Aquaculture Occupational Health and Safety

Aquaculture Occupational Health and Safety

Aquaculture Occupational Health and Safety

Project Members - Macquarie University

Rebecca Mitchell - Associate Professor E:

Reidar P. Lystad - Research Fellow E:

Project Main Description

This scoping project on occupational health and safety in the aquaculture industry  was commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to examine the complex and under-researched topic of worker health and safety in aquaculture and its immediate supply chains.  The objective of the scoping project was to begin the process of examining the health and safety of aquaculture workers and their effects on communities.


  • Watterson A, Jeebhay MF, Neis B, Mitchell R, Cavalli L. (2020) The neglected millions: the global state of aquaculture workers' occupational safety, health and well-being. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 77(1):15-18.
  • Marques FB, Bettoni GN, dos Santos BGT, Adeoye AA, de Brito BG, de Brito KCT et al. (2020) AquaSafe: aquaculture occupational safety and health in the palm of your hand. Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, 26(1):46-54.
  • Cavalli L. Jeebhay M. Marques F. Mitchell R. Neis B. Ngajilo D. Watterson A. (in-press 19 July 2019) Scoping global aquaculture occupational health and safety. Agromedicine
  • Watterson A. Jeebhay M. Ngajilo D. Cavalli L. Mitchell R. Neis B. (2019) Global Aquaculture Occupational Safety and Health. Scoping Report. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and IUF: Geneva.
  • Mitchell, R. and Lystad, R. (2017) Aquaculture occupational health and safety in Australia and New Zealand. Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University.
  • Mitchell R. Lystad R. (2019) Occupational injury and disease in the Australian aquaculture industry. Marine Policy, 99, 216-222.


AquaSafe App

Collaborative Partners

    • Professor Andrew Watterson (Project Coordinator), Health Sciences Stirling, University of Stirling, Scotland
    • Professor Mohamed Jeebhay and Dr Dorothy Ngajilo, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa
    • Dr Lissandra Souto Cavalli, Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária, e Desenvolvimento Rural (SEAPDR), Porto Alegre, Brazil
    • Professor Barbara Neis, SafetyNet Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.

Related Streams

Health outcomes

Project Status


Centres Related to this Project

Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 5:30pm

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