Health analytics and patient safety

Health analytics and patient safety

Information and communication technologies play a significant role in improving the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of the health system.  As such, technologies continue to make inroads into health care at all levels, generating huge volumes of dynamic data from electronic health record systems. Health data analytics provides insights into these rich data.

The Health Analytics team aims to improve health care through data analytics. Our main focuses are:

  • Developing and applying rigorous, cutting-edge research methods to evaluate the impact of eHealth interventions on patient safety and outcomes
  • Utilising rich dynamic electronic health record data to improve patient care delivery
  • Providing real-time information that can support decisions and deliver actionable insights

Stream team members

Associate Professor Ling Li

Associate Professor

Professor Johanna Westbrook
Professor and Director

Dr Md Bayzidur Rahman
Senior Research Fellow

Dr Nanda Aryal
Research Fellow

Ms Khalia Ackermann
Research Assistant and PhD Candidate


Dr Jannah Baker
Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Alain Koyama
Honorary Research Fellow

Stream coordinator:

Associate Professor Ling Li
Ph: 02 9850 2423

Content owner: Australian Institute of Health Innovation Last updated: 05 Jul 2024 2:11pm

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