A1: Scholarly Books
Dzino,D.,Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat: Identity Transformations in Post-Roman Dalmatia, East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (450-1450), Series 12 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010 - ISBN: 9789004186460).
Dzino,D.,Illyricum and Roman Politics: 229 BC - AD 68 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010 - ISBN: 9780521194198).
Evans,L.,Animal Behaviour in Egyptian Art: Representations of the Natural World in Memphite Tomb Scenes (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2010 - ISBN: 9780856688263).
Kanawati,N.,Decorated Burial Chambers of the Old Kingdom (Cairo: SCA, 2010 - ISBN: 9789774797934).
Kanawati,N. and Woods, A., Beni Hassan: Art and Life in an Egyptian Province (Cairo: SCA, 2010 - ISBN: 9789774797927).
Lieu, S.N.C., Fox, G., and Sheldon, J., Greek and Latin Sources on Manichaean Cosmogony, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Subsidia 6 (Turnout: Brepols, 2010 - ISBN: 9782503512471).
A3: Edited Books
Sidwell, B. and Dzino, D. (eds), Studies in Emotions and Power in the Late Roman World: Papers in Honour of Ron Newbold (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010).
Howlett, D.R. (ed.), with Ashdowne, R., Christchev, T.G., Evans, T.V., Korn, K., Piper, P.O., Sneddon, S., and White, C., Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, Fasc. XIII: Pro-Reg (Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2010).
Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D., (eds), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford, 2010).
Lieu,S.N.C.(ed.),Greek and Latin Sources on Manichaean Cosmogony and Ethics, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum Series Subsidia 6:trans. Fox, G. and Sheldon, J. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).
Sheldon, J. and Coedès, G., Greek and Latin Authors on the Far East, vol. 1:Texts and Translations,Studia Antiqua Australiensia 4, Series Editors: Lieu, S.N.C. and Nobbs, A. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).
Harding, M. and Nobbs, A. (eds), The Content and Setting of the Gospel Tradition (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdman, 2010).
Judge, E.A., Jerusalem and Athens, ed. by Nobbs, A. (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010).
Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati. 2 vols.(Cairo: SCA, 2010).
B1: Scholarly Book Chapters
Chan, S., 'Guodian Chujian de Tianren Guanxi ji 'ming' de Hanyi', in Sixin, D. and Shihua, X. (eds), Chudi Jianbo Sixiang Yanjiu, Studies of the Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts from the Chu, vol. 4 (Wuhan: Chongwen Shuju, 2010), 52-71.
Neville, R. and Chan, S. (trans.), 'Zuowei Shijiexing Zhexue de Ruxue (Confucianism as a world philosophy)', in Xinyan, J. (ed.), Yingyu Shijie Zhong de Zhongguo Zhexue (Chinese Philosophy in the English-speaking World) (Beijing, 2010), 313-331.
Choat, M., 'Early Coptic epistolography', in Papaconstantinou, A. (ed.), The Multilingual Experience in Egypt from the Ptolemies to the Abassids (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010), 153-178.
Choat,M.,'Athanasius, Pachomius, and the "Letter on Charity and Temperance"', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 1(Cairo: SCA, 2010), 97-104.
Choat, M. and Yuen-Collingridge, R., 'The Egyptian Hermas: The shepherd in Egypt before Constantine', in Kraus, T. and Nicklas, T. (eds), Early Christian Manuscripts: Examples of Applied Method and Approach (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 191-212.
Evans, L., 'Otter or mongoose? Chewing over the evidence in wall scenes', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 1(Cairo: SCA, 2010), 119-129.
Evans, T.V., 'Identifying the language of the individual in the Zenon Archive', in Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D. (eds), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 51-70.
Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D., 'Introduction', in Evans, T.V. and Obbink, D.D. (eds), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1-12.
Gillett, A., 'Love and grief in post-Imperial diplomacy: The letters of Brunhild', in Sidwell, B. and Dzino, D. (eds), Power and Emotions in the Roman World and Late Antiquity (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010), 127-165.
