Our experienced team is investigating new applications with potential for the environment, industrial enzymes, biopharmaceuticals and agrifoods.
We offer research expertise and analytical facilities for large corporations and small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking practical solutions.
Why work with us?
We bring to our partnerships:
- demonstrated research outputs and quality outcomes
- wide-ranging expertise
- outsourcing facilities and expertise for ‘risk research’ projects
- innovation through application of our new technologies.
Visit the Centre
We can arrange for your organisation or research team to visit the Biomolecular Research Centre and facilities at Macquarie University. You’ll meet our researchers and see advanced biomolecular research applications and the latest equipment being used.
Contact us
Partnership or collaboration
To arrange a visit, please contact:
Nicki Packer
Director, Biomolecular Frontiers Research Centre
Business opportunities
Bill Russell
Business Development Manager, Faculty of Science
Consultancy services
Lindsay Woods
Business Manager, Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF)