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  4. Macquarie Analytical and Fabrication Facility
  5. Instruments
Macquarie Analytical & Fabrication Facility (MAFF) We offer a number of services across MAFF Meet our team of experts ready to assist you Australian Proteome Analysis Facility Macquarie Engineering and Technical Services MU Centre for Analytical Biotechnology and NMR Materical Characterisation and Analysis Facility Microscopy Unit

The latest generation of advanced technologies

Our range of instrumentation allows us to serve our community of researchers across diverse disciplines.

Our team can provide training and access to instrumentation, work with you on collaborative projects across the range of instrumentation, and provide fee for service work.

Browse our instruments below, and contact us to get started:

Instrument image Name and description

Agilent 6130 LCMS

Agilent 6130 LCMS

Single quad Agilent mass-spec with electrospray ion source coupled to 1260 HPLC. Range of observable massess m/z 2 - 3000.

Agilent 7700 ICP-MS

Various Inductivly Coupled Mass Spectrometers for the precise determination of elemental concentrations in solution or with solid samples when used with a coupled laser ablation system.


Agilent 8900 ICP-MS/MS

MS/MS controls the reaction chemistry ensuring consistent, reliable results, even for previously difficult elements like Si, P, and S. Reaction chemistry resolves isobaric overlaps, which are beyond the capability of high-resolution ICP-MS.


Agilent MPAES

Microwave Plasma AES for bulk analysis of elements in solutions.

NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter and QMS 403 Aëolos 

NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter + QMS 403 Aëolos

Thermal analysis + differential scanning calorimetry + mass spec analysis of evolved gases. Both scan and SIM modes of analysis are available. The instrument is also equipped with an autosampler offering 24/7 hands-off operation with excellent reproduciblity.


Sciex 6600 Triple TOF

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MUCAB Shimadzu 2020 

Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX

General-purpose single quad GCMS. Matching of the MS spectra against NIST database is available.

MUCAB Shimadzu 8030 

Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8030

Triple quad GCMS, ideal for complex quantitative analyses. The system is also equipped with an HS-20 headspace analyser. Matching of the MS spectra against NIST database is available.

APAF Eclipse 

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid

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APAF Exploris 

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480

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APAF Q Exactive HFX 

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive HF-X hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap

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Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap

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APAF Qexactive plus 

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap

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Thermo-Fisher iCap ICP-MS/MS

MS/MS controls the reaction chemistry ensuring consistent, reliable results, even for previously difficult elements like Si, P, and S. Reaction chemistry resolves isobaric overlaps, which are beyond the capability of high-resolution ICP-MS.

StableIsotopes MAT 253 

Thermo-Fisher MAT253 Plus Stable Isotope MS

δ13C and δ18O analysis along with Δ47 of CO2 from carbonates (clumped isotope palaeothermometry).

Thermo Fisher Neptune Plus. 

Thermo-Fisher Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS

Mass spectrometer for the precise determination of isotopic ratios such as Lead, Uranium and Ytterbium.

Thermo Fisher Triton Plus TIMS 

Thermo-Fisher Triton TIMS MS

Thermal ionisation mass spectriometyer using filmets with pre-purified samples for the routine analysis of isotopic measurements such as Sr and Nd in geological, environmental and archeological samples.

APAF Cyclic 

Waters Select Series Cyclic Ion Mobility (cIMS) QTOF

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Instrument image Name and description
MUCAB - HPLC 1260 

Agilent 1260 HPLC semiprep system

HPLC system equipped with a DAD detector and fraction collector. Ideal for small scale seprations of complex mixtures. The instrument is often used to purify products for NMR analysis.


Agilent 1290 UHPLC

Ultra-high pressure system equipped with a binary pump, DAD, FLD and RID detectors. High-end instruement suitable for demanding analytical work (sugars on RID, low-level analysis on FLD or high-speed separaitons at the pressures of 1000+ bar).


Agilent HPLC 1200 series – PA

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Agilent HPLC 1260 series – PA

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Agilent HPLC 1290 Infinity – PA

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Cytiva ӒKTA Pure

Designed for peptide purificaiton, but can be used as a generic prep LC or for GPC/SEC.


Cytiva ӒKTA Start

User-friendly low-pressure chromatography system. Compatible with small ion exchange chromatography columns for peptide purificaiton.

APAF - Waters UPLCS 

Waters Acquity Premier UPLC TUV

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Waters Acquity UPLC I-Class FTN TUV QDa Mass Spectrometer

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Waters Acquity UPLC TUV

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Waters Acquity UPLC TUV FLR (Fluorescence Detector)

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Instrument image Name and description


Combines high and low voltage ultra-high resolution capabilities with a non-immersion lens and low vacuum mode for charge compensation on non-conductive material. Imaging and EDS analysis of micro/nano structures, biological and material samples.

