Centre for Language Technology
Honours Projects
This page lists possible Honours projects in Language Technology for 2005. If you find that a project listed here is close to something you're interested in, but isn't quite what you were looking for, you should speak to the project supervisor to see if an appropriate project can be constructed. More generally you'll find that members of staff are usually open to suggestions for projects. Note that you need to provide the honours convenor with your project title and supervisor's name by the Monday of Week 2, and you have to submit your proposal and make a presentation in Week 4.
- Speech Recognition
- EMU: Tools for Annotation and Corpus Querying [Steve Cassidy]
- Speaker Identification in Meetings [Steve Cassidy]
- Recognising Australian Speech [Steve Cassidy]
- Question Answering and Information Retrieval
- Classification of Questions [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Answering Complex Questions [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Representing the Semantics of Sentences [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Graph-based Question Answering [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Question Answering on Wikipedia [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Question Answering from Speech Data [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Classification of Bibliographic References [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Retrieval of Bibliographic References [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Processing Wikipedia
- Question Answering on Wikipedia [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Find Related Information [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Find Translations [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Search and Summarise [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Learn Entailments [Diego Mollá Aliod]
- KELP: Knowledge Extraction and Linguistic Presentation
- Extracting Tabular Information from Web Pages [Robert Dale / Rolf Schwitter / Diego Mollá Aliod]
- An Information Extraction Toolkit [Robert Dale / Rolf Schwitter / Diego Mollá Aliod]
- Controlled Natural Language
- Evaluating off-the-shelf theorem provers and model checkers for a controlled natural language [Rolf Schwitter]
- Dealing with plural phenomena in a controlled natural language [Rolf Schwitter]
- Adding diagram input to a controlled natural language [Rolf Schwitter]
- LT-Tutor - a speech-based tutoring system for Language Technology [Rolf Schwitter]
- Other Language Technology Projects
- Stock Portfolio Reporting [Robert Dale]
- Information Extraction from Job Descriptions [Robert Dale]
- An Automatically-Constructed Conferences Website [Robert Dale]
- Coreference Resolution [Robert Dale]
- Machine Translation [Mark Dras]
- Paraphrase [Mark Dras]
- Using the Web for Term Translation [Diego Mollá Aliod]