of Croatian Middle Ages), Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 44 (2012), 453-470.
Dzino, D., 'The cult of Silvanus: Rethinking provincial identities in Roman Dalmatia', Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu 45 (2012), 261-279.
Evans, L., 'Animals in Coptic art', Göttinger Miszellen 232 (2012), 63-73.
Ghica, V., 'Pour une histoire du christianisme dans le désert Occidental d'Égypte', Journal des savants, Juillet-Décembre (2012), 189-280.
Ghica, V. and Tristant, Y., 'Biˀr Biḫīt: Preliminary report on the 2012 field season'. Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 23 (2012), 7-24.
Kane, D.M., Chater, R.J., Gore, D.B., and McPhail, D.S., 'Corrosion at the surface of chalcogenide glass microspheres', Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 14/5 (2012), 055401.
Hillard, T.W., and Beness, J.L., 'Late antique memories of Republican political polemic: Pseudo-Acron ad Hor. serm. 2.167 and a dictum Macedonici', Classical Quarterly 62/2 (2012), 816-826.<<br />
Kanawati, N., 'Excavating and recording Middle Egypt', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, Special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 192-204.
Köhler, E.C., 'Australian excavations at Helwan in Egypt 1997-2009', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, Special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 147-160.
Ockinga, B. and Binder, S., 'The Macquarie Theban Tombs Project: 20 years in Dra Abu el Naga', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, Special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 205-247.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages', in Kefallinos, E. (ed.), Thinking Diversely: Hellenism and the Challenge of Globalisation, special edition of Modern Greek Studies, Australia and New Zealand (2012), 91-108.
Sheedy, K., 'Ancient coins for the colonies: Hellenism and the history of numismatic collections in Australia', in Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) Special issue (2012), 109-122.
Sheedy, K., Gore, D., and Davis, G., '"A spring of silver, a treasury in the earth": Coinage and wealth in Archaic Athens', Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, Special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 248-257.
Tristant, Y., 'Nouvelles découvertes dans le désert Oriental. Le Ouadi Araba de la préhistoire à l'époque copte', Bulletin de la société française d'égyptologie 182 (2012), 33-53.
Ghilardi, M., Tristant, Y., and Boraik, M., 'Nile River evolution in Upper Egypt during the Holocene: Palaeoenvironmental implications for the pharaonic sites of Karnak and Coptos', Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 1 (2012), 7-22.
Briois, F., Midant-Reynes, B., De Dapper, M., Lesur-Gebremariam, J., Marchand, S., Newton, C., Tristant, Y., and Wuttmann, M., 'Neolithic occupation of an artesian spring: KS043 in the Kharga Oasis (Egypt)', Journal of Field Archaeology 37/3 (2012), 178-191.

C4: Letter, Note or Book Review in Scholarly Journals

Dzino, D., Review of The Other Europe in the Middle Ages: Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans, by Curta, F. (ed.) Antiquite Tardive 20 (2012), 426-428.
Dzino, D., Reviews of Spomenici VII. legije na području rimske provincije Dalmacije/Monuments of Legio VII in the Roman Province of Dalmatia, by Tončinić, D. and Antiqui homines Bosnae by Mesihović, S. Godišnjak Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja 41 (2012), 269-271.
Evans, L., Review of A History of Ancient Egypt by van de Mieroop, M., Journal of the American Oriental Society 132/4 (2012), 713-714.
Evans, L. Review of Cattle of the Sun: Cows and Culture in the World of the Ancient Greeks, by McInerney, J., Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 261-264.
Evans, T.V., 'Lexicographical Latin', Review of The Latin of Roman Epistolography by Ferri, R. (ed.), Classical Review 62 (2012), 528-530.
Evans, T.V., 'The Optative at PMichZen 36. 3: Addendum', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrapik 180 (2012), 278.
Ockinga, B., Review of Seven Seasons at Dra Abu El-Naga. The Tomb of Huy (TT 14): Preliminary Results by Betrò, M., Del Vasco, P., and Miniaci, G., Chronique d'Egypte 87 (2012) 276-281.

C5: Editorship in Scholarly Journals

Beness, J.L. (ed.), Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/1 (2009) [2012], 1-146 pp.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W. (eds), Australian Archaeological Fieldwork Abroad II, Special issue of Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 39/2 (2009) [2012], 147-280 pp.
Binder, S. (ed.), Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 23 (2012), 144 pp.
Dzino, D. (co-ed.), Croatian Studies Review (2012).
Mikkelsen, G.(ed.), Manichaean Studies Newsletter 25 (2010/11) (2012), 54 pp.
Ghilardi, M. and Tristant, Y. (eds), 'Geoarchaeology of Egypt and the Mediterranean: Reconstructing Holocene Landscapes and Human Occupation History', Special issue of Quaternary International 266 (2012).
Ghilardi, M. and Tristant, Y. (eds), Charting Holocene Landscape Changes in the Mediterranean using the Geoarchaeological Approach, Special issue of Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 1 (2012).