Nanomin Automated Mineral Analysis. Ideal for nanoanalysis and high count rate spectral imaging.



Variable pressure SEM (LV pressure -1 to 270 Pa). Maximum resolution of 4 nm, with a large depth of field. Suitable for analysis of biological and material specimens



120Kv Transmission Electron Microscope, with a resolution of up to 0.2 nm. The TEM is an excellent system for both biological and material imaging including plant cells, viruses, fimbriae and nanoparticles, as well as structure analysis and immunoelectron microscopy.



200kV FE (Field Emission) Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope. This ultra-high resolution analytical TEM that is capable of providing high spatial resolution atomic imaging and microstructure analysis of material samples.



JEOL JSM 7100 FESEM combines high and low voltage and ultra-high resolution capabilities. Imaging and EDS analysis of micro and nano structures, biological and material samples. Non conductive and conductive samples.


JEOL NEOscope 6000 Plus SEM

Benchtop Scanning Electron Microscope. High and low vacuum modes – non-destructive in low vacuum mode. For portable micron imaging of biological and material samples, devices and components.


Phenom XL SEM

Multi-functional desktop Scanning Electron Microscope. For high-throughput imaging and elemental analysis of biological and material samples, devices and components. Coated and Uncoated imaging. Also observe real time in-situ tensile testing of materials.

Zeiss EVO Scanning Electron Microscope

SEM with tungsten filament and Oxford Instruyments X-Max EDX detector for polished thin sections, discs or mounts. Backscatter and secondary electron imaging.

Instrument imageName and description

NT9800 Optical Profiling System

The Optical Profiling System provides an outstanding platform for rapid measurement of step heights, surface roughness, and a host of other topographical characteristics. The NT9800 delivers non-contact, high resolution 3D measurements from 0.1 nanometer up to 10 millimeters, with sub-nanometer resolution.

Bruker Innova AFM 

Bruker Innova AFM

Imaging with Contact and Tapping Mode and force spectroscopy, Imaging with derived modes: Lateral Force Microscopy and Phase Imaging. A high performance 5um x 5um closed loop scanner (2.5um Z range). Accurate, high-resolution and wide range of functionality for advanced research in physical, life and material sciences

Kruss Drop Shap Analyser 

Kruss Drop Shap Analyser

Contact angle measurements on drops of liquid in a gaseous or liquid phase. Measurement of the surface tension of a pendant drop in a liquid or gaseous phase.

Leica M205A Fluorescence Stereomicroscope 

Leica M205A Fluorescence Stereomicroscope

Suitable for Biological applications where fluorescence tagged expression is required at a micron level.

Macro & Micro High Resolution Imaging Systems 

Macro & Micro High Resolution Imaging Systems

Ideal for Macro to Micro Imaging of  Biological, Geological, Archaeological and Material samples. Imaging Specimen size ranging from 60cm to 60µm.


Miltenyi Ultramicroscope BLAZE

Automated light sheet microscope for imaging multiple or very large samples with subcellular resolution.


Nikon Eclipse C1 Upright Brightfield Microscope

Biological and particle applications

Nikon SMZ18 Stereomicroscope 

Nikon SMZ18 Stereomicroscope

Biological, Geological, Archaeological and Material applications


Olympus APX100 Digital Fluorescence Imaging System

Supports a wide range of research imaging applications for slides, dishes and well plates. Imaging methods: multichannel, stitching, time-lapse and Z stack acquisition in any combination to fit your research protocol. Suitable for biological material applications where Fluorescence, Brightfield and Gradient contrast imaging is required.

Olympus BX53 Upright Brightfield Material Microscope 

Olympus BX53 Upright Brightfield Material Microscope

Material and biological application where reflected light is required.

Olympus BX53 Upright Brightfield Microscope 

Olympus BX53 Upright Brightfield Microscope

Biological and particle applications

Olympus BX63 Fluorescence Microscope 

Olympus BX63 Fluorescence Microscope

Suitable for Biological and particle applications where fluorescence imaging is required.

Olympus FV3000RS Inverted Confocal Microscope 

Olympus FV3000RS Inverted Confocal Microscope

Biological/nanobiological/particle applications. Automated Organoid Imaging, Deep Tissue Observation, Accurate Time-Lapse Imaging, Hybrid Scanning for High-Speed Imaging, Macro-Micro Imaging, Super Resolution Microscopy, High-sensitivity Image Multiplexing from Violet to NIR.


