The following grants are available to senior researchers and postdoctoral fellows though the Australian Government, Industry and Macquarie University.
Australian Government grants
Macquarie University grants
Industry grants
Australian Government grants
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects
- ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD)
- ARF/QE11 Fellowship
- ARC Future Fellowships
- ARC Australian Laureates Senior Fellowships
Note: The ARC Discovery projects schedule is currently undergoing a review and details of offerings will be available in January 2011.
ARC Discovery Indigenous Researcher Development Program
More about the Indigenous Researcher scheme
Australian Linkage Projects Scheme
- Australian Post Doctoral fellowships – Industry (APDI)
- Australian Post Doctoral Award – Industry (APAI)
Information and selection criteria
National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grants
NHMRC closing dates and useful links
Macquarie University grants
Two Macquarie University grants are awarded each year to external international and domestic researchers.
- Macquarie University Research Fellowship (MQRF)
- Vice Chancellors Innovation Fund
Details and deadlines: MQ Internal Funding Schemes
Industry grants
For current industry grants available check out the Faculty of Science website or contact:
Professor Nicki PackerDirector
Biomolecular Frontiers Research Centre
Funding info
To find out more about Macquarie University and government grants, please contact:
Jennifer Newton
Research Manager
Macquarie University Research Office
T: +61 2 9850 8609