Hillard, T.W., 'The god abandons Antony: Alexandrian street theatre in 30 B.C.', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 1 (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 201-217.
Kanawati, N., 'Chronology of the Old Kingdom nobles of El-Qusiya revisited', in Hawass, Z., der Manualian, P., and Hussein, R.B., Perspectives on Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 207-220.
Kanawati, N., 'The vizier Nebet and the royal women of the sixth dynasty', in Hawass, Z. and Ikram, S. (eds), Thebes and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Kent R. Weeks (Cairo: SCA, 2010), 115-125.
Nobbs, A., 'Phileas, Bishop of Thmouis', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2(Cairo, 2010), 93-97.
Ockinga, B., 'The Memphite Theology: Its purpose and date', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2(Cairo, 2010), 99-117.
Sheedy, K., 'Scenes from Alexandria in the time of Domitian', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2(Cairo: SCA, 2010), 205-217.
Evans, D., andTraviglia, A., 'Uncovering Angkor: Integrated remote sensing applications in the archaeology of early Cambodia', in Lasaponara, R. and Masini, N. (eds), Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology (New York: Springer, 2010), 197-230.
Welborn, L., '1 Corinthians: Introduction and notes', in Coogan, M. and Perkins, P. (eds), The New Oxford Annotated Bible (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1999-2023.
Woods, A., 'A date for the tomb of Seneb at Giza: Revisited', in Woods, A., McFarlane, A., and Binder, S. (eds), Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. 2.(Cairo, 2010), 301-331.
C1: Refereed Journal Articles
Liao, M. and Chan, S., 'Exegesis of the Baoxun text in the Bamboo Slip Manuscripts acquired by Tsinghua University', Zhongguo Zhexueshi (History of Chinese Philosophy), (2010), 5-13.
Dzino, D.,'Aspects of identity-construction and cultural mimicry among the Dalmatian sailors in the Roman navy', Antichthon 44 (2010), 96-110.
Dzino, D., '„Dezidijati": Identitetski konstrukt između antičkih i suvremenih percepcija' (The Daesitiates: The identity-construct between contemporary and ancient perceptions), Godišnjak Centra za Balkanološka ispitivanja XXXVIII/36 (2009) [2010], 75-95.
Dzino, D.,'Pričam ti priču: Ideološko-narativni diskursi o dolasku Hrvata u De Administrando Imperio' ('Telling the stories: Ideological-narrative discourses on the Croat migrations in De Administrando Imperio'), Radovi zavoda za hrvatsku povijest 42/1 (2010), 153-165.
Evans, T.V., 'Counting chickens in PSI VI 569', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 173 (2010), 191-200.
Evans, T.V., 'The potential of linguistic criteria for dating Septuagint books', Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 43 (2010), 7-24.
Ghica, V., 'Sasabek and Beroth (NH VI, 41, 28-30): A theonymic mixed marriage', BIFAO 110 (2010), 91-101.
Ghica, V., 'Die Quellen schweigen', Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 55/1 (2010), 52-55.
Heiden, E.S., Gore, D.B., and Stark, S.C., 'Transportable EDXRF analysis of environmental water samples using Amberlite IRC748 ion-exchange preconcentration', X-Ray Spectrometry 39/3 (2010), 176-183.
Hillard, T.W., 'Shocking audiences modern and ancient', Australasian Drama Studies 56 (2010), 131-153.
Parry, K., 'Early Christian remains of Inner Mongolia: A review article', Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 4 (2009) [2010], 175-179.
Pütz, B. and Sheedy, K., 'Bad hair day', Antichthon 44 (2010), 33-49.
Tristant, Y., 'Abou Rawach. La nécropole de la Ire dynastie', Archéologia 481 (2010), 32-37.
