Members of the ACRC publish in a wide range of fields.
The ACRC also publishes a number of monograph series and a journal. For further information, click here.
Publications of individual members may be found on their profile pages.
A classified list of the most recent publications by all centre members for 2013 can be found below. For earlier years, please select one of the following:
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | All
Most Recent ACRC Publications: 2013
A1: Scholarly Books
Kanawati, N.,Deir El-Gebrawi,vol. 3: The Southern Cliff. The Tomb of Djau/Shemai and Djau (Oxford: Aris and Phillips, 2013 - ISBN: 9780856688553).
Nongbri, B., Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013 - ISBN 978-0300154160).
B1: Scholarly Book Chapters
Beness, J.L.and Hillard, T.W., 'Rei militaris virtus ... orbem terrarum parere huic imperio coëgit: The transformation of Roman imperium, 146-50 BC', in Hoyos, D. (ed.), A Companion to Roman Imperialism (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 141-153.
Dzino, D., 'The formation of early imperial peregrine civitates in Dalmatia: (Re)constructing indigenous communities after the conquest', in Jankovi?, M. and Mihajlovi?, V.D. (eds), Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013), in press.
Hillard, T.W., 'Graffiti's engagement. The political graffiti of the Late Roman Republic', in Laurence, R., Keegan, P., and Sears, G. (eds), Written Space in the Latin West: 200 BC to AD 300 (London/New York: Continuum Press, 2013), 105-122.
Hillard,T.W.and Beness, L., 'Choosing friends, foes and fiefdoms in the second century BC', in Hoyos, D. (ed.), A Companion to Roman Imperialism (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 127-140.
Parry,K., 'Aristotle and the icon: The use of the Categories by Byzantine iconophile writers', in Ebbesen, S., Marenbon, J., and Thom, P. (eds), Aristotle's Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions (Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters, 2013), 34-56.
Woods, A., 'Relief', in Hartwig, M. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, in press; ISBN 978-1-44433-350-3)
C1: Refereed Journal Articles
Cromwell, J., 'Coptic texts in the archive of Flavius Atias', Zeitshcrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 184 (2013), 280-288.
Dzino, D., 'Constructing Illyrians: Prehistoric inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula in the early modern and modern perceptions', Balkanistica 27, in press.
Nongbri, B., 'Losing a curious Christian scroll but gaining a curious Christian codex: An Oxyrhynchus papyrus of Exodus and Revelation', Novum Testamentum 55 (2013), 77-88.
Nongbri, B., 'The limits of palaeographical dating of literary papyri: Some observations on the date and provenance of P.Bodmer II (P66)', Museum Helveticum (Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Science), in press.
Parry, K., '"Rejoice for me, O desert": Fresh light on the remains of Nestorius in Egypt', Studia Patristica LIV (2013), 30-40.
C4: Letter, Note or Book Review in Scholarly Journals
Dzino, D., 'Dissecting 'Balkanist' discourse in the present and the past' Reviews of Jadranski (polu)orijentalizam, by Raspudi?, N. and Constructing Yugoslavia, by Drapac,V., Croatian Studies Review 8 (2012/13) - forthcoming in May.
Dzino, D., Review of Municipium S( ): A Roman Town in the Central Balkans, Komini near Pljevlja, by Mirkovi?, M., Classical Review 63(2) (2013) - forthcoming.
C5: Editorship in Scholarly Journals
Binder,S. (ed.), Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology24 (2013), 160 pp.
Mikkelsen, G.(ed.), Manichaean Studies Newsletter26 (2011/12) (2013), 27 pp.
Sheedy, K. Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia (editorial board) (2013).
E1: Refereed Conference Papers
Dzino, D., 'Liburni gens asiatica. Anatomie d'un stéréotype antique', in Actes de Symposium international: Le livre. La Romanie. L'Europe 5ème édition, 13-26 Sept. 2012(Bucharest: Metropolitan Library, 2013) in press.
Evans, L., 'Animal behaviour in Egyptian art: A brief overview', in Kousoulis, P. and Lazaridis, N. (eds), Proceedings ofthe10th International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes, Greece (Leuven: Peeters, in press; ISBN 978-90-429-2550-2).
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The Romanitas of Nestorian Christianity in China', in Tang, Li (ed.) Proceedings of the Third Salzburg Symposium on the Church of the East 2008 (Salzburg, 2013), 123-140.
