Work and communication patterns

Work and communication patterns

Advancing understanding of health professionals' work and communication patterns and the effectiveness of work reform initiatives

clinical communications

This project is funded by Australian Research Council - Discovery Project: DP110100090

Project Members - Macquarie University

Professor Johanna Westbrook
Professor and Director

Project Main Description

Two priority areas of health reform internationally are to improve workforce productivity; and to increase interdisciplinary care and communication. Rarely are workforce reform strategies evaluated or specific indicators quantified. What is required to underpin the design and evaluation of effective reform interventions is knowledge of health professionals?  Existing work and communication patterns, theory development and robust and valid measures for determining how work changes post-reform interventions. This study will adopt a systems theory approach, extend and apply an innovative observational work measurement technique, significantly advance analysis approaches and deliver new knowledge and information to inform policy.


Professor Christine Duffield
Professor William Dunsmuir

Related Projects

WOMBAT - Work Observation Method by Activity Timing

Project Status


Centres Related to this Project

Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 3:00pm

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