Tristant, Y., 'Le désert Oriental durant la préhistoire. Bref aperçu des travaux récents menés dans le Wâdî 'Araba', Archéo-Nil 20 (2010), 51-61.
Tristant, Y., Baud, M., and Charron, A., 'Abou Rawach, un site ressuscité', Archéologia 48 (2010), 58-59.
Welborn, L., 'By the mouth of two or three witnesses: Paul's invocation of a Deuteronomic statute in 2 Cor. 13:1', Novum Testamentum 52 (2010), 207-220.
C4: Letter, Note or Book Review in Scholarly Journals
Evans, T.V., 'The Oxyrhynchus Glossary', Review of From Alexandria to Babylon: Near Eastern Languages and Hellenistic Erudition in the Oxyrhynchus Glossary [P. Oxy. 1802 + 4812] by Schironi, F., Classical Review 60/2 (2010), 415-417.
C5: Editorship in Scholarly Journals
Beness, J.L.(ed.), Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 37/2 (2007) [2010], 85 pp.
E1: Refereed Conference Papers
Evans, T.V., 'Standard Koine Greek in third century BC papyri', in Gagos, T. (ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor, July 29-August 4, 2007 (Ann Arbor, 2010), 197-206.
K2: Entries in Dictionaries or Encyclopedia
Gillett, A., 'Apocrisiarius', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 79-80.
Gillett, A., 'City of God', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 401.
Gillett, A., 'Confessions of St Augustine', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 433.
Gillett, A., 'Ethnography, Medieval', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 592-593.
Gillett, A., 'Liutprand of Cremona', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1034.
Gillett, A., 'Orosius', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1235.
Gillett, A., 'Sidonius Apollinaris', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1535.
Gillett, A., 'Theodosian Code', in Bjork, R.E. (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 1609.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Mani; Manichaeism', in Patte, D. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 757-758.
Mikkelsen, G., 'Paulicians', in Patte, D. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 934.
Welborn, L., 'Corinthians, 1 & 2 Epistles', in Patte, D.M. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 279-280.
Welborn, L., 'Inculturation of Christianity in the Greco-Roman World', in Patte, D.M. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 594-595.
Welborn, L., 'History, Concepts of,' in Patte, D.M. (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) 520-521.
Conference Presentations
Chan, S., 'The text of Baoxun (Admonition of Protection) in the Tsinghua collections of the Bamboo Slip manuscripts',2010 Annual Meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, University of Colorado, Boulder, October, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Lord Crawford's search for papyri: On the origin of the Rylands papyrus collection', 26th International Congress of Papyrology, University of Geneva, August, 2010.
Choat, M. (with R. Yuen-Collingridge), 'The copyist at work: Scribal practice in duplicate documents', 26th International Congress of Papyrology, University of Geneva, August, 2010.
Choat, M., 'A Coptic ritual handbook in the Macquarie collection', University of Leipzig, DDGLC, Explorations in Coptology 1, 15 August, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Private and official salutations in Roman and Byzantine Egypt: Epistolary greetings in Latin, Greek and Coptic', 'Official Epistolography and the Language(s) of Power', 1st Conference of the NFN 'Imperium and Officium: Comparative Studies in Ancient Bureaucracy and Officialdom', University of Vienna, Austria, 10-12 November, 2010.
Choat, M., 'Monastic letter collections in Late Antique Egypt: Structure, purpose, and transmission', 'Knowledge Transfer in the Mediterranean World': Third International Congress on Eastern Christianity, Rectorship of Cordoba University, Spain, 2-4 December, 2010.
Choat, M., and Meyer, M., 'P. Macquarie inv. 375 and Sethian Gnosis', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2010.
Dzino,D., 'Držimo te za riječ Konstantine! Diskursi o podrijetlu Hrvata u De Administrando Imperio', ('We hold you on your word, Constantine! The discourses on Croat arrival in the De Administrando Imperio'), In the Beginning there was Constantine: The Narratives of the Croats in De Administrando Imperio, University of Zagreb, Croatia (in absentia: full text of the paper read in the session on the special request of conference conveners), February, 2010.