Woods A., 'Five significant features in Old Kingdom spear-fishing and fowling scenes', in Kousoulis, P. and Lazaridis, N. (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes, Greece (Leuven: Peeters, in press; ISBN 978-90-429-2550-2).
K2: Entries in Dictionaries or Encyclopedia
Beness, J.L., 'Atia', in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013), 922-923.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Agrippina', in Mary Hays, FemaleBiography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803).Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.),Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 5 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 415-416.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Arria', in Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803).Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 5 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 439-440.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Calpurnia, wife of Pliny the Younger', in Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803).Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoir, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 6 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 418-419.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Cleopatra', in Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803).Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 7 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 463-471.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi', in Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803).Chawton House Library Series: Women's Memoirs, Luria Walker, G. (ed.), Memoirs of Women Writers Part II vol. 7 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 482.
Hillard, T.W., 'Claudii, family of', in Bagnall, R.S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S.R. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2013), 1536-1544.
Other Publications
Mikkelsen, G., 'Recent publications [in Manichaean Studies]', Manichaean Studies Newsletter 26 (2011/12) [2013], 22-26.
Conference Presentations
Choat, M., Invited to present at the annual meeting of the Institut für Papyrologie, Heidelberg University (forthcoming: 15 July, 2013).
Choat, M., Invited to present at the conference 'Stories told, memories uttered: The role of narratives in Lived Ancient Religion', held under auspices of the European Research Council project 'Lived Ancient Religion: Questioning "cults" and "polis religion"', Schloss Ettersberg (Weimar/Erfurt) (forthcoming: 29-31 January, 2014).
Dzino, D., 'Collapse, transformation, contact: Post-Roman Dalmatia', Institute for Research of the Middle Ages, Vienna, 4 February, 2013.
Dzino, D., 'Social structure in post-Roman Dalmatia ca. 650-800: The rise and fall of the Dalmatian "Big-men"', Department of History, University of Padova, 20 February, 2013.
Dzino, D., 'Dalmatinac (ne) nosi lan?i? oko vrata": Identitet u rimskoj Dalmaciji od Batona Dezidijatskog do svetog Jeronima („Dalmatian (does not) wear gold chain around his neck": The identity in Roman Dalmatia from Bato the Daesitiate to Saint Jerome)', University of Belgrade, Faculty of Archaeology, Belgrade (forthcoming: June, 2013).
Dzino, D., 'Novi pogledi na percepcije i procese društvene preobrazbe u postrimskoj i ranosrednjovjekovnoj Dalmaciji (New views on perceptions and processes of social transformation in post-Roman and early medieval Dalmatia)', University of Belgrade, Faculty of Archaeology, Belgrade (forthcoming: June, 2013).
Dzino, D., 'De gustibus non est disputandum: Sculptor Maximinus and his portraits of goddess Diana and the girl Lupa from the Dalmatian hinterland', Illyrica Antiqua 2 - in honorem Duje Rendi? Mio?evi?, Šibenik, Croatia (forthcoming: 12-15 September, 2013).
Dzino, D., 'Subverting Braudel in Dalmatia: Religion, landscape and cultural mediation in the hinterland of eastern Adriatic', Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Mediterranean, Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Chicago (forthcoming: 2-5 January, 2014).
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Before Gallipoli there was Homer: The Classics and the Dardanelles campaign of 1915',Humanities Society Lecture, Wolfson College (Cambridge), January 2013.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'The Battle of Aigospotamoi:The view from Abarnis'. Keynote address: International Symposium on the Ancient Dardanelles, On Sëkiz Mart University, Çanakkale (Turkey), 9 May, 2013.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Lost in transliteration? Christian terms in Syriac, Sogdian and Chinese',Keynote address:4th International Symposium on the Church of the East, Salzburg, Austria (forthcoming: 7-10 June, 2013).
Nongbri, B., 'Before (and after) religion: Discussion on the formation of the concept - A Workshop with Brent Nongbri', University of Michigan, 11 March, 2013.
Ockinga, B., 'The autobiography of Saroy (TT233) in the context of the development of the ancient Egyptian biographical tradition', (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt, University of Liège, February, 2013.
Parry, K., 'Byzantine-rite Christians (Melkites) in Central Asia and China and their contacts with the Church of the East', 4th International Symposium on the Church of the East, Salzburg, Austria (forthcoming: 7-10 June, 2013).
Tristant, Y., 'Dernières nouvelles d'Abou Rawach. Découverte de la plus ancienne barque funéraire connue en Égypte', Archéo-Nil, Paris, January, 2013.
