A National Aged Care Medication Roundtable

A National Aged Care Medication Roundtable

A National Aged Care Medication Roundtable - Translating aged care data into action to improve quality of care through collaboration and co-design

This project is supported by an NHMRC Partnership Project grant (APP2006957).

Project members

Professor Johanna Westbrook
Professor and Director

A/Prof Magda Raban
Associate Professor

Professor Meredith Makeham
Clinical Professor, Macquarie Medical School

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite
Professor and Founding Director

Dr Tim Badgery-Parker
Research Fellow

Dr Virginia Mumford
Senior Research Fellow

Dr Nas Wabe
Senior Research Fellow

Dr Amy Nguyen
Research Fellow

Dr Karla Seaman
Research Fellow

Dr Sandun Malpriya Silva
Research Fellow

Dr Rachel Urwin
Research Fellow

Dr Andrea Timothy
Research Fellow 

Dr Guogui Huang
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Joanna Clive

Research Assistant

Desiree Firempong
Research Assistant 

Isabelle Meulenbroeks

Research Assistant and PhD Candidate 

Sangita Neupane

Research Assistant


Project description, aims and methods


Older Australians with the most complex health needs live in residential care. Greater than 80% of residents are on five or more medications daily, and 40% are taking 10 or more. Poor medication management is the greatest source of complaint to the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission. This project will provide timely information to a group of providers and consumers about the medicines residents receive, identify problem areas and trial innovative digital interventions to address these issues.


The overall aim of this project is to co-design, implement and evaluate an Aged Care Medication Roundtable under-pinned by a learning health systems model.

Aim 1: Co-develop medication quality indicators and tailored data presentation formats for reporting to the Roundtable to facilitate benchmarking and evidence-based action.

Aim 2: Benchmark data, and co-design and test nudge interventions to improve antibiotic and antipsychotic medication use, applying stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trials.

Aim 3: Evaluate the processes and outcomes of the Roundtable and establish mechanisms for expansion and sustainability.


Project contact

Dr Rachel Urwin
Research Fellow
Email:  agedcare.chssr@mq.edu.au

If you would like to be kept updated on this project please join our mailing list.

Project partners

Related publications

  1. Westbrook, J. I., Seaman, K., Wabe, N., Raban, M. Z., Urwin, R., Badgery-Parker, T., Mecardo, C., Mumford, V., Nguyen, A. D., Root, J., Balmer, S., Waugh, K., Pinto, S., Burge, B., Aldeguer, E., Dunstan, T., Jorgensen, M., Gray, L., Bucknall, T., Etherton-Beer, C., Newell, B., Caughey, G., Beattie, E., Xenos, K. & Cumming, A. 2024. Designing an Informatics Infrastructure for a National Aged Care Medication Roundtable. Stud Health Technol Inform, 310, 404-408.

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 29 Apr 2024 12:45pm

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