E1: Refereed Conference Papers

Binder, S., 'Das Ehrengold als Machtinstrument des Königs', in Beinlich, H. (ed.), 6. Symposium zur ägyptische Königsideologie / 6th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: "Die Männer hinter dem König" Iphofen, 16.-18. Juli 2010 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012), 1-16.
Binder, S., '"Let me tell you what happened to me...": Memphite officials and the Gold of Honour', in Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, OLA 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 45-61.
Choat, M., 'Lord Crawford's search for papyri: On the origin of the Rylands Papyrus collection', in Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e Congres international de papyrologie. Geneve 16-21 aout 2010 (Geneva: Droz, 2012), 141-147.
Yuen-Collingridge, R., and Choat, M., 'The copyist at work: Scribal practice in duplicate documents', in Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e Congres international de papyrologie. Geneve 16-21 aout 2010 (Geneva: Droz, 2012), 827-834.
Cromwell, J., 'Following in father's footsteps: The question of father-son training in eighth century Thebes', in Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie. Genève, 16-21 août 2010 (Geneva: Droz, 2012), 149-157.
Dzino, D., 'Bellum Pannonicum: The Roman armies and indigenous communities in southern Pannonia 16-9 BC', in Actes du Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe. 4ème édition, 20-23 Septembre 2011. Vol. 3 (Bucharest: Metropolitan Library, 2012), 461-480.
Kanawati, N., 'The Memphite control of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom: The cases of Edfu, Abydos and Akhmim', in Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, OLA 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 237-252.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Places of Nestorian presence, ways of dissemination: Continental and maritime "silk roads" in China', in Korschorke, K. (ed.), Historische Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsgeschichtlicher Perspektive (Phases of Globalization in the History of the Christian Church), Proceedings of the Fifth International Munich-Freising Conference / 5. Internationale München-Freising-Konferenz (18.-20.2.2011) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012), 39-58.
Ockinga, B., 'Subversion oder Loyalität? Nochmal zur Frage der Beziehung zwischen den Hohepriestern Thebens und dem König in der späten Ramessidenzeit', in Beinlich, H. (ed.), 6. Symposium zur ägyptische Königsideologie / 6th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: "Die Männer hinter dem König, Iphofen", 16.-18. Juli 2010 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012), 91-106.
Ockinga, B., 'The Teti Pyramid Cemetery North - New evidence for New Kingdom tomb structures: Insights from the Macquarie excavations', in Evans, L. (ed.), Ancient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Macquarie University, Sydney on August 14-15, 2008, OLA 214 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 371-395.

Other Publications

Hillard, T.W., 'Romans in Greek thrall', Bulletin of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens 8 (2012), 15-21.
Eccles, L. and Lieu, S.N.C., 'New translation of the Xi'an Nestorian monument' (2012).
Fox, G. with Lieu, S.N.C. 'Laonicus Chalcocondylas on Central Asia' (2012).
Mikkelsen, G., 'Recent publications [in Manichaean Studies]', Manichaean Studies Newsletter 25 (2010/11) [2012], 35-53.