Evans, T.V., 'The language of the Doiketes' letters in the Zenon archive', 26th International Congress of Papyrology, University of Geneva, Geneva, August, 2010.
Evans, T.V., 'The "Words from the Sand" project: A lexical analysis of early Greek papyri from Egypt', Classics and Ancient History Research Seminar, University of Manchester, 30 September, 2010.
Gillett, A., 'The Late Antique 'diplomatic bloc': Roman frameworks for post-imperial communication', Aux origines d'une diplomatie méditerranéenne: Les ambassadeurs, moyens humains de la diplomatie (Antiquité romaine et Haut Moyen Age), Université Paul Verlaine, Campus du Saulcy, Metz, 14-16 October, 2010.
Kanawati, N., 'Gridlines and the copying of Old Kingdom scenes in later periods', Abusir and Saqqara:International Conference at Charles University, Prague, May-June, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Christians and Manichaeans on the South China coast in the era of Marco Polo', University of Washington, 7 April, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Nestorians and Manichaeans on the South China coast in the time of Marco Polo', Centre for Chinese Studies, UCLA International Institute, 29 April, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'Das Grab des Neferrenpet in Dra Abu el Naga (TT 147): Neue Ergebnisse aus der Arbeit der Macquarie University', Department of Egyptology, University of Vienna, 28 May, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'The Teti Pyramid Cemetery North - Tracing the lost New Kingdom tombs: Results of the 2009 and 2010 Seasons', Abusir and Saqqara:International Conference at Charles University, Prague, May-June, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'Subversion oder Loyalität? Nochmal zur Frage der Beziehung zwischen der höchsten Priester Thebens und dem König in der späten Ramessidenzeit', Symposion zur ägyptischen Königsideologie, Iphofen, July, 2010.
Welborn, L., 'The Apostle Paul: Rabbi and Roman citizen', Washington and Lee University, 17 November, 2010.
Welborn, L., 'Charitable initiatives or strategies for social change: A response to Bruce Londenecker, Remember the Poor', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2010.
Welborn, L., 'Grief and salvation in Paul's 2 Corinthians', Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Pepyankh-heryib of Meir: Tracing his family background', Egypt Exploration Society, British Council, Cairo, 18 January, 2010.
Woods, A., 'A date for the tomb of Seneb at Giza: Revisited', The American Research Centre in Egypt, Annual General Meeting, Oakland, April, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Fishing, fowling and foreigners: The Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hassan', The American Research Centre in Egypt, Orange Country and Los Angeles Chapters, 14 August, 2010.
Woods, A., 'One tomb: Two owners? The case of Nefer-seshem-Ptah at Saqqara', Abusir and Saqqara:International Conference at Charles University, Prague, May-June, 2010.
Woods,A., ''The Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hassan', Egyptological Seminar of New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 17 December, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Daily life in an Egyptian province: The Middle Kingdom tombs at Beni Hassan, Egypt', Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, 1 December, 2010.
Dzino, D., 'From political imagination to provincial space: Appian's Illyrike as the final stage of the Roman construction of Illyricum', Appian and the Romans, University of Sydney, July, 2010.
Evans, L., 'Animals in Coptic art: Enduring symbols of life and belief', Symposium on Coptic Art, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 6 May, 2010.
Evans, L., 'The Good Shepherd's flock: A sign of early Christian solidarity?',Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 8 December, 2010.
Ghica, V., 'Text and image at Bagawat', Symposium on Coptic Art, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, 6 May, 2010.
Kanawati, N., 'Guidelines and square grids in the Old and Middle Kingdoms', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2009-2010 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, March, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., '"Da Qin and Fu Lin" - Chinese names for the Roman Empire', Keynote and Presidential Address: 6th Australian Society for Inner Asian Studies Conference, Sydney University, 20-21 November, 2010.
