A new informatics geography

A new informatics geography

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Centre for Health Informatics

Event date

Thursday, 9 March 2017


Professor Enrico Coiera, Director Centre for Health Informatics, AIHI. View the seminar video.


Anyone with knowledge of information systems has experienced frustration when it comes to system implementation or use. Unanticipated challenges arise frequently and unanticipated consequences may follow.

In this talk I will work from first principles, to understand why information technology (IT) is often challenging, identify which IT endeavours are more likely to succeed, and hopefully help predict the best role that technology can play in different tasks and settings.

The fundamental purpose of IT is to enhance our ability to undertake tasks, supplying new information that changes what we decide and ultimately what occurs in the world.

The value of this information (VOI) can be calculated at different stages of the decision-making process and will vary depending on how technology is used. We can imagine a task space that describes the relative benefits of task completion by humans or computers and that contains specific areas where humans or computers are superior.

There is a third area where neither is strong and a final joint workspace where humans and computers working in partnership produce the best results.

By understanding that information has value and that VOI can be quantified, we can make decisions about how best to support the work we do. Evaluation of the expected utility of task completion by humans or computers should allow us to decide whether solutions should depend on technology, humans, or a partnership between the two.

Speaker profile

Enrico Coiera

Professor Enrico Coiera is Director of AIHI’s Centre for Health Informatics and Director, NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in e-health.

Professor Coiera is an internationally recognised research leader focussed on the application of information and communication technologies to solving health service delivery problems and creating sustainable health systems. Professor Coiera is currently working on topics in artificial intelligence, IT safety, implementation science, consumer e-health, and evidence-based decision support.

Seminar details

Date: Thursday 9th March 2017

Time: 12pm - 1pm

Venue: Seminar Room, Level 1, 75 Talavera Road, Macquarie University

Chairperson: Professor Johanna Westbrook, Director Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research

Please note a video recording of this seminar will be available on the AIHI website following the event.

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 11 Mar 2024 6:27pm

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