CWF at Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago)

CWF at Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago)

Prof. Taksa in Santiago

Centre for Workforce Futures Co-Director, Professor Lucy Taksa recently gave an invited presentation at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) in Santiago on the Centre’s projects and ‘Workforce diversity, representation and progression in Australia: issues and gaps, trends and conundrums’.

English translation of the news item


The co-director of the Centre for Workforce Futures, Faculty Business and Economics of Macquarie University, expert in workforce of the future, Lucy Taksa, met at the Universidad del Desarrollo with authorities of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN) UDD and researchers.

In the activity organised by the new Centre for Enterprise and Society Research (CIES) of the FEN, the academic dictated the talk ‘Workforce diversity, representation and progression in Australia: issues and gaps, trends and conundrums’, where she referred mainly to the work culture of current companies and how to work to improve the problems of diversity and inclusion.

‘Today there is unequal access and many barriers in terms of diversity and inclusion problems in Australia, especially in the participation of women in the labour force. This has been influenced by discrimination, and bias in hiring and payment decisions,’ Taksa said.

Regarding this gap and the complexities that can be found in the labour systems, the researcher commented that ‘many Australian organisations are working on a real change, such as increasing the representation of women in boards of directors and in higher executive positions, achieving a gender diversity regime for companies’.

The workshop was attended by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty, Catalina Braun, the directors of the Centres, Vesna Mandakovic (Institute of Entrepreneurship), Hernán Cheyre (CIES) and Cristián Echeverría (CEEN), as well as the researcher CIES, Erica Salvaj.

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