Macquarie University offers PhD and MPhil programs in all the areas covered by the ACRC. Members of the ACRC are able to supervise PhD and MPhil thesis projects on a wide range of topics in the Ancient World, listed below. Please contact the staff member with whom you are interested in working. Macquarie University offers scholarships for HDR candidates and the University and the Department of Ancient History also offer schemes to support HDR candidates.
For further information about HDR enrolment and undertaking a research degree at Macquarie, contact Dr. Stephen Llewelyn,
Current areas of supervision by ACRC Members
Egyptology: archaeology and excavation (current digs at Saqqara, Helwan, and Thebes), art history, textual interpretation
Potential Supervisors: Binder, Kanawati, Ockinga, L. Evans, Woods
Coptic studies: history, language, and literature
Potential Supervisors: Choat
Egypt in the post-Pharaonic period: Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt
Potential Supervisors: Choat, T. Evans, McKechnie, Sheedy
Early Christian and Jewish studies: with emphases on the social context of early Christianity within the Roman empire, papyrological and epigraphic evidence
Potential Supervisors: Nobbs, McKechnie, Welborn
Late Antiquity: late Roman empire: eastern frontier and post-imperial West,
Byzantine thought and art
Potential Supervisors: Dzino, Gillett, Parry, Lieu, Nobbs
Silk Road studies: religious history including Manichaeism, art history
Potential Supervisors: Lieu, Mikkelsen, Parry
China: religion, philosophy, and literature in ancient China
Potential Supervisors: Chan, Lieu, Mikkelsen
Papyrology: including the study of papyri themselves or historical or linguistic topics using papyrological evidence
Potential Supervisors: Choat, T. Evans, Nobbs
Numismatics: especially the study of Greek coinage
Potential Supervisors: Sheedy
Classical Greek and Latin languages: the cultural contexts and history of Latin and Greek, especially in the post-classical period
Potential Supervisors: T. Evans
Geoarchaeology: using geological and geochemical techniques to understand artefacts and past environments.
Potential Supervisors: Gore
Rome and Italy: Rome in the Republic and Early Empire and the archaeology of Italy
Potential Supervisors: Hillard, Beness
Higher Degree Research Scholarships
The ACRC does not offer PhD or MPhil scholarships, however, there are competitive schemes offered through Macquarie University via which scholarships to undertake High Degree Research may be obtained. The Australian Postgraduate Awards are open only to domestic (Australian) students. Domestic and international students may apply for the Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarships (MQRES).
Joint enrolment at Macquarie and an overseas university with scholarship support is possible through the cotutelle program . For a list of current Partner Universities, see here. The ACRC is very interested in developing such postgraduate research projects, in which a candidate spends time both at Macquarie and at an overseas institution, with supervisors in both places.
Higher Degree Research Support
A variety of schemes provide support for Higher Degree Research studies within the ACRC. These include funding for research travel and other expenses, and residential Fellowships. All are awarded on a competitive basis.
University schemes:
Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF): one-off up to $4,000
Faculty of Arts Higher Degree Research Funding: Funds are available for activities which facilitate on-time completion of the thesis
The Department of Ancient History offers a range of Fellowships and Scholarships for postgraduate students, see here.