Professor Timothy Devinney: Measuring societal values

Professor Timothy Devinney: Measuring societal values

Groups related to this event

Centre for Health Informatics
Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research
Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science

Event date

Thursday, 27 November 2014

In this seminar, Professor Timothy Devinney will talk about issues underlying the measurement of societal values. What is shown is that traditional survey approaches that dominate this domain prove to be quite inaccurate in measuring the characteristics of the degree to which individuals trade-off amongst social issues. He proposes an experimental alternative that provides utility based measures of social value trade-off. In analyses of more than 10,000 individuals in 5 countries he will show that there is remarkable similarity in the profile of social values overall. This matters as we evaluate over 100 different societal issues — ranging from health to third-world debt — that represent the domain of most socio-political debates in society.

Speaker Profile

Timothy Devinney (BSc CMU; MA, MBA, PhD Chicago) is Professor and University Leadership Chair at Leeds University Business School. He has held positions at the University of Chicago, Vanderbilt, UCLA and Australian Graduate School of Management and been a visitor at many other universities. He has published 10+ books and 100+ articles in leading journals including Management Science, The Academy of Management Review,Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science and the Strategic Management Journal. He is a fellow of the AIB, ANZAM, AIM (UK), an Alexander von Humboldt Research Awardee and Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Fellow. He is Past-Chair of the Int Mgt Division of the AOM and the Global Strategy IG of the Strategic Management Society. He is currently on the editorial board of more than 12 of the leading journals, is a Director of SSRN, and Co-Editor of AOM Perspectives, Annals in Social Responsibility and Advances in International Management.

Where: Seminar Room Level 1, 75 Talavera Rd, Macquarie University (map reference)

When: Thursday 27 November, 2014

Time: 12noon -1pm

Cost: Free

Contact: or call 9850 2407

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 5:55pm

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