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  5. News and events

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Past events

See more about our previous events.

Help your teen cope with Year 11 and 12 study stress

Facilitator: Professor Viviana Wuthrich


  • Dr Jessica Belcher (Psychology)

Throughout this webinar Jessica drew on current research to explore why students feel stressed, what stress might look like, and when parents need to worry about their teen’s stress. Jessica also provided some helpful tips on what parents can do to help their teen manage stress throughout their final years of high school.

Watch the webinar here.

Mental Health Month Public Lecture

Facilitator: Professor Viviana Wuthrich


  • Dr Milena Gandy (Psychology)
  • Professor Kerry Sherman (Psychology)

Our 14th annual Mental Health Month Public Lecture discussing advancing mental health care in people living with neurological disorders and the psychological toll of living with Endometriosis.

Watch the Public Lecture here.

Social connections in older adulthood: Barries and facilitators

Chair: Dr Jessamine Chen


  • Dr Suraj Samtani (Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, UNSW)
  • Dr Diana Matovic (Psychology)

A symposium exploring social connections for healthy brain ageing, and barriers and enablers of social participation in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia and their older adult carers or supporters.

Watch the symposium here.

Older workers and retirement planning

Chair: Professor Viviana Wuthrich


  • Professor Joanne Earl (Psychology)
  • Associate Professor Carly Johnco (Psychology)
  • Professor Simon Willcock AM (MQ Health)

A symposium about older workers and retirement planning featuring presentations on:

  • combining career, health and financial plans to optimise retirement
  • burnout, mental health, stigma and help-seeking in older and younger doctors
  • taking care of your ageing boomer.

Watch the event here.

Dementia and decision-making: Who decides?

An interdisciplinary panel from Law, Medicine and Clinical Psychology.

Chair: Professor Lise Barry


  • Professor Margaret Hall (Law)
  • Associate Professor Heather Francis (Neuropsychology)
  • Professor Clement Loy (Neurology)

A wonderful multidisciplinary symposium on dementia and decision-making. The speakers explained how they approach consumer capability in decision-making for health care, accommodation, family disputes and safety issues.

The impacts of sleep on mental health

Chair: Professor Viviana Wuthrich


  • Dr Amelia Scott (eCentreClinic)
  • Dr Ella Oar (Psychology)
  • Dr Rick Wassing (Woolcock Institute of Medical Research)

A interesting symposium discussing The sleep course: preliminary efficacy of a pragmatic, inclusive digital sleep intervention, using sleep to improve treatment outcomes for anxious youth and sleep fragmentation in insomnia and its detrimental effects on overnight regulation of distress.

Watch the symposium here.

Cool little kids anxiety program

Facilitator: Professor Sandie Wong (Education)

Speaker: Professor Ron Rapee (Psychology)

An insightful webinar discussing the signs of anxiety in pre-schoolers and how best to equip yourself with both knowledge and practical skills for how to help children manage and overcome anxiety.

Watch the webinar here.

North Ryde eFun Run for Youth Mental Health

The 2023 eFun Run was a great success, with more than $13,000 raised.

The eFun Run is organised by the Rotary Club of North Ryde. Proceeds go to:

  • Australian Rotary Health, for research into youth mental health and support programs
  • Macquarie University Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre
  • other worthy Rotary youth projects.

The first North Ryde Fun Run was held in 2014, and then each year until 2019. North Ryde Rotary Club worked in partnership with community members and venue partner Macquarie University Sport and Recreation to hold physical events at the Macquarie University Sports Fields.

In 2021, the club transitioned the Fun Run to a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 and 2022, the eFun Run raised more than $20,000 for youth mental health.

We greatly appreciated the generous support from our members and friends in the past and ask you to encourage your friends, family and colleagues to register, participate in this event in future and help raise funds for this very worthy cause.

September monthly meeting

Professor Patrick Garcia presented ‘Continued workforce participation among older workers: The role of psychological contracts and age metastereotypes’.

Annual public lecture

Professor Bamini Gopinath presented ‘Healthy senses for healthy life.’

Watch the recording

October monthly meeting

Associate Professor Alice Chik presented ‘Migrant grandparents in Australia: English learning and wellbeing’.

Our newsletters

Learn more about what's happening in our centre.

This edition of our Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre newsletter includes:

  • 2024 in review facts and figures
  • community engagement activities
  • webinar and event highlights
  • key research updates
  • a call for research participants.

Read the December newsletter

This edition of our Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre newsletter includes:

  • member awards and recognition
  • recent news and events
  • key research updates
  • a call for participants to trial Ageing Wisely Online.

Read the May newsletter

The inaugural Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre newsletter introduces you to our new research centre. Find out more about:

  • our new executive team
  • 2023 member awards and recognition
  • 2023 events, lectures and conferences
  • volunteer research opportunities.

Read the November newsletter