Junior fellowship

Junior fellowship


The Junior Research Fellowship is open to students who hold a Bachelor's degree in ancient history, archaeology, classical languages, or a related field, and who are currently enrolled in a postgraduate degree at an Australian or New Zealand tertiary institution.


Junior Research Fellows are expected to spend approximately 100 hours working at ACANS over the course of their Fellowship. During this time, Junior Research Fellows:

  • participate in a seminar series on numismatics organized by the director of ACANS
  • undertake an approved numismatic research project related to their higher degree research
  • present the results of their ACANS project at a seminar or research lecture
  • assist in the work of ACANS by participating in projects assigned by the director
Period of Tenure

The Junior Research Fellowship commences in Session 2 of the Macquarie University academic year. Fellows are expected to be active at the Centre for a minimum period of around 12 weeks.


Two fellowships are available annually, each with a value of approx. $4,000 AUD.


Download application form here

Applications close on 30 June each year, with fellowships commencing in Session 2 (roughly 6 weeks after applications close). Students intending to apply may contact the director of ACANS, Associate Professor Ken Sheedy, to discuss their application via ken.sheedy@mq.edu.au

ACANS is committed to facilitating the mobility of applicants from interstate and New Zealand institutions, and strongly encourages students from outside of Sydney to apply for this opportunity. At minimum, the Fellowship stipend is intended to cover the cost of travelling to and living on campus during the Fellows’ period of tenure at ACANS.

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