The Children and Families Research Centre and Mia Mia Child and Family Study Centre Present:
Enriching your Preschool Program: A six part professional learning program for early childhood educators* in long day and preschool settings
Start 2016 with some inspired learning!!!
A great use for LDC National Partnership Grant Funding
quality preschool programs help children to develop essential skills and
understandings. They support attitudes and dispositions that lay the foundation
for a lifetime of meaningful learning. The
National Partnership Agreement on
Universal Access acknowledges this and aims to ensure all children have
access to a high quality preschool program in the year before they go to
Preschool programs however need to be carefully developed if they are going to be successful. This professional development series will:
- Introduce the latest International and Australian research on effective preschool education
- Identify key findings about what works
- Explore the implications for everyday practice
- Link to the EYLF and NQS
You will be able to choose to explore one of four strands – Mathematics, Science and Technology, Language and Literacy, and Creative Representation – in detail.
Throughout we will focus on the importance of play, intentional teaching, higher order thinking, emotional wellbeing and positive relationships for the development of children’s thinking and learning.
This program will help to enrich your preschool program and ensure that children gain the most from their preschool experience in both preschool and long day settings.
*The program is designed for early childhood teachers and educators with other qualifications who are responsible for developing and implementing preschool programs in long day or preschool settings.
The Strands
Mathematics - in this strand we will consider the importance of mathematic in children’s everyday lives and how we can best introduce meaningful and appropriate mathematical ideas into a play based curriculum. We will explore key mathematical concepts relevant to preschoolers as well as age-appropriate teaching strategies that will ensure engagement and motivation to learn.
Language and Literacy - The preschool years set an important foundation for children’s later literacy learning. In this focus area we consider the importance of language in the development of complex higher order thinking and look at ways in which we can extend and promote language and literacy learning. We will consider research on how children learn to read and write and the role of preschool programs in supporting this. We will also focus on how to develop and implement a meaningful language program that remains both age-appropriate and play based.
Science and Technology - In the modern world science and technology are almost impossible to ignore. In this strand we will explore the role that science and technology can play in high quality preschool programs and how we can introduce children to scientific ideas and approaches. We will focus strongly on the links between curiosity, inquiry and science as well as considering specific scientific concepts (including STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ) and teach strategies that are relevant and meaningful for pre-schoolers.
Creative Representation - Creative representation is the ability to express ideas in different ways using a range of materials. In this strand we will look at the role of artistic and creative play in developing children’s higher order thinking skills, and how a traditional “art and craft” approach to creativity can be transformed into an art-based approach to learning more broadly. We consider specific forms of representation and their value as well as looking at how we can encourage the use of creativity in problem solving and learning throughout the day.
How it works
Small Workgroups
We know that learning (for both adults and children) happens most effectively in small groups and so the series is organised around small workgroups of up to 20 participants. When you register you will choose a strand to focus on over the course of the series. There will be common elements across all of the strands, and an overview of each, but by focusing on a specific aspect of the early childhood curriculum you will be able to explore your chosen strand in depth.
Extended Learning
We also know that learning is most effective when it happens over time and when there are opportunities to engage deeply and repeatedly with the content. The series will run over six sessions from February to June 2016 – giving you time to engage with the ideas presented; to begin to use them in your classroom; and also to reflect on them with fellow participants.
Expert Presenters
Each of our presenters is well known and respected within the Early Childhood sector. They combine thorough knowledge of content and research with practical experience, as well as being engaging presenters and facilitators. Working with the same presenters and colleagues over the series will see the development of genuine learning relationships and opportunities for thoughtful and meaningful discussion. Presenters include Sandra Cheeseman, Sheila Degotardi, Kate Highfield, Marina Papic, Janet Robertson, Wendy Shepherd and Luke Touhill.
Practical and Evidence-based
The series combines a practical focus with a thorough grounding in the research evidence. Throughout the series we will work closely with teachers from Mia Mia Child and Family Centre to ensure that content is strongly based in practical experience. As well as visiting Mia Mia you will benefit from the ideas and experiences of the presenters and your fellow participants over the course of the series.
The series starts with a two day seminar in February 2016
Two day Seminar:
Friday and Saturday, February
26 & 27, 2016 - 9am - 4pm
Day 1 is a common day for all participants and will focus on the value of preschool education and consideration of the research evidence
Day 2 we will visit Mia Mia Child and Family Study Centre for the morning before splitting into workgroups to begin exploring each strand in detail.
Following on from this will be four additional sessions throughout the first half of the year. These will be held monthly and will provide opportunities for you to further engage with the series content while also beginning to implement some of your ideas in the classroom.
Follow up workshops:
Thursday 10 March 2016 6pm - 9pm
Thursday 7 April 2016 6pm - 9pm Thursday 12 May 2016 6pm - 9pm
Concluding Session:
Saturday June 25 2016 - 9am - 4pm
Venue: Macquarie University Building, Room - to be advised
Early bird registration: $990 per person by 5 February 2016
Full registration: $1,100 per person by Friday 19 February 2016
(includes 3 full day seminars, 3 evening workshops, parking vouchers and catering)
Download the registration form, fill in your details, scan,
and email to
Don't want to email your credit card details? Please ring Sally on 02 9850 9882 or fax your registration form to 02 9850 9887.
Make out cheques to Macquarie
University and post your registration form, to:
CFRC, C/- Sally Thompson, Building X5B, Room 221
Balaclava Road, North Ryde NSW 2109
For more information
Contact: Luke Touhill at