Olympus IX83 Live Cell Fluorescence Microscope

Live Cell fluorescence imaging


Olympus IX83 Microfluidics Fluorescence Microscope

Microfludics fluorescence imaging


Olympus SZX16 Stereomicroscope

Biological, Geological, Archaeological and Material applications


Zeiss Axio Imager Fluorescence Upright Microscope

Suitable for Biological and particle applications where fluorescence imaging is required

Zeiss Axio Zoom V16 Stereomicroscope 

Zeiss Axio Zoom V16 Stereomicroscope

Biological, Geological, Archaeological and Material applications

Instrument imageName and description
Bruker NMR 400 MHz 

Bruker NMR 400 MHz

The system is equipped with a BBO double resonance room temperature probe, 60 seat autosampler and relies on IconNMR for automated and user-friendly data acquisition.

Bruker NMR 500 MHz 

Bruker NMR 500 MHz

The spectrometer is fitted with a 24 seat sampler and a room temperature BBO probe. Both automatic and manual aquisiton options are available. Ideal for unconventional experiements requiring complex optimisaitons.

Bruker NMR 600 MHz 

Bruker NMR 600 MHz

The instrument has 16 seat sampler and an inverse 5 mm TXI cryoprobe. The configuraiton offers exceptional sensitivity on 1H channel ideal for 2D NMR and for the analysis of dilute samples contaning tens of micrograms of target product.

Horiba LabRam Raman spectrometer 

Horiba LabRam Raman spectrometer

Raman spectrometer equipped with 4173, 514, 638 and 735nm wavelength laser systems.  SWIFT and DuoScan rapid imaging and cuvette attachment enabled.

Instrument imageName and description

Andrew+ automated pipetting system

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Bio-Rad Bio-Plex 200 system (Luminex 200)

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Bruker Tornado micro XRF 

Bruker Tornado micro XRF

The M4 TORNADO is the tool of choice for sample characterization using small-spot micro X-ray fluorescence. Its measurements give information about composition and element distribution, even from below the surface.

Elementar vario CUBE 

Elementar vario CUBE

CHNS analysis for the large samples with low content of volatile elements such as rocks and ores.

Elementar vario MICRO 

Elementar vario MICRO

CHNS analysis of the < 2 mg samples. Ideal for the high-value materials such as organometallics or pharmaceuticals.


Fluostar Omega microplate reader

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Fujiifilm LAS 3000 imager

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Irida Laser Ablation System

Iridia features a 500 Hz ATL laser, custom-designed for Teledyne Photon Machines to give ultimate reliability and performance. It is a purpose-built laser ablation system designed for high-speed trace element imaging applications


Malvern Mastersizer 3000

The Mastersizer 3000 uses the technique of laser diffraction to measure the particle size and particle size distribution of materials.


Olympus Hand-held XRF

A handheld XRF analyzer can measure elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U). You can point an XRF analyzer at almost anything and get a result. XRF can test a wide range of industrial materials such as cement or coal, as well as household materials such as jewelry, paint, and consumer goods.


PanAlytical Aeris benchtop XRD

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the only laboratory technique that non-destructively and accurately obtains information such as chemical composition, crystal structure and crystal orientation. Materials researchers therefore use XRD to analyse a wide range of materials, from powders to solids, thin films and nanomaterials.


PanAlytical Axios XRF

PanAlytical 1kW WDXRF for major elemnt analysis on fused glass beads.

Panalytical Empyrean XRD 

Panalytical Empyrean XRD

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a versatile, non-destructive analytical method to analyse material properties like phase composition, structure and texture. Currently setup for powder samples and thin film samples.


Photon Analyte G2 193 Excimer Laser

The G2 yields higher peak energy for total ablation, producing smaller particles that ionize readily with less noise and fractionation. It is ideal for trace element and isotopic analysis on geological, environmental, frensical, and biological samples


Photon Machines Excite 193 Excimer Laser

The key features are short pulse duration (4 ns) for less elemental fractionation and less thermal effect on the target material and dual volume sample ablation cell (HelEx II) that can accommodate irregularly shaped samples. It is ideal for trace element and isotopic analysis on geological, environmental, frensical, and biological samples.


Refeyn TwoMP Mass Photometer

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Instrument imageName and description

Agate ball mill

Sample milling


Agate puck mill

Sample milling


AntonParr microwave digestor

Microwave disgestion system for various types of samples.


Diamond saws

Various saws for cutting rock or hard materials.

Emitech K550 Gold Sputter Coater 

Emitech K550 Gold Sputter Coater

Specimen preparation for SEM examination, Gold sputter coater.


Frantz magnetic separator

Gatan Dimple Grinder model 656 

Gatan Dimple Grinder model 656

Material specimen preparation for TEM examination.

