Meeting accreditation outcomes in Australian residential aged care homes

Meeting accreditation outcomes in Australian residential aged care homes

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Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research

Event date

Thursday, 11 August 2016


Although it is promising for electronic health records to improve information management and quality of residential aged care services, to date there is little empirical evidence to validate this claim. Meeting accreditation standards is the bottom line of residential aged care services. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that residential aged care homes using electronic record systems for information management have higher probability of meeting aged care accreditation outcomes than their counterparts using paper records in Australia. We analysed the aged care accreditation reports that failed one of 44 expected accreditation outcomes in the period of December 2011 to March 2015. This talk will present the major findings of the study. It is hoped that this presentation will generate discussion on the research findings in particular, and current aged care accreditation practice in Australia in general.

Speaker profile

Associate Professor Ping Yu

Associate Professor Ping Yu is the Director of the Centre for IT-enabled Transformation in the School of Computing and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences at University of Wollongong. In the last decade, her research has focused on adoption, usage and impact of informationand communication technology on residential aged care services.

She has supervised to completion four PhD students that have conducted a series of studies on the impacts of electronic health records on nursing work processes, quality of records and residential aged care. They have contributed a body of knowledge on nurses’ use of technology and the consequences in residential aged care.

Seminar details

Date: Thursday 11 August 2016

Time: 12pm - 1pm

Venue: Seminar room, Level 1, 75 Talavera Road, Macquarie University

Chairperson: Professor Andrew Georgiou

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 4:42pm

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