Depression Survey
Have you been diagnosed with depression in the past five years?
We are seeking people to participate in an online interview to test a survey about patient choice for depression treatment in Australia.
To be eligible to participate in this study, you have to:
- be at least 18 years of age, and
- have been diagnosed with depression by GP/ specialist in the past 5 years, and
- have Medicare. We will not be accessing or using your Medicare card information in any way.
Participation will involve completing an online survey followed by an interview via Zoom in which you will be asked questions about the survey. It is expected that this will take approximately 60 minutes of your time.
If you are interested to participate, please contact Ms. Noura Saba ( at the Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy (MUCHE) before June 23, 2021.
We will provide a $50 Woolworths voucher for your participation.
Macquarie University Human Ethics Approval: 52021984428495