Ageing well - A social participation and engagement tool

Ageing well - A social participation and engagement tool

The Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research, Australian Institute of Health Innovation in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences was recently awarded a Commonwealth Department of Health Dementia and Aged Care Services (DACS) Fund grant totalling $265,976 for the project “Ageing well - A social participation and engagement tool to enhance consumer choice and the delivery of quality, person-centred community aged care services”. The DACS Fund targets support for emerging priorities and challenges in aged care, focussing on areas such as dementia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, LGBTI, CaLD and people from diverse backgrounds.

The two-year project, led by Professor Andrew Georgiou, will integrate two validated surveys, the Australian Community Participation Questionnaire (ACPQ) and the ICEpop CAPability Measure for Older Adults (ICECAP-O), into the standard assessment processes for community aged care consumers of Uniting services in NSW and the ACT. The investigator team includes Professor Johanna Westbrook and Drs Joyce Siette and Mikaela Jorgensen from the Australian Institute of Health Innovation.

The project will:

  • ascertain the levels of social participation, and quality of life for a sample of community aged care consumers;
  • utilise the findings to enhance consumer care planning to target social participation and engagement;
  • measure the association between the delivery of community aged care services, social participation and quality of life; and
  • establish an integrated community aged care information infrastructure which can be used to continuously monitor the effectiveness of community care service provision on consumers’ social participation, quality of life and rate of sentinel health events.

Media contact: Professor Andrew Georgiou

Groups related to this news

Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research

News date

Friday, 23 June 2017

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 3:01pm

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