Centre for research excellence in implementation science in oncology

Centre for research excellence in implementation science in oncology

Project members - Macquarie University

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite - Professor and Director

Professor Johanna Westbrook - Professor and Director

Dr Robyn Clay-Williams - Senior Research Fellow

Dr Louise Ellis - Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Associate Professor Peter Hibbert - Program Manager

Dr Yvonne Tran - Research Fellow

Dr Brona Nic Giolla Easpaig - Research Fellow

Dr Klay Lamprell

Project contact

Professor and Director Jeffrey Braithwaite
T: +61 2 9850 2401
E: jeffrey.braithwaite@mq.edu.au

Project main description

Cancer is the main cause of death in Australia. Even with survival rates improving, the number of new cases of cancer diagnosed each year is rising. The issue has been recognised and much research has been undertaken to determine the causes of cancer and the best policies for intervention and care. However, in the landmark Australian CareTrack study by AIHI it was shown that patients received appropriate levels of preventative care in only 42% of encounters.

The NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Implementation Science in Oncology (CRE-ISO) aims to change this. It will focus on turning the vast body of research available in the field into effective policy and most importantly, enhanced, evidence-based practice. We aim to generate new practical and publishable knowledge; promote its effective transfer; and develop, energise and transform the field’s workforce.

Researchers will work side-by-side with clinicians, policy makers and patients. Centred on care provided at two major NSW hospital cancer centres, the research projects under the banner of the CRE will aim to publish ground-breaking research while also guiding the development of practices for the implementation of findings in order to deliver effective care to those who need it.

This research program focusses on the following key aims:

  • Generate new knowledge that leads to improved health outcomes
  • Promote effective transfer of research outcomes into health policy and/or practice
  • Develop the health and medical research workforce by providing opportunities to advance the training of new researchers, particularly those with a capacity for independent research and future leadership roles
  • Facilitate collaboration amongst participants and with external stakeholders

Visit our website for further information and to be involved.

Project sponsors

NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence

Collaborative partners

  • Professor Robyn Ward, AM, University of Sydney
  • Professor David Currow, Flinders University
  • Professor Geoff Delaney, Liverpool Hospital
  • Professor Richard Kefford, AM, Macquarie University
  • Professor Ian Olver, AM, University of South Australia
  • Professor Jonathan Karnon, The University of Adelaide
  • Professor Phil Crowe, University of New South Wales
  • Associate Professor Winston Liauw, St George Hospital and Community Health Service

Related projects

CareTrack Australia

Related stream of research

Implementation Science
Human Factors and Resilience

Project status


Centres related to this project

Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research

Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 6:50pm

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