Professor Niek Klazinga: Health system performance and management

Professor Niek Klazinga: Health system performance and management

Experiences from OECD countries

Groups related to this event

Centre for Health Informatics
Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research
Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science

Event date

Thursday, 4 December 2014

With the shift in governance from cost-control towards outcome-management the measurement and management of performance has become a key item in all OECD countries. This presentation will address the recent developments towards health system performance measurement through national and regional reporting in countries such as Canada, The Netherlands, Italy, UK, Denmark and Sweden. It will also address some major related reform strategies to improve the performance of primary care and balancing governance initiatives between the national and regional level in countries.

Speaker profile

Niek Klazinga is a medical doctor by training, professor of social medicine at the Academic Medical Centre at the University of Amsterdam since 1999 and has been coordinating the Health Care Quality Indicator work of the OECD in Paris since 2007. Over the past 25 years, Niek has been involved in numerous projects and publications on quality in health care in The Netherlands and abroad. Present engagements include chairmanship of the Dutch Public Health Federation, membership of the boards of trustees of a major Dutch teaching hospitals and mental health care institute, advisor to the WHO and visiting professor at the Corvinus University in Budapest.

Where: Seminar Room Level 1, 75 Talavera Rd, Macquarie University
When: Thursday 4 December, 2014
Time: 12noon -1pm
Chair: Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite
Cost: Free
Contact: or call 9850 2407

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 4:44pm

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