Inaugural AIHI-RHCN international prize in resilient healthcare
A team lead by Macquarie University research fellow Dr Robyn Clay-Williams has been awarded second prize in the inaugural AIHI-RHCN International Prize in Resilient Health Care for their work developing and implementing a resilient health care model in Australia.
The TenC Resilience Model is a patient safety framework emerging from work-as-done at the Townsville Hospital and Health Service, a large, comprehensive, publicly-funded health service in regional Northern Australia. The model consists of a set of behaviours associated with safe patient care that arose from a synthesis of knowledge gleaned over many years of clinical and managerial experience observing work-as-done in the THHS workplace.
Over the last three years Dr Clay-Williams, from the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, has been working with Dr Paul Lane and Associate Professor Andrew Johnson, the framework’s founders, to refine, test and implement the model across the health service.
Dissemination of the TenCs has already commenced in Queensland, with Sunshine coast Hospital and Health Service funding adoption and evaluation of the advanced surgical care planning for fragile patients at Nambour Hospital. This process has also garnered interest from the Australasian College of Surgeons. QLD Health, representing 166 public acute hospitals in the state of QLD, has expressed interest in the Resilience and Patient Safety (RAPS) training, and is awaiting outcomes from the evaluation at THHS. Dissemination of the TenCs has also occurred, and will continue, via national and international conferences and scientific peer-reviewed publications, webinars, and international collaboration with members of Resilient Health Care Net.
From L to R: Dr Christian Von Plessen (Centre for Quality, Region of Southern Denmark), Dr Paul Lane (award recipient, Townsville Hospital and Health Service), Dr Robyn Clay-Williams (award recipient, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, MQ), Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite (Director, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, MQ)
Groups related to this news
Centre for Health Informatics
Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research
Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science
News date
Friday, 9 September 2016
Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 7:19pm