Climate change and sustainable health systems articles by Professor Braithwaite

Climate change and sustainable health systems articles by Professor Braithwaite

Resource type: General

Braithwaite J, Zurynski Y, Smith CL, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Health System Sustainability. Routledge. 2024

Smith, C.L., Fisher, G., Dharmayani, P.N.A., Wijekulasuriya, S., Ellis, L.A., Spanos, S., Dammery, G., Zurynski, Y. and Braithwaite, J. (2024). Progress with the Learning Health System 2.0: a rapid review of Learning Health Systems’ responses to pandemics and climate change. BMC Medicine, 22, 131. doi: 10.1186/s12916-024-03345-8 []

Zurynski, Y., Fisher, G., Wijekulasuriya, S., Leask, E., Dharmayani, P.N.A., Ellis, L.A., Smith, C.L. and Braithwaite, J. (2024). Bolstering health systems to cope with the impacts of climate change events: a review of the evidence on workforce planning, upskilling, and capacity building. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 1-25. doi: 10.1002/hpm.3769 []

Smith, K., Zurynski, Y., and Braithwaite, J. (2022). We can’t mitigate what we don’t monitor – Using informatics to measure and improve healthcare systems’ climate impact and environmental footprint. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocac113. []

Braithwaite, J., Pichumani, A. and Crowley, P. (2023). Tackling climate change: the pivotal role of clinicians. The British Medical Journal, 382, e076963. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-076963 []

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 06 Jun 2024 2:53pm

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