NSW Kids + Families research projects awarded
On 8 May, the Chief Executive of NSW Kids + Families, Ms Joanna Holt, informed the Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University, that two research proposals led by Associate Professor Rebecca Mitchell had both been awarded, totalling $119,047.
The research entitled ‘Unwarranted clinical variation following hospitalised injury in young people in NSW: Informing trauma and healthcare practices’ will for the first time in NSW identify and quantify different types of medical complications of care, such as wound infections, involving young people who were hospitalised after sustaining an injury. It will also examine indicators of unwarranted clinical variation, such as re-presentation to emergency departments within 72 hours and 28-day hospital readmission. Outcomes from this research will enable public hospitals in NSW to identify frequent medical complications involving young injured patients that could be targets for health care improvement strategies.
The chief investigators are:
- Associate Professor Rebecca Mitchell, Macquarie University
- Associate Professor Kate Curtis, University of Sydney
- Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite, Macquarie University
The second grant entitled ‘Stocktake of data sources relevant to childhood injury in NSW’ will conduct a stocktake of all existing population-based data collections that are capable of providing information on childhood injury in NSW. The stocktake will involve identifying the strengths and limitations of each data collection to provide routine information on childhood injury in NSW. This research will provide key information for decision makers, researchers and clinicians on the availability and suitability of different data collections to provide information on childhood injury in NSW. This research will, ultimately, enable better informed decisions to be made regarding identifying priorities for injury prevention, allocating resources, and assessing the impact of injury prevention initiatives.
The chief investigator is: Associate Professor Rebecca Mitchell, Macquarie University.
Contact: Associate Professor Rebecca Mitchell
Groups related to this news
Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science
News date
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 6:44pm