Beness, J.L. and Hillard, T.W., 'Wronging Sempronia: A study in Late Roman Republican slander', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Binder, S., 'The first season of excavation in the tomb of Amenmose (TT 149)', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Choat, M., 'From letter to letter collection: Monastic epistolography in Late Antique Egypt', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Choat, M., 'Monastic papyri from the time of Severus', Symposium 'Severus of Antioch - His Times and Legacy', Saint Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College, Melbourne, 2-3 March, 2013.
Evans, L., 'Animals in the Roman world', Macquarie Ancient History Association (forthcoming: October, 2013).
Hillard. T.W, and Beness, J.L., 'Thucydides and the taking of Torone', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Kanawati, N., 'Birds and trees in wall scenes of the tomb of Khnumhotep at Beni Hassan', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Before Gallipoli there was Homer', Classical Association of New South Wales, Macquarie University, April, 2013.
Nongbri, B., 'Reassessing the Bodmer Greek papyrus gospel codices', 34thAnnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Sydney, January, 2013.
Ockinga, B., 'Unfolding an amuletic papyrus form Theban tomb 233', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Parry, K., 'The doves of Antioch: Severus, Chalcedonians and iconoclasm,' St Severus of Antioch: His Times and Legacy, St Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Theological College, Melbourne, 2-3 March, 2013.
Parry, K., 'Monastic scribal practice in early Ninth-Century Byzantium: The example of Theodore the Stoudite', Observing the Scribe at Work: Knowledge Transfer and Scribal Professionalism in Pre-Typographic Societies, Macquarie University (forthcoming: 27-18 September, 2013).
Parry, K., 'Pierre Gilles' Constantinople: A Sixteenth Century Frenchman in the city of Suleyman the Magnificent', Australian Early Medieval Association Conference, Macquarie University (forthcoming: February, 2014).
Tristant, Y., 5000 year-old wooden planks at Abu Rawah: The earliest Egyptian funerary boat ever found', Excavations and Discoveries in Egypt: 2012-2013 Season Mini-Conference, Australian Centre for Egyptology, May, 2013.
Other Outputs
Beness, J.L., 'Political assassinations in the Roman Republic', Macquarie Ancient History Association, Macquarie University, 15 March, 2013.
Beness, J.L., 'Wronging Sempronia: A study in late Roman Republican slander', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University (forthcoming: 17 May, 2013).
Choat, M., 'Scribal habit and copying practice: Duplicate documents in Roman Egypt', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University(forthcoming: 24 May, 2013).
Cromwell, J., 'Why Coptic?',Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, March 2013.
Dzino, D., 'Austria-Hungary in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1878-1918: The empire, power, transfer of knowledge and archaeology', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University(forthcoming: 24 May, 2013).
Hillard, T.W. 'Alexander, Cleopatra and the coming of Rome', Australian Museum,Sydney, 4 April, 2013.
Lieu, S.N.C., 'Before Gallipoli there was Homer', Classical Association of New South Wales, Macquarie University, April, 2013.
McKechnie, P., 'Faith and secular power in Orcistus and Phrygia', Ancient History Research Seminar, Macquarie University, March 2013.
Conferences, Colloquia and Outreach Events convened by ACRC Members or under the auspices of the ACRC
- 'Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds' program unit for the annual meeting of Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, USA, 23-26 November, 2013. Convened by M. Choat.
- Observing the Scribe at Work: Knowledge Transfer and Scribal Professionalism in Pre-Typographic Societies, an ARC and MQACRC-funded international conference to be held at Macquarie University, 27-28 September, 2013. Organised by M. Choat and J. Cromwell.
- 'Archaeological and historical problems of the New Kingdom:Akhenaten, Tutankhamen and the Karnak temple', Australian Centre for Egyptology (MQACRC) Annual Conference, 11 August, 2013. Convened by B. Ockinga under the auspices of the ACRC.
-Annual conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, Macquarie University, January, 2013. Convened by K. Sheedy and organising committee members included A. Traviglia and T. Evans.
- 41st Computer Application and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology International Conference 'Across Time and Space', Computer Applications in Archaeology, which was held in Perth in March, 2013. Chair of the organising and scientific committees, as well as volunteer coordinator of the NSW chapter, A. Traviglia.
- Origins 5: Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (in conjunction with the Institut français d'archéologie orientale (IFAO), the Egyptian Ministry of State for Antiquities (MSA), Archéo-Nil and the Institut Français d'Égypte), which will be held in Cairo, 13-18 April, 2014. Joint Convener will be Y. Tristant.