Qunfei Chen

Qunfei Chen


Ms Qunfei Chen
PhD Candidate

Email: Quinfei.Chen@students.mq.edu.au
Address: Level 5
75 Talavera Road, Macquarie University, 2109

Research Interests
Health technology assessment
Choice modelling


Qunfei Chen is a PhD candidate at the Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy (MUCHE). She received her master’s degree from the Chinese Evidence-based Medicine Centre at Sichuan University in 2011, with her thesis focusing on the health economic evaluation of Interferon-γ release assays screening for latent tuberculosis screening. She then joined the Science and Technology Department of Lanzhou University Second Hospital, first as a Research Associate and then promoted to be the director of the Scientific Project Department Division. Her research has been published in reputed journals such as The BMJ, Journal of Infection, and PLOS One.


    Yang, X. Y., Chen, Q. F., Cui, X. H., Yu, Y., & Li, Y. P. (2010). Mycobacterium vaccae vaccine to prevent tuberculosis in high risk people: a meta-analysis. Journal of Infection60(5), 320-330.

    Yang, X. Y., Chen, Q. F., Li, Y. P., & Wu, S. M. (2011). Mycobacterium vaccae as adjuvant therapy to anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy in never-treated tuberculosis patients: a meta-analysis. PloS one6(9), e23826.

    Chen, Q., Yang, X., Li, Y., He, X., Ma, X., Ma, L., ... & Li, L. (2011). Preventive effects of Mycobacterium vaccae on HIV‐associated tuberculosis: A systematic review. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 4(2), 122-129.

    Li, L., Li, S., Deng, K., Liu, J., Vandvik, P. O., Zhao, P., ... & Wong, E. (2016). Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and risk of heart failure in type 2 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised and observational studies. BMJ, 352, i610.

    Li, L., Li, S., Liu, J., Deng, K., Busse, J. W., Vandvik, P. O., ... & Malaga, G. (2016). Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and heart failure in type 2 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and observational studies. BMC cardiovascular disorders16(1), 91.

    Li, N. Y., Yu, J., Zhang, X. W., Wang, S. X., Chang, P., Ding, Q., ... & Bai, F. (2013). Features of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with metabolic syndrome with or without comparable blood pressure: a meta-analysis. Endocrine 43(3), 548-563

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