Conference Presentations


Chan, S., 'Reinterpreting Xing in the Confucian analects', International Symposium on the Confucian Four Books, International Society for Chinese Philosophy and School of the Chinese Classics, Remnin University, April, 2012.
Choat, M., 'Sound, sight, and stylus: Copying practice and scribal habits in Roman Egypt', Classics and Ancient History Seminar, University of Manchester, 31 May, 2012.
Choat, M., 'A recent archaeological discovery in Upper Egypt: The "Monastery of Apa Pamoun" in El-Haragsa, Sohag', Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, University of Göttingen, 5 August, 2012.
Choat, M., 'Posidonios and the monks of TT233 on the Dra Abu el-Naga', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Choat, M., 'From letter to letter collection: Monastic epistolography in Late Antique Egypt', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Choat, M., 'Christianity and local religion in the Great Oasis', in the panel 'Local Religion in Egypt in Late Antiquity' within the program unit 'Christianity in Egypt: Scripture, Tradition, and Reception', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Chicago USA, 17 November, 2012.
Choat, M., 'The city in Roman Egypt: The evidence of the papyri', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Congress, Panel: Polis and Ekklesia: Investigations of Urban Christianity, San Francisco, 19-22 November, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'Unpublished Coptic documents in Copenhagen', 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Rhode Island, April, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'The geographical and chronological distribution of biographic texts in early Islamic Egypt', Ancient Egyptian Language and Text 4, Cambridge University, September, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'The role of Coptic scribes in early Islamic Egypt', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Dzino, D., 'The collapse of complex societies: Society and identity in post-Roman Dalmatia', The Treaty of Aachen: The Origins and Impact on the Region Between the Adriatic, Central and Southeastern Europe, University of Zadar, Croatia, 27-29 September, 2012.
Dzino, D., 'Liburni, gens Asiatica: The anatomy of ancient stereotype', Section 4c: Les relations entre les Balkans et l'Asie Mineure, dès l'époque classique jusqu'à la période byzantine (Ve s. av. J. -C. - Ve s. ap. J. -C.), Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe 5, Bibliothèque Métropolitaine de Bucarest, Mamaia, Romania, 24-27 September, 2012.           
Dzino, D., 'The formation of early imperial Peregrine civitates in Dalmatia: (Re)constructing indigenous communities after the conquest', Keynote paper: Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World, University of Belgrade, Valjevo, Serbia, 20-23 September, 2012.
Evans, L., 'Suckling snakes! Why is Renenutet a symbol of abundance?', 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Rhode Island, April, 2012.
Ghica, V., 'What do we know about Christianity in al-Bahriyya Oasis?', 7th International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project: New Developments in the Archaeology of the Egyptian Western Desert and its Oases, Leiden, June, 2012.
Ghica, V., 'Two new comers in the B5 Family: The Naqlun Kalandologia', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Ghica, V., and St. Demiana, A., '"His toil was not in vain": Two unpublished Coptic fragments of the Encomium on Athanasius attributed to Cyril of Alexandria (IFAO inv. 79-80)', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September, 2012.
Gore, D., 'Platform presentation on the stabilisation of metals in areas of freezing ground', Conference and Workshop on Contaminants in Freezing Ground, Austria, March, 2012.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Archaeologists and advisors: German knowledge of the Gallipoli Peninsula before 1915', Third International Gallipoli Symposium, Istanbul, 2012.
Nongbri, B., 'Rethinking the place of P.Bodmer XIV-XV in the history of New Testament textual criticism', University of Texas at Austin, 26 November, 2012.
Nongbri, N., 'Size matters? Revisiting some physical features of the Bodmer Codices', Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November, 2012.
Sheedy, K., White Gold / Electrum International Congress, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 25-26 June, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 'Abou Rawach, Ire dynastie. Découverte de la plus ancienne barque funéraire égyptienne', Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo, November, 2012.


Binder, S. and Choat, M., 'Broken pots do tell tales . . . Exploring the ceramic corpus of the TT233 site on the Theban West Bank (Season Jan/Feb 2012)', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.Binder, S., 'The tombs in the Valley of the Kings: Seals broken and contents plundered?', Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, 18th Annual Ancient History Day, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 25 August, 2012.
Chan, S., 'Centrality in antiquity', 7th International Symposium of the World Forum on Chinese Culture in the 21st Century, Association for Yan Huang Culture of China and La Trobe University, 30 November -2 December, 2012.
Choat, M., 'Forts, monasteries, and Christians in Late Antique Panopolis', 33rd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society of Classical Studies, Melbourne, February, 2012.
Choat, M., 'The monastery of Apa Pamoun at El-Hagarsa', Byzantium, Its Neighours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction, 17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'Education in a Late Antique Egyptian monastery', 33rd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society of Classical Studies, Melbourne, February, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'The life of Isaac: A Coptic patriarch in the 7th Century', Byzantium, Its Neighours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction,17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Dzino, D., 'Local knowledge and wider contexts: The stories of arrival of the Croats and Serbs in De Administrando Imperio in past and present', Byzantium, Its Neighours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction, 17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Ghica, V., 'An unpublished commentary on Revelation 7-12: Morganiensis 591', Patristic Forum of Sydney, September, 2012.
Gillett, A., "Telling off Justinian": Undiplomatic correspondence between Constantinople and Merovingian Gaul', Byzantium, Its Neighbours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction,17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association of Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, July, 2012.
Kanawati, N., 'Man and animals in tomb scenes of the Old and Middle Kingdoms', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.
McKechnie, P., 'Faith and secular power in Orcistus and Phrygia', Keynote address: St Paul's College symposium, Christianity and the Prince: The Interweaving of Faith and Secular Power since Constantine, 4 December, 2012.
Ockinga, B., 'The decoration program of TT233 - The tomb of Saroy and Amenhotep: A reflection of their owners' interests?', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.
Ockinga, B., 'Crime and punishment in the workmen's village of Deir el Medina', Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, 18th Annual Ancient History Day, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 25 August, 2012.
Parry, K., 'The religious cultures of the Silk Road', Public lecture as part of the exhibition Travelling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 22 June, 2012.
Parry, K., 'Egypt in the Byzantine imagination: Cultural memory and historiography', Byzantium, Its Neighbours and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction, Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University, 20-21 July, 2012.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in central Asia, with some recent archaeological evidence from Uzbekistan', Macquarie Asian Historical Research Society, Macquarie University, 30 October, 2012.
Sheedy, K., 'South Italian incuse coinage', South Italy, Sicily And The Mediterranean: Cultural Interactions, Centre for Greek Studies and the A.D. Trendall Centre for Ancient Mediterranean Studies, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 17-21 July, 2012.
Traviglia, A., 'Aquileia: Crossroad of cultures', Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Sydney, 24 August, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 'From Cairo to the Red Sea: A short report about the work undertaken in Helwan and the Wadi Araba', Discoveries and Research in Egypt: 2011-2012 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, April, 2012.