Ockinga, B., 'Recent excavations in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery North: Tracing the lost New Kingdom tombs', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2009-2010 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, March, 2010.
Parry, K., 'Be upstanding: Images of resurrection in early Christian Art', The Real Picture of Jesus: Text and Image, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia in the Late Antique and Medieval periods', Hellenism in a Globalized Context, Macquarie University, December, 2010.
Traviglia, A., 'Sensors: Satellites to sub-surface', ARCA 2607, University of Sydney, October, 2010.
Traviglia, A., ''Like a large chessboard': Shaping the Roman monumental landscapes. The case-study of Aquileia', Challenges for archaeology in understanding cultural and natural landscapes: local, national and global perspectives, Australian Archaeology Association, Batemans Bay, December, 2010.
Traviglia, A. and Massi, R., 'Monumental landscapes from above: Enhanced perceptions of archaeological palimpsests', Challenges for archaeology in understanding cultural and natural landscapes: local, national and global perspectives, Australian Archaeology Association, Batemans Bay, December, 2010.
Woods, A., 'One tomb: Two owners? The case of Nefer-seshem-Ptah at Saqqara', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2009-2010 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, March, 2010.
Other Outputs
Dzino, D., 'Illyrians, Romans, Slavs: Perspectives on group identities in ancient and early medieval Illyricum',Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Evans, L., 'Animals in Coptic art: Enduring symbols of life and belief', Symposium on Coptic Art,Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Evans, L., 'The enigmatic shedshed of Wepwawet: A new interpretation', University Students for Egyptology Research (USER), Macquarie University, March, 2010.
Evans, L., 'Userkaf's birds unmasked', University Students for Egyptology Research (USER), Macquarie University, October, 2010.
Ghica, V., 'Text and image at Bagawat', Symposium on Coptic Art, Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University,May, 2010.
Gillett, A., 'Persona and purpose in sixth-century diplomacy', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, April, 2010.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Kalipolis, the original Gallipoli', Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney, April, 2010.
McKechnie, P., 'New gravestone using the Eumenian Formula', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, February, 2010.
Parry, K., 'A bishop lost in Egypt: On the exile, demise and remains of Nestorius', Macquarie Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Traviglia, A., 'The suburbs of the empire: Beyond Aquileia's city walls', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, March, 2010.
Tristant, Y., Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, October, 2010.
Welborn, L., 'The economics of friendship in early Christianity: A Pauline case study', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, September, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Naguib Kanawati: A tribute', Launch of a Festschrift in Honour of Professor Naguib Kanawati by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities', Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zamalek, Cairo, February, 2010.
Woods, A., 'The tomb of Mereruka at Saqqara: Art and architecture', Annual Ancient History Teachers' Conference, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Macquarie University in Egypt: The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara', The Joan and John Lincoln Society, Macquarie University, May, 2010.
Woods, A., 'Naguib Kanawati: A life in Egyptology', Australian Centre for Egyptology Annual Dinner, May, 2010.
Conferences, Colloquia and Outreach Events convened by ACRC Members or under the auspices of the ACRC
- ''Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds' at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Francisco, November, 2010. Convened by M. Choat.
- 'Epistolary Conversations: Opening the Letter of Classical and Late Antiquity', Joint MQACRC / Centre for Early Christian Studies (Australian Catholic University) symposium,
Macquarie University, 15 November, 2010. Organised by A. Gillett, supported by the ACRC
- 'Death, Tombs and Mummies', Australian Centre for Egyptology (MQACRC) Annual Conference, Macquarie University, August 7, 2010. Organised by N. Kanawati, under the auspices
of the ACRC.
- 'Symposium on Coptic Art', Society for the Study of Early Christianity, Macquarie University,6 May, 2010. Organised by A. Nobbs.
- 'Thereal picture of Jesus: Text and image',Society for the Study of Early Christianity Annual Conference, 8 May,
2010. Organised by A. Nobbs.