Integrating aged care services in the community

Integrating aged care services in the community

Development of an evaluation model for assessing the effectiveness of ICT to integrate services and improve service performance and client experience

Aged care

Project Members - Macquarie University

Professor Johanna Westbrook
Professor and Director

Professor Andrew Georgiou

Dr Mirela Prgomet
Research Fellow

Dr Mikaela Jorgensen
Research Fellow

Dr Joyce Siette
Research Fellow

Honorary Associate Professor Lisa Pont
Honorary Associate Professor

Dr Lindsey Brett
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Project Main Description

Information and communication technology’s (ICT) major strength is its ability to connect people, places and organisations in ways never before possible. For service organisations ICT is a powerful tool to manage client information and deliver co-ordinated and efficient services. Yet understanding of the mechanisms by which ICT integrates services and drives work practice change and improvements is poor. Internationally, aged and community services are in critical need of service integration to provide sustainable services to a growing population. Using this sector as a test-bed, the research will develop an innovative evaluation model for assessing the effectiveness of ICT to integrate services and improve service performance and client experience.


Uniting aims

News and media

Link between home care hours, social support and entry to residential care - Australian Ageing Agenda, 27 September 2017


  1. Jorgensen M, Siette J, Georgiou A, Warland A, Westbrook J. Modelling the association between home care service use and entry into residential aged care: a cohort study using routinely collected data. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association; [In Press]. DOI:
  2. Douglas H, Georgiou A, Tariq A, Prgomet M, Warland A, Armour P, Westbrook J (2017). Implementing information and communication technology to support community aged care service integration: Lessons from an Australian aged care provider. International Journal of Integrated Care; 17(1):9–21.
  3. Prgomet M, Douglas H, Tariq A, Georgiou A, Armour P, Westbrook J (2017). The work of front line community aged care staff and the impact of a changing policy landscape and consumer-directed care. The British Journal of Social Work; 47(1):106–124.
  4. Borotkanics R, Rowe C, Georgiou A, Douglas H, Makeham M, Westbrook J (2016). Changes in the profile of Australians in 77 residential aged care facilities across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Australian Health Review; [Epub ahead of print].
  5. Douglas H, Georgiou A, Westbrook J (2016). Social participation as an indicator of successful aging: an overview of concepts and their associations with health. Australian Health Review; [Epub ahead of print].
  6. Tariq A, Georgiou A, Raban M, Baysari M, Westbrook J (2016). Underlying risk factors for prescribing errors in long term aged care: a qualitative study. BMJ Quality and Safety; 25(9):704-715.
  7. Tariq A, Douglas H, Smith C, Georgiou A, Osmond T, Armour P, Westbrook J. (2014) A descriptive analysis of incidents reported by community aged care workers. Western Journal of Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1177/0193945914562615
  8. Tariq A, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI (2014) Coping with information silos: An examination of the medication management process in residential aged care facilities (RACFs).Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; 204:156-162: IOS Press.
  9. Tariq A, Lehnbom E, Oliver K, Georgiou A, Rowe C, Osmond T, Westbrook J (2014) Design challenges for electronic medication administration record systems in residential aged care facilities. Applied Clinical Informatics. 5(4):971-987.
  10. Georgiou A, Marks A, Braithwaite J, Westbrook JI (2013) Gaps, disconnections, and discontinuities – The role of information exchange in the delivery of quality long-term care. The Gerontologist. 53(5):770-779.
  11. Georgiou A, Tariq A, Westbrook JI (2013) The temporal landscape of residential aged care facilities – implications for context-sensitive health technology. (Editors)  Beuscart-Zéphir M-C, Jaspers M, Kuziemsky CE, Nøhr C, Aarts J. Context Sensitive Health Informatics; 194:69-74. Copenhagen, Denmark: IOS Press.
  12. Stewart MJ, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI(2013) Successfully integrating aged care services: A review of the evidence and tools emerging from a long-term care program. International Journal of Integrated Care. 13(Jan-Mar):e003.
  13. Tariq A, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI (2013) Medication errors in residential aged care facilities: A distributed cognition analysis of the information exchange process. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 82(5):299-312.
  14. Tariq A, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI (2013) Understanding information dynamics of medication administration in residential aged care facilities (RACFs): A prerequisite for design of effective ICT systems. (Editors)  Beuscart-Zéphir M-C, Jaspers M, Kuziemsky CE, Nøhr C, Aarts J. Context Sensitive Health Informatics; 194:188-94. Copenhagen, Denmark: IOS Press.
  15. Gaskin S, Georgiou A, Barton D, Westbrook JI (2012) Examining the role of information exchange in residential aged care work practices-a survey of residential aged care facilities. BMC Geriatrics. 12(1):40.
  16. Lyhne S, Georgiou A, Marks A, Tariq A, Westbrook J. (2012). Towards an understanding of the information dynamics of the handover process in aged care settings—A prerequisite for the safe and effective use of ICT. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 81:452–460. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2012.01.013.
  17. Tariq A, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI (2012) Complexity of collaborative work in residential aged care facilities: An analysis of information exchange for medication management. In: Sprague RH, editor.45th Annual International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, USA. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society Press. p. 915-24.
  18. Tariq A, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI (2012) Medication incident reporting in residential aged care facilities: Limitations and risks to residents' safety. BMC Geriatrics. 12(1):67.

Project Sponsors

Australian Research Council

Collaborative Partners

Uniting (previously UnitingCare Ageing)

Related stream of research

Aged Care Evaluation Research (ACER) team

Project Status


Centres Related to this Project

Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 6:50pm

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