Other Outputs

Binder, S., 'The tombs in the Valley of the Kings: Seals broken and contents plundered?', Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, 18th Annual Ancient History Day, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, August, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'Squabbling Families and unruly kids: Medinet Habu in the 7th and 8th centuries AD', Reconstructing Life in Ancient Thebes, Macquarie University, 12 May, 2012.
Cromwell, J., 'An Egyptian scribe in Thebes', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, May, 2012.
Dzino, D., 'Roman imperialism and provincial identities in early Roman Dalmatia', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, May, 2012.
Ghica, V., 'An unpublished commentary on Revelation 7-12: Morganiensis 591', Patristic Forum of Sydney, September, 2012.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Ancient China in the Qin and Han dynasties', Annual Ancient History Teachers' Conference, Macquarie University, March, 2012.
Nongbri, B., 'Rethinking the Place of P.Bodmer XIV-XV in the History of New Testament Textual Criticism', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, May, 2012.
Ockinga, B., 'Crime and punishment in the workmen's village of Deir el Medina', Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World, 18th Annual Ancient History Day, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, August, 2012.
Parry, K., 'The religious cultures of the Silk Road', public lecture as part of the exhibition Travelling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, June, 2012.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia, with some recent archaeological evidence from Uzbekistan', Macquarie Asian Historical Research Society, Macquarie University, October, 2012.
Sheedy, K., 'Early Roman coinage: A historical perspective', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, October, 2012. 
Traviglia, A., 'Aquileia: Crossroad of cultures', Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Sydney, August, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 'Discovery of the oldest boat ever found in Egypt: New results from the excavation on the 1st Dynasty cemetery at Abu Rawash', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, August, 2012.
Tristant, Y., 'New approaches on the study of early Egypt. A choice of recent case studies on the 4th millennium BC', Near Eastern Seminar Series, Sydney University, September, 2012.

Conferences, Colloquia and Outreach Events convened by ACRC Members or under the auspices of the ACRC

- 'Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds' at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November, 2012. Convened by M. Choat
- 'Late Antique Thebes', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, 17-22 September, 2012. Convened by M. Choat and J. Cromwell.
- 'Writing and Communication in Egyptian Monasticism', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, 17-22 September, 2012. Co-convened by M. Choat.
- 'Aspects of Early Islamic Egypt', 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, 17-22 September, 2012. Co-convened by J. Cromwell.
- 'The Vocabulary of the Zenon Archive and the Language of the Greek Papyri: A "Words from the Sand" Colloquium', Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium Contact Forum, Academy Palace, Brussels, 11-12 September, 2012. Organised in collaboration with T. Evans, under the auspices of the ACRC.
- 'Byzantium, Its Neighbours, and Its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction', 17th Biannual Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine, Macquarie University, 20-22 July, 2012. Organised by D. Dzino, K. Parry and A. Gillett, supported by the ACRC.
- 'Desert Sands - Desert Secrets', Society for the Study of Early Christianity Annual Conference, Macquarie University, August, 2012. Organised by A. Nobbs.
- 'The Town in Ancient Egypt', Australian Centre for Egyptology (MQACRC) Annual Conference, Macquarie University, 11 August, 2012. Convened by B. Ockinga, under the auspices of the ACRC.
-'Patristic Forum', Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, 1-2 September, 2012. Convened by K. Parry, under the auspices of the ACRC.
- ACANS/MQACRC conference, 'More things to do with Owls: Aspects of Silver Mining, Coinage, and Finance in Athens during the Archaic and Classical Periods', Macquarie University, 31 August, 2012. Convened by K. Sheedy and D. Gore.
- 'Texturing remote sensing data processing for archaeological research: Innovation and experimentation', 41st Computer Applications in Archaeology Conference (CAA) 2012, Southampton, 26-30 March, 2012. Chaired by A. Traviglia, supported by the ACRC.

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