Gatan Dry Pumping Station Model 655 

Gatan Dry Pumping Station Model 655

Gatan Pips II Model 695 Precision Ion Polishing 

Gatan Pips II Model 695 Precision Ion Polishing

Precision ion polishing system for precise centering, control and reproducibility of your milling process.


Hydarulic press/crusher

Sample crusher with tungten plates or jaws.

Leica EG1150 Tissue Embedding Station 

Leica EG1150 Tissue Embedding Station

Paraffin wax embedding station.

Leica EM ACE 200 Sputter Coater 

Leica EM ACE 200 Sputter Coater

Specimen preparation for SEM examination, Fully automatic, High Resolution Fine Coating (order of 2nm Gold Grain).

Leica EM CPD 300 Critical Point Dryer  

Leica EM CPD 300 Critical Point Dryer

Specimen preparation for SEM examination, fully automatic critical point dryer.

Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome 

Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome

Semi-thin and Ultra-thin sections for SEM, TEM and LM examination.

Pelco EasiSlicer Vibratome 

Pelco EasiSlicer Vibratome

Sectioning Fresh or fixed, animal or plant large tissue samples.


Polishing machines

Quorum Q 150T ES Carbon/Chromium Coater 

Quorum Q 150T ES Carbon/Chromium Coater

Sputter Coater/Turbo Evaporator for preparing specimens for examination by Electron Microscopy.

RMC GKM2 Glass Knifemaker 

RMC GKM2 Glass Knifemaker

Glass knife maker for use on the Ultramicrotomes.

RMC model MR3 Rotary Microtome 

RMC model MR3 Rotary Microtome

Sectioning of paraffin embedded material for histology.



The SELFRAG Lab is a laboratory-scale electrodynamic high voltage pulse power (HVP) batch processing unit for the fragmentation of complex materials such as ores, electronics and other recycled materials.


Tungsten puck mill

Sample milling

Instrument imageName and description

Bandsaw – Heska Mod ESU 6

Large capacity Bandsaw for cutting shapes in wood or metal.


Bench drill – Aciera  13

Drilling holes up to 13mm Dia.


Buffing  Machine – Linshall 200mm

Polising metal surfaces.


CNC Lathe – Hass SL10

CNC Lathe, high speed turning.


CNC Router – MultiCam Router

CNC Cutting, Signage, plastics, Aluminium


CNC Vertical Milling Machine – DMG Mori 600

CNC Milling


CNC Vertical Milling Machine – DMG Mori ECO600 with 4th axis

CNC Milling Incl. 4th Axis


CNC Vertical Milling Machine – HartFord

CNC Milling


Coil winder – Grout

Manufacture of transformets & coils


Coil winder – Grout TS 65

Manufacture of transformets & coils


Cold saw on steel table – Eisele

Metal cutting up to 2 inch


Current probe amplifier – Tektronix

Electronic Fault monitoring or diagnostics


Digital storage Oscilloscope – Tektronix

Electronic Fault monitoring or diagnostics


Foot-guillotine - John Heine Mod 36 B series 2

Metal Fabrication


Hand Forklift – Crown mod H 57

Lifting of heavy equipment to 2.5 Ton


Hand Guillotine – Orix

Sheet Metal cutting


Lathe – Colchester Master 2500  /LMR25

Presision Turning typically circular work in Metal


Lathe – Harrison M300

Presision Turning typically circular work in Metal


Lathe – Universal C11MB 1500 / 5846

Presision Turning typically circular work in Metal


Lathe – Weiler

Presision Turning typically circular work in Metal


Mill – Deckel  FPI



Mill – Schaublin 13



Power-guillotine – Fisher mod AF 62

Metal Fabrication


Sandblasting cabinets – Burwell  BCBC86 144

Bead blasting metal finishing


Sheet metal roller – John Heine  Mod 45 H

Rolling of Metal plates and or bar into circular shapes.


Spiral Hand press – A.P.Lever mod 7N

Various Dies available in round. Cutting thin plate.


Spiral Hand press – John Heine mod 186 A

Metal Fabrication


Spot – welder – Aston mod 119

Spot welder, high current


Surface grinder – Norton

Surface finishing to high tolerances


Vinyl-cutter – Roland CAMM

Sign Making with Vinyl sheeting


Voltmeter – HP RMS 3400H

Electronic Fault monitoring or diagnostics.


Watchmaker lathe – Lorch 1964 – 1241

Very small metal turning


Watchmaker lathe – Lorch 1968 – 1037

Very small metal turning


Welder – MIG Welder

Metal Fabrication


Welder – Lincoln Arc welding

Fabrication of Metal structures


Welder on trolley – Miller /Auto Arc Tig 50 A Precision W

Metal Fabrication