Zobaida Ahmed Piu

Zobaida Ahmed Piu

Zobaida Ahmed Piu
PhD Student

Email: zobaida-ahmed.piu@students.mq.edu.au
Address: Level 5
75 Talavera Road, Macquarie University, 2109

Research interests
Choice modelling
Reproductive health


Zobaida is a PhD candidate at the Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy (MUCHE). She is a Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES) and MUCHE Top-up scholarship holder. Her research interests are Pharmacoeconomics, reproductive health, health literacy, choice modelling and econometrics.

After completing bachelor and masters in health economics from University of Dhaka, Zobaida joined as a lecturer in the same university in 2016 and worked for two years. She received a Masters of Research degree in Economics with high distinction marks from Macquarie university at 2021. Her PhD is focused on the economic exploration of Oral Contraceptive Pills in Australia.

Journal articles / reports

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