COVID-19 GP Snapshot 1 - Telehealth

COVID-19 GP Snapshot 1 - Telehealth

The uptake of GP telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic

The aim of this Snapshot is to determine the uptake of general practice telehealth services compared to face-to-face visits, including video and phone consultations, before and after the rapid introduction of the new MBS Telehealth Services item numbers to cover general practice payments for out-of- hospital patients, with the aim to cover this gap in face-to-face visits and reduce risk of community transmission of COVID-19.

Suggested citation: Hardie R-A, Sezgin G, Dai Z, Georgiou A. The uptake of GP telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 General Practice Snapshot. Issue 1: 2 December 2020. Sydney: Macquarie University; 2020.

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 4:07pm

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